Friday, July 27, 2007

The Sandman Review

I've finally finished reading The Sandman (book 1 to 11) by Neil Gaiman. Now I'm reading The Sandman Companion by Hy Bender. I guess The Sandman will be the only the comic that I have to/ am willing to read a guidebook to fully appreciate the story. Anwz I'll give a brief synopsis of what the Sandman is all about.


Basically, the Sandman is all about... the Sandman himself, and the people around him. Sandman, also known as Dream, Morpheus, King of Stories etc etc, is one of the 7 beings who are known as the Endless. He, together with Destiny, Death, Destruction, Despair, Desire and Delirium, was there before or soon after the Universe is created, and are older than the Gods themselves. (The real reason why he is created so early is because Neil wanted to put in all kinds of stories, ancient or modern, alien or human, into the series.) The 7 of them are siblings and needless to say, each have their own functions.


The story starts in 1916 with an English magician trying to imprison Death, but caught Dream instead. Dream was trapped until 1988, when he escaped and dealt out some punishments. Later he set out to recover his artifacts and reorganised his realm (which had fallen into disrepair) and hunted down some rogue dreams. (Book 1 - 2)


After Sandman got everything in order and a heart to heart chat with his elder sister, Death, he prepared to go to Hell to release his former lover, Nada, whom he had condemned ten thousand years ago, from her torment. However to do this, he gotta go through the ruler of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar, who hates him. Will he succeed? (Book 4)


300 years ago, Destruction left his realm, his responsibiltiy and his family to travel the world. No one has seen him since. Delirium, youngest in the family and missing her brother, begged Dream to help her find him. Dream patronisingly agreed. Nobody can seek Destruction and come out unscathed. What will happen? (Book 7)


Interposing between the main storyline are collections of loosely related short stories, stories about... the bargain between Dream and William Shakesphere; a world where cats once hunts humans like mice; the 1st and last emperor of the United State of America (Joshua Abraham Norton really existed!); an ancient king of Baghdad trying to preserve his city's glory in dream; the adventure of a faerie ambassador etc etc... I loved these short stories... (Book 3, 6, 8)


Book 9 The Kindly Ones is one thick book showing the full repercussions of the decisions Dream made in Book 4 and 7. It is the climax of the story. But I think it is abit too confusing.


Book 10 The Wake is the aftermath of the climax and the conclusion of the entire Sandman story.


Book 11 Endless Nights is the last book of the series, showcasing 7 short stories, 1 for each of the Endless... 2 of which I totally don't understand. But the rest is super nice.



The Sandman is one comic that is unique from all other comics. If you like interesting stories, this is a must read. Sometimes it may be a little draggy and boring and hard to understand, but mostly it is highly entertaining and it makes you think. You will get through those 'arghhh' parts in no time. Haha!


P.S.  I like Fables better. At least I don't have to read guidebook. (There is no guidebook on Fables also la.) =P 



P.P.S. By the way, I found this: The 7 little Endless!!! 


("They didn't even look remotely human. None of us did, back then." commented Cain to his brother Abel, who was telling a little baby a story about Dream and Death when they were young.)  



 From the left: Desire, Despair, Delirium, Dream, Matthew (the bird), Death, Destiny and Destruction.



Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Three Little Red Riding Pigs

This little story is from a very interesting book which I borrowed from ADM library called Ideas Have Legs by Ian McMillan and Andy Martin. It goes like this:





A pre-teen mini novel combing two of your favourite stories. Hear two at once then you'll have more time for the video nasties.



Pigs. House. Sticks. Huff. Puff. Wolf. Big face.

See you with. Pigs. House. Straw. Huff. Puff.

Wolf. Big nose. Sniff you with. Pigs. Bricks.

House. Granny. Woocutter. Eyes. Bricks.

Pigs. Wolf. Confused. Wolf. Identity crisis.

Wolf. Psychiatrist. Pigs. Granny. Woodcutter.

All happy. Psychiatrist is R. R. Hood.

Surprise ending.



Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quote of the day

"The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it." - Joan Rivers


I saw this at the Quote of the Day on my blog, after I just jogged in the morning. Kinda amusing, haha! Gotta smile when I jog... but I think very hard la. Anw school is starting soon, hopefully I can still continue this good habit of exercising even when I'm busy studying.




Anw I discovered this chinese website that helps you see whether your name is good or not. Can try check it out. 


This is my report (partial). It says that I will be lonely before I reach 36 (my 地格) . Sad... cannot find gf le... T_T


得上下惠助,顺调成功发展,基础强固,境域安泰。子孙繁荣,心身健康而获得幸福及长寿的配置。  (吉)
→ 详细解释:

境遇稳固,能得部下之力,地位,财产均稳定妥当。  (吉)
受上级长辈的照顾关心,能顺利成功发达。  (吉)
感情敏锐,善于社交,明朗活泼,善于改造根基,有出类拔萃的活动能力,家庭生活快乐。三才良善者大吉。  (吉 )




Sunday, July 22, 2007

JJ family outing

Went out with a bunch of guys JC friends yesterday. Went out with a bunch of gals JC friends today. Both gatherings ended up in Raffles City. Anwz nothing much to blog abt the guys... we are still our same old crappy selves, talking cock the whole night. Lets blog about the gals.


Somehow, gals of the same age as me are all very accomplished career-wise at this point of time. One is comtemplating to change job already, one is writing policies in Ministry Of Health (albeit they are all not approved), one is studying for her Masters and getting paid at the same time, one has just graduated from Medicine School and is now HO (House Officer) in some hospital... (better record all their job status down before I forgot, wait they accuse me of forgetting again... haha!)


...and all the while I'm still a undergrad and slacking around and doing bo liao things such as going Sungei Buloh watch birds tmr. I really feel quite young and a bit ignorant compared to them. Actually I rarely feel young these days... Nice hanging around with you all, sisters, haha!


Btw I stress to you sisters: ordering a scope of chocolate ice-cream in a class resturant and a cup of kiwi juice at Mix is not 'boring' ok...


Sometimes the best things in life lies in its simplictiy.





Photo koped from Shirong's blog.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Irritating habits of good people

Recently I've been going out with friends alot, to meet up for movies, meals, party or to do project. I found that some people have very irritating habits despite their inherently good nature. I guess maybe I should put up a discussion here to see if I should be irritated with those habits. Maybe I'm wrong to be irritated with them. Maybe those habits are the social norm? So lets see...


Being Late


Normally I'm ok with people being late for 5-10 mins, though I'll not be very happy about it, esp those people who are punctually late for 5-10 mins. But still, it's ok. I admit I do that sometimes also.


BUT, for those people who are always more than 15mins late, without fail... I think this is being irresponsible. You may think it is no big deal. However, do you know that you are wasting other people's time, other people's life!!! Moreover, you are not keeping your promise, not only that, you are habitually breaking promise again and again! Also, it shows that you couldn't care less about the person you are meeting with. He/she/they are nothing to you. You don't give a damn that they are waiting for you. Would you be late to a VERY important event, such as your job interview? Lastly, if you can't do such a simple task as keeping on time, what will other think about your capabilities?


You may think it is a small matter, late only ma, so serious meh? However, that is what other people think of you when you are late, esp when you are late everytime. So friends, for your own sake, please kick the bad habit of being late. What's wrong with reaching the place earlier abit? You die die must make other people wait for you meh???



Being Late (Part 2)


IF, you are already late, or you already know you will be late, please, as a basic courtesy, inform those people you are meeting that you will be late, and give an accurate timing what time you will arrive. Here I stressed - ACCURATE timing. Nothing is more irritating than the fact that you come even later than the new, already late, timing that you gave.


Last Tuesday, a friend and I arranged to meet at 12pm in Dolby Ghaut.


At 11.20pm: she SMS me that she will reached only on 12:15pm. I was already on the train.


11.55pm: I reached.


12.15pm: she called and told me she will reach at 12:30pm.


12.40pm: she arrived, finally.



If you were me, how will you feel? What will you think of that person, esp if you don't know her?


(Despite what you all think, she is a very nice girl la. =P)


If you can't estimate your time when you reach properly, just tell your friend your whereabout. Let your friend do the estimating. DO NOT, I stress, DO NOT give an inaccurate timing!





