Saturday, November 10, 2012


What is luck? How to be lucky?

My girlfriend presented 3 points:

1) Be Positive - (no matter what happens. Bad luck may be good luck in disguise, so, don't worry :)
2) Be Open - (to new experiences, so that there is a higher chance of getting good luck)
3) Be Prepared - (to seize the opportunity once good luck happened)

I like her presentation: simple, concise, and it's similar to my philosophy. Though I had, as a trader, distilled the essence of Luck into a precise mathematical concept. 

Luck is a Bell Curve. 
Understand Bell Curve, and you will understand EVERYTHING about Luck.

Imagine a Normal Distribution curve with "Returns", i.e, Luck, on the X-axis and "Probability" on the Y-axis. On the right tail end of the curve will be very high Returns (Good Luck), but with a very low probability of happening. On the left tail end will be very high negative Expected Returns (Bad Luck), but also with a very low probability of happening. The bulk of the "Bell" will be centered on Zero Return, which corresponds to the peak of the curve. 

So what does the Bell Curve tells you about Luck, and how to be lucky? Plenty.

1) Luck is Mean-Reverting

That means, sometime you will have good luck, sometime you will have bad luck. Over the long run, the extremes will neutralize each other and the Net Returns will still be ZERO, as defined by the Bell Curve. Understanding this, and you will have a stoic attitude towards instances of good luck or bad luck.

Everything is a cycle. Good Luck will be followed by Bad Luck, Bad Luck will be followed by Good Luck. But in the long run, it doesn't matter. So why worried about it? :)

2) Edges will shift the Luck Bell Curve

Successful people make their own luck. How? By finding advantages / edges! A trader's definition of an "edge" is that it's something provides Positive Expected Returns, i.e. the peak of the Normal Distribution curve is no longer centered at Zero, but at some positive values. The curve is now shifted to the right!

People who are successful pursue their competitive edges consciously, relentlessly and continuously. It is what it means by "making one's own luck". Once they found their own edges, they will be lucky in the long run! It is inevitable! 

To find an example of a positive edge, one needs to look no further than the P&L statement of a casino. 

3) Control / Limit your Risks 

Beware of the Black Swans. Think of every possibilities that might cause your downfall in case you have bad luck. Take steps to prevent or minimize these risks. 

The Luck Bell Curve have much fatter tails and much larger negative returns than you think. Highly recommend Nassim Taleb's books. 'Nuff said.

4) Law of Large Numbers

Once you found something with a positive edge that you can do, keep trying. Don't give up because of temporal bad luck or setbacks. The more times you throw your dice, the more likely you will realize your positive expected return, i.e. the more likely you will get lucky. Remember:

It is inevitable. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Important dates

7 Jul 2012 - First message
13 Oct 2012 - First met @ Tiong Baru Plaza
26 Oct 2012 - First attached @ Sentosa


There was a 9 year old little girl named Grace who led a happy carefree life together with her loving daddy and mommy. One morning, she woke up and finds that something is a little... different. The room seems a little quiet. Too quiet. As if all the sounds had been sucked out of the world. Feeling a little perplex, Grace got out of her bed and walked towards the door.

When Grace opens the door, she saw that all the lights in the living room were on, she walked to her parents bedroom to look for her mommy and daddy, but saw no one there. She thought this was strange because this is Sunday and her parents never work on a Sunday. So she thought her parents were hiding from her, she started to open one-by-one all the doors in the apartment to see if her parents could be hiding behind them; but still she cannot find them. At this point the only door she has not opened yet is the front door of the apartment.

She tried to open the door. It was locked. The lights flickered. The familiar living room now seems eerie to Grace, even though it was a bright sunny morning, What is going on? She thought. At this moment, the TV suddenly came to life. Grace walked towards the TV wearily. The screen was showing her exact same living room from a corner, and it was at night. There was a girl in the living room but Grace can't see her clearly. Then the TV camera zoomed in slowly on the girl. To Grace's surprise, the girl was Grace herself. And she was smiling at Grace.

"Hello Grace!" The little girl in the TV said to her with a big smile. Grace was stunned but also curious at the same time at what the girl is going to say next. "I am Grace91865, please do not be afraid. I am an animation, controlled by artificial intelligence" "Now you are alone in this apartment and my job is to guide you through your next 3 days. your parents like all other adults in this town have been infected with a disease that kids age 16 and below seem to be immune to. In 3 days, somebody will pick you up and take care of you...

Grace woke up with a start. It was so strange for her. Am I even capable of doing this? She thought. Grace walked out of her room and her house. It was a Sunday morning, but it was quiet... very quiet. The Sun was completely hidden by a depressing grayish haze. No one else could be seen on the streets, as far as the little Grace could see. Not even a single animal.

However, Grace was very used to this, though. She had seen the same scene everyday for the past 500 years.

But for the first time in 500 years, something different happened to her. Is this what they called...a dream? Who was that little girl that is identical to her?

Grace91865 sat down on the bench in her porch, looked up at the gloomy, hazy sky... and wondered.

- Written by Jiefeng & Clara