"Waiting for Godot" is a very famous play that is mentioned almost every scripts book I read recently. (Today I just found another reference to it in another book.) As to what it's trying to tell, gotta wait until I read the script after I get it from my friend.
But from the little glimpse I had of it in the Wikipedia, it states that the play trying to tell us that
Life has no meaning.
A little joke I heard from the manager from the resturant I ate in just now :
A teacher teaching a 4 yrs old kindergarden kid maths.
Teacher: Boy, what is 2 + 2?
Little Boy: [Brought up his fingers and count] 1, 2, 3, 4. Teacher, 4.
Teacher: Cannot use finger count. Put your hands behind your back. Now, what is 3 + 3?
Little Boy: [Moving his fingers behind his back] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Teacher, 6.
Teacher: You are still using your fingers to count. Put your hands into your side pockets. Now, what is 5 + 5?
Little Boy: Erm... [Having some difficulties] ... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11!
Teacher: !!!
This is the most expensive meal I paid for in my whole life: $32/pax! The food is so so, but at least the service is good - got manager to tell dirty jokes.