Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cruise (Angel and Devil)

Spent 3 days 2 nights on cruise last week, lost more money and eaten more than planned (I was... ). If the previous weeks are slack, last week was pure fan4 jian4. It really feels like the Devil is on board the ship, telling me throughout the journey...


"Gaamble isss goood, ggo casssinoo gaamblee... loook, yyoour frriends haave earnned so mmuchh mooneyy..."


"Eeat, yoou havve allreaddyy paiid forr itt... it'ss freee, jusst eatt..."



Then you can hear the Angel said,



"Don't gamble. You can't win against the casino. Don't try!"


"Don't eat too much. You are getting damn fat. Damn it!"



In the battle between Angel and Devil, the Devil won. Shit.



Besides eating and gambling, we went snorkel, play cards, looking at babes, swim, jacuzzi, steam bath, hot bath, spa, sauna, watch live shows (dance, magic, acrobatic), enjoyed sea breeze blah blah blah... and eat, and eat. Enjoyable, but duo4 luo4.


Next time if I ever go on cruise again, I won't go with gamblers. (Damn Jiahong, Yongren, Richard!)




  1. Jie Feng, next time... Bribe the devil.

  2. Jie Feng, next time... Bribe the devil.And they say desire is cruel~ (Quoted from Sandman)

  3. How to bribe? Haha!
