Monday, May 28, 2007

Oops I did it again.

I will say what I did at the end of the entry. Anwz here are some updates. I've been doing...


Report. And, last week has been hell.


What happened is this. My IA tutor told us during his last visit months ago that we can hand in our IA report one week after the end of attachment. So, I've been taking my own sweet time slowly typing, relak relak, entertaining my cousin and her husband from Malaysia, strolling along Singapore River with my dad while they are watching Phantom etc etc. UNTIL my tutor called last Monday and told us that we have to hand in by last Friday, no extension possible 'cos he's going on leave after Monday.


I panicked.


I worked like mad to complete my report until I finished what I wanted to write on Wednesday night. Word count: Ten Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Two. For the past week, have been getting headaches for the first three days and feeling extreme fatigue for the entire duration of the week, even until yesterday. Downed 3 Panadol and 2 bottles of Chicken Essence.


Almost died. Haha!



At least now I came back to life, and the movies I have been watched during the weekends are...


Pirates of the Caribbean and Next. My review is this: 


Pirates kinda sucks. I yawned countless times in the movie. I even thought the director is trying to change it into an arthouse film. And this time, our favourite Captain Jack Sparrow has became a supporting cast. A little bit disappointing. Maybe my bad review is due to the fact that I was watching alone and I was very tired on that day (Friday afternoon). But coincidentally Zao Bao's review also gave it 2 stars, which is VERY lousy. So, if you haven't watched it, you know what to expect and so you will find it better than expected. =) Btw don't wait for the scene after the credits. It is not worth it. (Made me more disappointed. Haha!)


On the other hand, Next, which I watched on Sat with a friend, is much better! (Maybe it is because I don't have such high hopes for it.) The story is about a magician (Nicholas Cage) who has the ability of knowing his future 2 mins in advance and how he helps FBI stops a nuclear terrorist group. Story is by Philips K Dick (author of Minority Report), who is one of my favourite authors. The ending is... debatable. Zao Bao gives 3.5 stars. Not a must watch. But a good watch. =)



Currently I'm reading...


The Witch of Portobello and Fables.


The Witch is a new book from my favourite author Paulo Coelho. It is a story about the life of a woman called Athena, whom had been murdered at the start of the story... Hmmm... Haha! I'm still trying to figured out what has happened. Anw it has been as inspiring as ever. Nice!


The Fables is a graphic novel (story by Bill Willingham) series about a group of fairy tales characters (such as Snow White, Big Bad Wolf, Prince Charming etc) who had escape the destruction of their homelands and came to live among us a long time ago. The way the characters are portrayed is very fresh and interesting. Eg. Prince Charming is a man who can't stand marriages and had since divorced Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. (Singying, thanks for the recommendation! =) Highly recommended. (Though be warned that it contains adult themes that may not be suitable for those who haven't reach 21. Hmmm... SY, have u reached 21? Haha!) 


Hmmm I've also reread Little Prince halfway before I got hooked by the Witch. The absurbity of grown-ups... Must keep in mind to remain young at heart. =P



I've been playing...


Lastknights and Bomberman!


Lastknights is the all time favourite in the office. Bomberman is the new favourite. Play against your fellow colleagues using the same keyboard for endless joy and laughter! 



There are other games in too! Feel free to try if you are VERY free. The perfect time killer. Boxhead is another favourite in the office. 



I want to watch...


Fantastic Four, Shrek 3, and Wong Kar Wai's Dream (theatre show by Finger Players)


Khakis needed! Anw I dunno what Wong Kar Wai's Dream is about. All I know is ... Wong Kar Wai is one of my favourite directors. Finger Players is the theatre company who did 0501. A friend is working as a crew inside. That is why I want to watch. Details: Tickets - S$50, S$40, S$30, S$20. Student 20% discount. 13 - 15 Jun. Drama Centre. 8pm.  Anyone for any of the shows above? =)



Time to reveal what I did again....


I scratched my dad's car again for the xth time. (Lost count liao.)


I've no problem on the road, being one with the car, crusing through like a wind. But when it comes to parking, I'm damned careless. Haiz...


There is one thing I love about my dad: He always forgives my mistakes... without making a big fuss out of it. (That is where he is different from my mum. =P The scratch will cost hundreds to repair.) For that, I'm grateful.  Thanks dad! =)


(I'm not that innocent.)


P.S. But I don't think he will send it for repair la. He didn't repair the past 2 times also. =P



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Today is a happy day, because...

... I finally got my broadband... because I received my GST Offset Package ($300, woohoo!)... because the series of comics I reserved arrived (Fables)... because I'm finally making some headway into my IA report (I've gathered 6 other reports as reference =P)... because my IA is ending (16 working days to go!)... because the work now is less stressful... because I've a group of friends around me who are also very cheerful and happy (due to the previous 2 reasons I guess =)...


Hmmm... actually the news nowadays are quite depressing, good people died for no good reasons... woman killed by fallen raintree while jogging, 2 visiting Singaporean soldiers who were in a storeroom at the base were killed in a jet crash, etc etc. But I guess although the news themselves are sad, they are telling us to be happy precisely. Life is so unpredictable - you can leave this world anyime, and sometime it will be a time when it is most unexpected. Life is limited - you don't live forever. So, while you are living, do whatever you want, enjoy whatever you like, be happy and live life to the fullest. This is the best tribute to those who left us for another world.


I found this phrase from a novel I'm reading currently:


"You are not dead. Yet you are not alive either."


Does this sounds familiar? Sometime I really feel that way. This is worst than feeling sad or depressed. Lucky I don't feel this way nowadays. These days I tried hard to make everyone around me feel happy whenever I can, ie, giving life to other people. I guess if I'm going to open my Shop in the future, I've gotta start living out my life philosophy. So everyone,