Sunday, February 15, 2009

Touched Down

Finally reached my apartment in St Louis, Missouri after a 24 hrs + journey. As a lady in my plane aptly put it, "it is a miracle that I can still walk!" Anw just some updates:

The time here now is 7am Sunday, equivalent to Singapore 9pm Sunday, 14 hours earlier in Singapore. The temperature here is around 0 Degree Celsius. Going outside now is equivalent to going into a freezer, it's damn cold. Steam will come out of your mouth when you breath here. Better stay in my apartment... though it is also damn cold in here. And btw, my apartment here is surprisingly big. I have a room and toilet and a queen size bed all to myself. Shiok! It almost feels like it is worth it to suffer 24+ hours just to get here. Almost. Hopefully the rest of the 3 months will be just as shiok.

Mind is still a bit groggy as I can't sleep since I woke up at 4am just now (equivalent of 6pm in Singapore... you know, knock off timing). Feel free to message me if you need anything from US. 

Happy Belated Valentine's Day! 

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