1. Freedom - As a trader I can choose to trade wherever I wants, whenever I wants (mostly), and the rest of the time, do whatever I wants.
2. Independence - Working under an organization means your income (lifeline) is under the control of that organization. It is like another person is putting a hand around your throat, 非常不舒服. A family doctor, a lawyer, a boss, a trader controls their own income. An engineer doesn't.
3. Compounding - Trading (and investing and doing businesses) is a way to "钱生钱", as compared to "劳力生钱". "钱生钱" is a positive feedback cycle, as in 钱生钱生钱生钱生钱生钱 etc etc etc. Wealth grow faster this way. Very much faster.
I imagine there are 3 stages of goals in my life after I graduate.
Stage 1: Earn capital
Stage 2: Grow capital
Stage 3: Spend capital
Stage 1 is comparable to finding seeds. Stage 2 is like planting the seeds to grow fruits, and then use the seeds from the new fruits grown to grow more fruits. Stage 3 is... just to enjoy the fruits. :D
As of now, Stage 1 will be completed on the 20 May 2011. Stage 2 will be starting soon. Stage 3... I will "worry" about it when the time comes. Most likely it will involve travelling around the world, sport car(s), condo(s), piano, and maybe volunteer works. =)