Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back 2

Why some people drink coffee everyday?

Why some people smoke cigarette everyday?

Why freshgrads want to find a job asap?

Why some people are anxious to get attached?

Why some people believe in God?

Why Jiahong and Jiangfeng wants me to get a girlfriend?

Why Minghui thinks I would "fret" when I can't find a passion?

There may be hundred of reasons, but could one of them be that

People are afraid of Freedom ?

Everyone thought that they love freedom, but subconciously they know that freedom is scary. Without something/someone they can depend on, or attached to, or tell them what to do, be it a thing, a person, a religion, a goal, etc., they don't know what to do. They felt lost, empty.

"Life has no meaning," they would say.

And I would agree with them too. After experiencing so much freedom alone in a foreign country for extended period, I realised that, ya, Freedom. Is. SCARY. The only person deciding what you should do is yourself. The only person judging that the things you are doing are right is yourself. The only person you can depend on is yourself.


After understanding the "dark side" of freedom, I felt that I have grown up. After all, growing up is all about dealing with increasing freedom (even the freedom to give up freedom). But I will never give up my Freedom easily. To me, I believed that having options is always better than having no options. Hence, the religion I always wrote in the religion column of any forms:

Free Thinker.

So ya, to reply some of the comments of previous entry - having passion (aka "meaning of life") is good, having no passion is not that bad either... at least I am still free to be passionate about anything... or anyone. Haha!