Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Interesting sites
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Simpsons Personality Test
You Are Barney |
You could have been an intellectual leader...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Together In Electric Dreams
I only knew you for a while
I never saw your smile
’til it was time to go
Time to go away (time to go away)
Sometimes it’s hard to recognise
Love comes as a surprise
And it’s too late
It’s just too late to stay
Too late to stay
We`ll always be together
However far it seems
(love never ends)
We`ll always be together
Together in electric dreams
Because the friendship that you gave
Has taught me to be brave
No matter where I go i`ll never find a better prize
(find a better prize)
Though you’re miles and miles away
I see you every day I don’t have to try
I just close my eyes, I close my eyes
We’ll always be together
However far it seems
(love never ends)
We’ll always be together
Together in electric dreams
Sunday, April 16, 2006
- Corolla's pick up is faster and more powerful (Honda's VTEC engine is better at high speed, say >100kph, though).
- Its suspensions are softer*.
- Its tyres are quieter (fiction lesser also).
- Its turning radius is smaller.
- Its steering is harder.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Year 4 Specialization
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Birthday Horoscope
1月21日 先锋者 |
在1月21日出生的人,总是以迈向巅峰为目标,一旦达到目标后,也都会知道该如何保持在巅峰状态。然而,在他们真正了解自己的野心之前,可能已经承受了许多无可名状的挫折。这些人可以说是具有巨大驱策力的坚毅个体,不过在他们失去方向的时候,本性中喜欢玩乐的一面就会浮现,转而滨管他们的时间与精力。在这天出生的人,如果可以整合内在的双重个性,就会成为其中的佼佼者。然而,许多在这天出生的人,就像钟摆一样周而复始地,在轻松与紧张的状态之间摆荡,似乎很难在两者之间取得平衡。 今天出生的人无论男妇,早晚都会涌丙领导的欲望。一旦他们在自己所选择的领域中成功地到达颠峰,再要他们放弃,可就非常困难了。即使是陷于与自己的兴趣相违背、健康状态每况愈下、年华老去、甚至工作本身没什么乐趣的情况下,都还是无法让他们放弃自己既有的地位。如果他们真的从赖以本身的高枝上走下来,通常都是由于内心喜爱玩乐的本性,缓和了咄咄逼人的竞争本质所致。 大部分在这天出生的人,并不适合作长期的领导人,因为他们缺乏领导人所必备的冷酷与内在权威。这样的人也不适合从事高度政治化或独裁化的职业,真正适合他们的,是那些可以在才能和技术上不断精进而达到最佳状态的事业生涯。 在1月21日出生的人拥有浓厚的明星气质,总是不断吸引别人接近。他们不仅在工作领域中领导潮流,在社交生活中,也同样独领风骚。同时,因为他们在待人接物上的手腕特别高明,只要一提出看法或建议,通常都具有高度的说服力。 在这天出生、且在社会上居处高位的人,通常都具有平易近人的共同特质,因此得以融入各行各业的每个阶层之中。他们令人激奋、多彩多姿又热情奔放的天性,形成了令人难以抗拒的性感魅力。但是这样的物质,往往也令他们背负着“负心”的罪名。在一些最好只是挥挥衣袖告别的情况下,却因为他们表现得过于关心,而伤害了有心人。不过,即使相遇的时间很短暂,大部分的朋友与爱人还是会对这样的邂逅无怨无悔,因为他们的魅力丰富了那段彼此共度的时光。 对于他们的公众生活,在这天出生的人是有些隐密,他们很少会让自己的公众生活与私生活混在一块。不论是温馨的家园或是安静的避风港,通常只为少数经过特许的人敞开大门。他们最大的总是可能是考虑自己真正想要从生命中获得什么。在人生目标确定之前,他们就像萤火虫一般,此出彼没,四处飘荡。 塔罗牌
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
I am studying...
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Monday, April 3, 2006
What Do People Envy About You?
People Envy Your Ingenuity |
You're a person with unique ideas, big plans, and a zany outlook on life. Many people look to you for inspiration. People envy your creativity and "who cares?" attitude. They feel very ordinary next to you - and they usually are! |
Oh no!
December 2060 at age 78 |
- probable cause -
cancer |
| |||
AVERAGE MALE LIFE SPAN: | 72.5 years |
As you can plainly see, you have more health & vitality than the average man.
Sianz... I've already live 30% of my life. Better don't believe. What if it's a self-fulfilling prophesy??
Today's song
Sunday, April 2, 2006
Campus Super Star
I'll OF COURSE support one from my school rather than a sweet looking girl lah!
Good job Zhiyang! You've done us proud!
PS. Teressa, though you lost, you did a good job too! All the best!
PPS. I can't find the old HwaChong logo anywhere on the net already... Haiz...