Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Interesting sites

1. Hapland! Crack your head over it ba! (But it's definitely solvable, unlike Hapland 2...)


2. Mansion Impossible - a game for future real estate investor. High score: 15 years 5 months


3. Da Chang Jin flash movie. Cock dao siao!


4. Click here - Haha! Make one for your friends too! Jus change the name at the URL.



For the extremely bored.




Have been reading novels by the horror master Stephen King to get ideas for my hall FOC ghost walk. Just finished reading Tommyknockers. An extremely good read, and getting very exciting 1/3 into the book. Exam period didn't stop me from finishing the 5.5 cm thick book within one week. Basically it's about the discovery of an ancient alien artifact that changes the entire fabric of the town. There's one sentence from the book that is quite interesting, and it goes something like this:


"We always assume that the alien is alive in an alien invasion. It never occur to us that alien invasion can also happen when the alien is dead."


Tommyknockers and It  are two very good stories by Stephen King. Highly recommended.



Monday, April 24, 2006

The Simpsons Personality Test



You Are Barney


You could have been an intellectual leader...

Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer

You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps

Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem."



Haha! I'll be an alcoholic next time!



Sunday, April 23, 2006


EE2003 - B

EE2004 - B+

EE3002 - B

EE2005 - C+

EE2002 - D

EE2007 - C


This is bad...



*** Months Later ***


In the end I got ABBCCC. Slightly better than the worst case scenario I anticipated, but after this single exam my total number of Cs increased by a whooping 4 times! This is very bad. I guess neglecting 4 weeks of tutorials to play World of Warcraft was a very bad move. Better buck up, if not I can't get even a second upper...



Wednesday, April 19, 2006


God damned me for not going lectures!


Just 5 minutes before entering the examination hall, I overheard the guy sitting beside me saying "this one surrre come out one..." Out of curiousity, i turned around and peep at his lecture notes. At that time I thought to myself:


'Wah liew, the diagram like never seen before one leh, he must be taking different paper from me lah. Won't so heng one ...' 


(*My examination hall is the venue of more than 2 different exam papers.) 


So I went into the examination hall thinking nothing about it... until I saw the first part of the last question.


Now it seems very familiar...



That freaking question costed ELEVEN marks! 






Morale of the story:


REMEMBER to ask your friends (who go lectures) for tips before exams!



Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Together In Electric Dreams

Giorgio moroder / phil oakey

I only knew you for a while
I never saw your smile
’til it was time to go
Time to go away (time to go away)
Sometimes it’s hard to recognise
Love comes as a surprise
And it’s too late
It’s just too late to stay
Too late to stay

We`ll always be together
However far it seems
(love never ends)
We`ll always be together
Together in electric dreams

Because the friendship that you gave
Has taught me to be brave
No matter where I go i`ll never find a better prize
(find a better prize)
Though you’re miles and miles away
I see you every day I don’t have to try
I just close my eyes, I close my eyes

We’ll always be together
However far it seems
(love never ends)
We’ll always be together
Together in electric dreams

Sunday, April 16, 2006


This morning when I opened newspaper, I saw the first FIVE stars movie review I ever saw on Zao Bao - The Producers . Wondering what the story is about, planning to watch it 2 weekends later, and hoping it's not another Brokeback Mountain. Inside Man also not bad - 4 stars... The week after?


My dad's Honda Civic was 'langa'ed at the back by another car, so he brought back a temporary Toyota equivalent, and I got a chance to test drive it. Here's the comparision:


  1. Corolla's pick up is faster and more powerful (Honda's VTEC engine is better at high speed, say >100kph, though).

  2. Its suspensions are softer*.

  3. Its tyres are quieter (fiction lesser also).

  4. Its turning radius is smaller. 

  5. Its steering is harder.

All in all I like my dad's Civic better - it looks sleeker. 


(*Suspension softer means it's more comfortable crossing humps but you can't go too fast during cornering - unless you want the person in the back seat to slide from one side to another.)       


Afternoon studied in Shaw Tower's Starbucks. Normally it's a nice and quiet place to study, sipping Mocha Frappuccino at the same time. But today got a boy and a girl talking at the table behind me and their conversation is projected to me very clearly due to the structure of the shop... and I can't help but listened. 


The way they talked chinese seems very familiar (almost perfect Singaporean chinese), and I continued to 'eavedrop'... They were discussing about benzene (hmm... chem students?), then about teacher teaching 红楼梦 until they fall asleep (红楼梦?  X老师?) and blah blah blah until they finally revealed they were from TJ studying LEP. Makes me think of the good old JC days with my LEP classmates. My classmates also talked like them in JC...


In the evening, while I was shopping in NTUC, the radio station broadcasted the song Together in Electric Dreams...


I almost forgot the dance steps.


Foward together, back together, left together, right together...



Saturday, April 15, 2006

Year 4 Specialization

The descriptions 粗心大意不拘小节, 讨厌琐碎事 somehow doesn't equate to (or is it 'relate' or 'associate'?) to a Nano-Engineer leh.


Heck lah. Who cares??




Anwz now worry about exams first. Better go study now.


继续往牛角尖的那个 atom 钻去 ...



Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Birthday Horoscope

Very inaccurate.


It's hard to find such an inaccurate horoscope you know. Feel free to take a look. =)




1月21日 先锋者













Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I am studying...

Just discovered that studying in a empty Lecture Theatre while talking cock with 3 friends and listening to baroque music (not mine though) through the LT's surround sound system in the middle of the night can be so enjoying. Peace.



Monday, April 3, 2006

What Do People Envy About You?



People Envy Your Ingenuity

You're a person with unique ideas, big plans, and a zany outlook on life. Many people look to you for inspiration. People envy your creativity and "who cares?" attitude. They feel very ordinary next to you - and they usually are!



Sure or not??



Oh no!

According to our research, you'll be dead by

December 2060
at age 78

- probable cause -


YOU DIE:  78.0 years

As you can plainly see, you have more health & vitality than the average man.

56% cancer
24% car accident
13% loneliness
5% drowning of the lungs
2% wounds

You have 19985.3 days left on this earth.
You've already lived 30% of your life.




Sianz... I've already live 30% of my life. Better don't believe. What if it's a self-fulfilling prophesy??



Today's song

If you listen to 933, you will know that there's a new song by some unknown singer with the same title - 好了歌. Maybe you would like to listen to this song which was composed by my favourite lyricist 梁文福 years and years ago and compare which one is better?


Anwz the original 好了歌 is a zen-philosopy 词 by 跛足道人 in 《红楼梦》. Brings back memories of the JC days where we study《红楼梦》until we almost commit suicide. Dedicate the song to my JC classmates and those who read the Red Chamber before.   



Sunday, April 2, 2006

Campus Super Star

If you ask me where my loyalty lies, this:


            Or this:               


Given that both contestants are equally good, I'll hesitate a while before saying that...

I'll OF COURSE support one from my school rather than a sweet looking girl lah!


(despite the fact that I hesitated for a while. =P)  

Good job Zhiyang! You've done us proud!


(Hmmm... I won't put your picture here. I don't want to see you everytime I come to my blog =)



PS. Teressa, though you lost, you did a good job too! All the best!

PPS. I can't find the old HwaChong logo anywhere on the net already... Haiz...


(I used the one in friendster)