Friday, March 28, 2008

Why is it recommended that you do assignments only on the LAST minute?

The story goes like this:


Off the coast of Japan lie several tiny islands whose population of Macaques monkeys were under continuous scientific observation for over twenty years. Daily, the participating scientists would strategically place potatoes on a beach in order to entice the monkeys out of the jungle and into the open for observation.


One day, one of these monkeys on an island learned to wash those potatoes, and gradually, this new behavior was spread through the colony of monkeys on the island - in the usual fashion, through observation and repetition. However, the scientists observed that once a critical number of monkeys was reached—the so-called 'hundredth monkey'—this previously learned behaviour spontaneously and instantly spread across the water to all the monkeys on nearby islands.


This is called the Hundredth Monkey Effect.


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Collective Unconscious is a term originally coined by Carl Jung. It is also known as "a reservoir of the experiences of our species", or the "racial memory".


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So how do the above concepts apply to assignments?


At the beginning, when an assigment is given to the students, nobody knows how to do it. As time goes by, more and more students will attempt the assignment, do research, and try to figure out the answers. By the time when it is jus one or two days before the due date, most of the students will have done the assignments and know the answer.


This is where the Collective Unconscious and YOU come in!


Once the number of students who know the answer pass a critical threshold, their knowledge, which is stored in the Collective Unconscious, will be significant enough to be tap by YOU! By then, you can do your assignment easily and effortlessly since you are accessing the answers in the Collective Unconcious of all the students who have done the assignment. The feeling will be something like:
*Ding!* (Light bulb come out from the head) "Eh? How come I suddenly know the answer??"


If anyone has any doubt about what I said, ponder about this:


If monkeys can do it, why can't you?


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I have been relying on this concept for the past 3+ years in NTU. Since I still survive, I guess it works to a certain extent. It has been one of my closely-guarded secrets of surviving in NTU and I disclose it only because I am graduating soon. To juniors reading my blog, you can make good use of it. =)


However, please take note, there are risks of using this method:


If everyone do their assignment the last minute, then YOU. ARE. DEAD. Hmmm... Actually not quite la. If everyone is as dead as you, then you are still ok. Haha!


Another thing to note is that if the number of people doing the assignment is small, ie. not many student taking the same module as you, the effect may not be that obvious. 


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I have one assignment due next next monday, another on next next thursday, and I don't have a single clue on how to do them. I am still waiting for that sudden flash of inspiration from the Collective Unconcious. God, please make that hundredth monkey faster do his assignment!!!


(Or let everyone be as dead as me.)



Thursday, March 20, 2008


Minghui briefly mentioned Zen in her blog. It reminds me of this Zen story which I like alot. This story also brings out the core philosophy of Zen, and it roughly goes like this:



Once upon a time, there was this very highly respected Zen master, 禪宗五祖 - 弘忍, who knew he was going to die soon. So, in order to decide who would be his successor, he called all his diciples to him and said:


"Today, I am going to test you on your understanding on Zen teachings. Summarise the Zen philosophy into a short 4 sentence poem. Who wants to go first?" The eldest diciple, 神秀, stood up and recited this poem:

身是菩提树,  Body is Puti tree,
心如明镜台;Heart is like mirror stand.
时时勤拂拭,  Clean frequently and deligently,
莫使染尘埃。Never let them get dusty.




What he meant was that a man's Body and Heart (Mind) will always have impure thoughts. We must practice Zen meditation frequently and deligently to purify the Mind and Body to reach a peaceful and enlightened state.


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Everyone clapped. All the diciples thought it was a very good poem which clearly demostrated a good understanding of the Zen philosophy. However, at this point, another diciple, 慧能, suddenly stood up and said he has another poem! It goes like this:

菩提本非树, Puti originally is not tree,
明镜亦非台, Mirror is also not stand.
本来无一物, If there is Nothing in the first place,
何处染尘埃? Where do the dust land on?




This is in reponse to 神秀's poems, demonstrating another interpretation of the Zen philosophy. 神秀's understanding of Zen state still includes 'Body' and 'Mind'. However,  慧能's understanding of Zen is that Zen's eventual aim to reach a state that is so PEACEFUL that even the concept of 'Self' (tree / body and mirror / mind) is forgotten - so much so that the issue of 'impure thoughts' is not even an issue anymore. Only then can TRUE enlightenment be achieved.


This is the real meaning of Zen saying: "万物皆空".


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So in the end, 弘忍 passed the mantle to 慧能, who became 禪宗六祖. 神秀 eventually went off and set up another school in the north, teaching his understanding of Zen, hence dividing Zen into two schools of thoughts - the new 禪宗北宗 and the original 中土禪宗.


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So, Minghui, when you said, 'Need to practice Zen.... seriously... clear my mind...' , do you mean 'clear your mind of impure thoughts' or literally 'clear your mind' (until you have no mind)? Haha!


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Actually, I have composed another poem in response to 慧能 's poem!  It goes like this:











Disclaimer: Translation and interpretation of the poems is done by me, they may not be 100% true to the meaning behind the poems (esp the 'mirror stand' part, haha).



Friday, March 14, 2008

In memory of grandma

My grandma passed away last week.

For those who are concerned about me, dont worry. I didn't grieve. Frankly speaking, I am not very close to my grandma. I guess it is due to language barrier.

Still, I dutifully attended all the rituals that a grandson is supposed to attend. At the moment when they send her coffin into the incinerator, I prayed...

'Ah ma, may you move on to wherever world you are supposed to go peacefully. Hope you will live a better life in your next life...'

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The funeral took place at a time when it was the busiest period for me... right in the middle of the week where I was supposed to rush for a 60+ pages FYP report due the next Monday.

On those few days, Time abruptly came to a standstill.

Suddenly, I could not do my report anymore. Instead, I had to sit for hours listening to scriptures in rituals, or burning paper money, talking to my cousins, waiting for things to start. Not just me, everyone else had to stop whatever they were doing to stay around for the funeral...

Time around that particular void deck stopped. Outside, Time raged on, never slowing, never stopping......

At that particular point in Time. Peace ensued. Contemplation. During a Funeral. What is the Meaning of Life?

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Most, if not all, stories I heard about my grandma are those that said that she had caused a lot of unhappiness to her daughters, sons and husbandmostly over monetary matters. She never did anything to me though. I guess she must have reasons for what she did... a woman who reared up 5 children, went through war and economic downturns, naturally had more concerns about money.

However, her life will be something I will never ever know in its entirety. Was it good? Was she happy? What kind of person is she? I don't know and I will never know. The only things I know about her were from the stories I was told...

...and that she gave me a very big Ang Bao during Chinese New Year two months ago.

How do you want people to remember you when you die?

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What happened when you die?

During a ritual where the Buddhist scripture was chanted, a handbook is given to allow us to follow through and understand the ritual. The scripture described a Heaven where there are a lot of colors, a lot different gods. A place of peacefulness. It is time to let go of everything. Everything doesn't matter anymore. It is now time to pass on. And go to this Heaven.

Another ritual (of Taoist origin?), which lasted for the entire day, was done to invite the Earth God up to bring the spirit down personally. This was to prevent the spirit from being bullied on her way to another world.

I tried to sense my grandma's presence/spirit throughout the funeral...

I could not sense anything.

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If spirits exist... Grandma, I hope you are now in the Heaven with a lot of colors.

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... After the funeral, Time furiously accelerated back to its usual hectic, crazy pace. Never slowing. Never stopping. Until you die.