The above are my personal opinion. Am I wrong? Is it ok that pple should be late? Or it is ok for gals to be late? Maybe it is my habit of being punctual that is wrong, because a surprising number of people like to be late. Point out to me, then I will change my habit accordingly. =)



Not Replying to SMS


The problem here isn't not being prompt in replying SMS. You may not have seen the SMS at the time when it is sent to you. Or you are too busy to reply the message. You may even forget to reply the message afterword. But eventually, you reply. Maybe a day later, or even 2 days later (which is sometimes VERY irritating also). But you replied. So, it is ok.


The problem here is: You do not reply to SMS, at all.


So, in what situations do you not reply to other people's SMS?


Case 1) When you didn't receive it.


Ok, sometimes it happens, once in a blue moon. But it definitely will not happen to every SMS that I sent.


Case 2) When the SMS is forwarded.


I personally don't reply forwarded SMSes, though I appreciate them.


Case 3) When the SMS is stupid or lame or insulting. 


I don't send those kind of SMS, I think. =p


Case 4) When you don't give a damn to the person who sent you the SMS. This person is not even a friend!!!








Let us take one example, just to see what you all think. A simple well-wishing message :


"Hi XXX, Happy Birthday!"


Will you reply? Yes, no, maybe?


For me, I may not reply if I feel lazy. But most of the time I will reply "thank you". Basic courtesy.



What about:


"Hi XXX, Happy Birthday! How have you been?"


To me, this one is a must reply message, 'cos it is a question. Anyone think otherwise?



So, what if you msg this to a good friend and the person didn't reply? What will you think?


You will think it is Case 1: The person didn't receive the message right?



What if you SMS your good friend THREE times and the person didn't reply??


Case 4??




I don't know if this is a bad habit. If it is a bad habit, it is a Friendship-Killer bad habit, to me at least. Hmmm... maybe I'm too serious abt it? Can someone convince me it is ok to ignore other pple / friends' SMS?



(Actually I may have this habit... Hopefully I didn't kill any friendships this way. I hereby say that I'm sorry to all friends whose SMSes I didn't reply for one reason or another.)



Being Uncontactable During Critical Period


Actually there is no right or wrong for being uncontactable, people sometimes gets uncontactable from time to time. However, if you picked up your handphone and see 100 miss calls and 100 unread messages... please understand that your friend is not very happy with you and the least you can do is say that you are sorry, even though you are not wrong. Apologise won't die.




I always apologise. Those who are close to me like Soonguan, Richard, Jiahong, Yongren etc they all will know. Actually the word 'sorry' is extremely easy to use and apporpriate for most circumstances, for example:


"Jiahong, you are NOT thin. I'm sorry."


Simple? LOL!



Disclaimer: The above bad habit has nothing to do with Jiahong. He is just an example in the sentence constructing.





To end off, nobody is perfect. Everyone got a bad habit or two, including me. They say a good friend is like a mirror: they point out your mistakes. Nowadays mirrors are hard to find. I hope this entry can serve as a mirror, for me as well as you. Hope you can become a better person, friend. =)



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Psychological Tests

Koped this from an old entry of PF's blog since a friend asked me if I know any psycho tests today... (PF, you won't mind right? =P)



** 1 9 5 0 **

What is your first thought when you saw the above number?

1) Year

2) Phone number

3) Money

4) Combination code in a locker room



1) You think he/she is very smart love his/her brain.

2) You love his/her personality....Everything he/she does is beautiful.

3) Let's face love his/her money.

4) You love his/her like a good looking person .



You decided to go for a cave tour. What kind of caves do you want to visit?

1) Cave with a narrow entrance but a wide exit.

2) Cave with a same space of entrance and exit.

3) Cave with a wide entrance but a narrow exit.



The philosophy behind this test indicates how you spend your money......

1) You easily spend your money much more than what you earn.

2) You keep balance between the money you can earn and the money you spend.

3) Stingy you! Though you have earned a lot of money but you hardly spend it off.



Noticing a new plant pop up from the ground, what is your first thought?

