Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why I Want to be Trader?

Yesterday,  I was being asked this question. I wasn't able to articulate my reasons coherently at that point of time because all the ideas are in the back of my head. After sleeping through it, they are now in front of my head:

1. Freedom - As a trader I can choose to trade wherever I wants, whenever I wants (mostly), and the rest of the time, do whatever I wants. =P

2. Independence - Working under an organization means your income (lifeline) is under the control of that organization. It is like another person is putting a hand around your throat, 非常不舒服. A family doctor, a lawyer, a boss, a trader controls their own income. An engineer doesn't.

3. Compounding - Trading (and investing and doing businesses) is a way to "钱生钱", as compared to "劳力生钱". "钱生钱" is a positive feedback cycle, as in 钱生钱生钱生钱生钱生钱 etc etc etc. Wealth grow faster this way. Very much faster.

I imagine there are 3 stages of goals in my life after I graduate.

Stage 1: Earn capital
Stage 2: Grow capital
Stage 3: Spend capital

Stage 1 is comparable to finding seeds. Stage 2 is like planting the seeds to grow fruits, and then use the seeds from the new fruits grown to grow more fruits. Stage 3 is... just to enjoy the fruits.  :D

As of now, Stage 1 will be completed on the 20 May 2011. Stage 2 will be starting soon. Stage 3... I will "worry" about it when the time comes. Most likely it will involve travelling around the world, sport car(s), condo(s), piano, and maybe volunteer works. =)

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