Saturday, November 19, 2005

Two idiotic songs

I'm going to attempt to write a song... or rather, translate 2 songs, under the psedonym of Handsome Kok. (I don't want to disgrace my real name...)



Big Mice Love Big Rice   (To the tune of 《老鼠爱大米》)


I love you, loving you, jus like big mice love big rice...


(Hey, it rhymes! =)


(Hmmm... maybe 'I love you, loving you, jus like I really love pork chop' will be better...)


To be continued... write the other one first...



Not Scared Not Scared   (To the tune of 《不怕不怕》)


Miya hee, miya ho, miya ho, miya haha x3


I see cockroach I not scared I not scared,

See cockroach I not scared,

I not scared not scared just not scared...


To be continued...



I really despise myself man!


I hate myself for not knowing what original means. I just can't help copying the most catchy songs in the market currently.


I hate myself for having a creativity of a 5 year old.  Even those who fast forward pop songs and put in strong beats to convert them to techno songs have more creativity than me.


I hate myself for loving insects and rodents so much that I die die have to put them into my songs, even though they are pests. 


(But well, Jay Chow also sing about insects in《夜曲》wat, so I copy lor.)


I hate myself for making the nice theme song of Chicken Little sounds so stupid.


I hate myself for spending tons of money on publicity so that everyone watching TV or listening to radio will be tortured by my idiotic songs.  


I hate myself for having such a stupid name. But lucky I'm not a girl. If not I'll become Pretty Cock.



I should not thought to enter the music industry.



1 comment:

  1. haha da geeeeeeeee...... very long nv visit yr blog site liao. Still as crappy as ever eh? But it\'s nice to see our da ge doing well. Hey catch up soon with the rest of the family after the exams k? Haha u might be pls to know I\'m not growing bacteria anymore... Hehee.