1) Glad and want it to grow quickly.

2) Be careful.Don't step on it.

3) Oh!Will it give flowers?

4) Thank God!Many thanks to you,God,for its growth.

5) All right! No more watering!


This test indicates your attitude towards your parents....

1) You don't want your parents to interfere whatever you are doing.

2) You feel grateful to your parents for bringing you up and making you a nice person.

3) You rely on your parents so much and want them to be always close to you.

4) You have your sincere thanks to your parents.

5) You want to be self-survived as soon as possible.



Your selection of the chair can tell you the type of person you are.

1) Cloth covered

2) Leather covered

3) Wood

4) Cushioned

5) One with a built-in massager



1)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be together with you always, no matter when or where.

2)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be more open with you about himself/herself..

3)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to take more care of his/her dress and manner.

4)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be a little bit more relaxed, calm and composed.

5) One with built-in massager. You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to do more for you.

The message behind the question:

A chair is for sitting on. If you choose to sit on certain chair,you have no suspicions or distrust towards it. This is the same psychology present in our relationship with the people we like. In other words, the qualities you look for in a chair are similar to the qualities you look for in a partner.



If you could have the third eye on your body, where would you put it on?

1) your head

2) your heart

3) your back

4) your hand



1) You have no respect to your lover, instead, you often exploit him/her. As far as love is concerned, you are too QUICK. You easily fall in love with someone and leave him/her right away when you get bored.

2) Since you are scared of being cheated by the others or not wanting to be disappointed again, you, therefore seem to be contented with your unrequited love.

3) It takes you a long time and big effort before falling in love with someone. But, once you are in love, you will love him/her with all your heart,sincerely and forever

4) It is hard for you to get deeply involved with someone.Most of your relationships are just more than friends but less than lovers.



There is a cake with plenty of room to put many more candles on it. How many more candles do you want to put on the cake?

1) One

2) Two

3) Three or four

4) More than five




1) Wow! You seem wanting to get married as soon as possible.You may get married at the age of 20 or right after you have finished your education.

2) You want to be married a little sooner than the other.However,you want your marriage to be agreed and pleased by the others.

3) You want to enjoy your youngster life as long as possible.So you don't want to be married too soon. You may get married when you are over 25 even you already have your steady loved one.

4) You are full of curiosity. You are curious about everything.You want to travel and accumulate your experience more and more.You want to prove yourself with the challenging work.You may enjoy your unmarried life until you are 30 or over even you have had so many lovers by then.


Thursday, July 12, 2007


Luck is such a fickle thing.


I lost $60 on roulette on the cruise.


Bad luck.


My industrial attachment result got an 'A'.


Getting 'A' when you worked hard is one thing.


Getting 'A' when you are playing games in the office... most of the time... is another thing. (Haha!)


Good luck.


I picked up $2 on the road today. (=P)


My 'A' costed me $58.





Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Create, Innovate, ?

Remember that I said in my previous entry that Americans are Creative, Japanese are Innovative? Look at this headline:



Now then I remember there is a third part to the story. Chinese...







Cruise (Angel and Devil)

Spent 3 days 2 nights on cruise last week, lost more money and eaten more than planned (I was... ). If the previous weeks are slack, last week was pure fan4 jian4. It really feels like the Devil is on board the ship, telling me throughout the journey...


"Gaamble isss goood, ggo casssinoo gaamblee... loook, yyoour frriends haave earnned so mmuchh mooneyy..."


"Eeat, yoou havve allreaddyy paiid forr itt... it'ss freee, jusst eatt..."



Then you can hear the Angel said,



"Don't gamble. You can't win against the casino. Don't try!"


"Don't eat too much. You are getting damn fat. Damn it!"



In the battle between Angel and Devil, the Devil won. Shit.



Besides eating and gambling, we went snorkel, play cards, looking at babes, swim, jacuzzi, steam bath, hot bath, spa, sauna, watch live shows (dance, magic, acrobatic), enjoyed sea breeze blah blah blah... and eat, and eat. Enjoyable, but duo4 luo4.


Next time if I ever go on cruise again, I won't go with gamblers. (Damn Jiahong, Yongren, Richard!)