Monday, March 30, 2009

New hobbies

No. 1: Watch Hannah Montana.


The cable tv here have a hundred channels, literally. One of my favourite is the Disney channel, where they will show Hannah Montana without fail every single day. Back when I was back in Singapore, I have heard of this person without knowing who the hell is she. Only when I am in US and chance upon an episode of Hannah Montana then I realise it was a very funny comedy serial!


Anw, it was about this 16 year old girl whose show name is called Hannah Montana and she is a world renown superstar. However her real name is called Miley Stewart (and her really real real name is Miley Cyrus... can be really confusing...) and no-one knows about her superstar identity except her family and a couple of close friends. Then the show is about the interesting things that happened around her, her father, her brother and her friends... all of whom are damn funny by themselves. And the father in the show is really her real father in real life! Pretty cool guy. =)


A good show to watch when you have nothing to do. The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and Wizards of Waverly Place are pretty good too! America has some pretty damn good scriptwriters and actors. And they are showing Hannah Montana the Movie here soon. You bet I am going to watch!


No. 2: Coin collecting.


The coins here in USA are damn confusing. They are called quarters, dimes, pennies etc, and their size is not proportional to the value it contains. It took us quite along while to figure what their values actually are. For the uninitiated, quarters are 25 cents, dimes are 10 cents and pennies are 1 cents.  


Anw the quarters here are very interesting. They have this State Quarters Program where they release 50 different types of quarters, each having a different picture for each of the 50 American states. And so yup, I have collecting them for the past 6 weeks... right now I got 36/50. Quite hard to find the rest though, but I will continue to try hard! *determined*


No. 3: Shopping


Self explanatory. Spent around S$3000 during my past 6 weeks here. Mostly on food though. But here is a freaking shopping heaven! CK, Gap, Nike, Adidas, Fossil, Coach etc etc... Shiok!



Another day in USA.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

World Peace

Watched the latest episode of Gundam 00, where the protagonist (Setsuna F Seiei) suddenly "evolved" (reached enlightenment) during one of their final battles and his Gundam began to emit light/particles to everywhere. And where the light touches, everyone starts to understand everyone else and the fighting stops.


How good this will be, if such thing exists?


Will it be possible that everybody understands everybody else?


Is it possible to have no wars, and everyone lives in peace?


That is what I like about Gundam series... it makes you think about whether a world with no wars and no fighting is possible. And what means it will take to achieve this. Songs? Gundam? Or the magical GN particles?


Considering current technology... Will Web 2.0, eg. Facebook, blogs etc etc. achieve the same thing, allowing people to understand one another? I guess it is going in the right direction, but it is still far from the goal of achieving world mutual understanding and peace. With the internet, everyone can post their ideas online, promoting understanding between one another. However, the problem is also that EVERYONE post their ideas online. There are simply too much information online for a normal human being to absorb.


That is human capability limitation.


Until technology allows humans to absorb information at the speed of light, (Web 10.0 perhaps, where world wide information is fed directly to the brain), world understanding won't work. (Perhaps we really need GN particles.) And that is only the first hurdle.


The second obstacle is human imperfection. Everyone is has a dark side within oneself, no one is a saint. We can only keep the dark side under control. Under certain circumstances , be it extraordinary ones, but still, the dark side will eventually be unleashed. This is due to the simple fact that human beings has needs... and greed. Until human beings has satisfied all his needs and reach a certain level of civilization to control his greed, living in peace will not be possible.


Well... can we reach that level of civility and understanding of each other? No one knows. In the Watchman and Gundam, the idea is that ONLY a designed catastrophic event which push human beings to the blink of extinction can push human beings through its next evolution. Do we really need that? Can we not naturally become enlightened ourselves as a species? Maybe not in a hundred years, but perhaps in a thousand, or ten thousand?


Before we destroy ourselves.


Things to think about.



Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Random random

Working in a foreign place for a long period... sometimes you just lost track of time. There is nothing much to look forward to on weekends. You can't go out, cos you are already "out". You can't meet friends cos you don't have any friends here. You can't go where you want to go most of the time, cos you are sharing a car with someone else.


Ramble ramble... The reason why I am writing this blog now is precisely because I am sharing the car with someone else. If not I will already be back in my own apartment doing some other things.


Oh well... life isn't perfect most of the time.



Anw a friend mentioned that now being all alone in a foreign place, it is a good time to think about somethings... like...


What you want to be in life? What you hope to achieve in the future? etc etc.


I tried to think about it. But my head hurts. I just live where life takes me. A paper boat in the grand river of life. Let it be.



I don't know why... but recently I felt very cranky. I am very easily upset by a lot of things. For example, people want to waste time chatting in  the company instead of going back to the apartment. And I am stuck with them... ya know... the car sharing thingy. I HATE to stay in the office when I have finished all my work. What is the point of wayang?? (esp now there is no one to wayang to.) 


I need to change my altitude. Positive thinking, Jiefeng. POSITIVE THINKING!


You want to waste time. Fine. Waste time. I will write my blog.


~ An entry written inside the Boeing company.  



Next: Miniclip time!! 45 more minutes to waste. Yeah!