Sunday, April 16, 2006


This morning when I opened newspaper, I saw the first FIVE stars movie review I ever saw on Zao Bao - The Producers . Wondering what the story is about, planning to watch it 2 weekends later, and hoping it's not another Brokeback Mountain. Inside Man also not bad - 4 stars... The week after?


My dad's Honda Civic was 'langa'ed at the back by another car, so he brought back a temporary Toyota equivalent, and I got a chance to test drive it. Here's the comparision:


  1. Corolla's pick up is faster and more powerful (Honda's VTEC engine is better at high speed, say >100kph, though).

  2. Its suspensions are softer*.

  3. Its tyres are quieter (fiction lesser also).

  4. Its turning radius is smaller. 

  5. Its steering is harder.

All in all I like my dad's Civic better - it looks sleeker. 


(*Suspension softer means it's more comfortable crossing humps but you can't go too fast during cornering - unless you want the person in the back seat to slide from one side to another.)       


Afternoon studied in Shaw Tower's Starbucks. Normally it's a nice and quiet place to study, sipping Mocha Frappuccino at the same time. But today got a boy and a girl talking at the table behind me and their conversation is projected to me very clearly due to the structure of the shop... and I can't help but listened. 


The way they talked chinese seems very familiar (almost perfect Singaporean chinese), and I continued to 'eavedrop'... They were discussing about benzene (hmm... chem students?), then about teacher teaching 红楼梦 until they fall asleep (红楼梦?  X老师?) and blah blah blah until they finally revealed they were from TJ studying LEP. Makes me think of the good old JC days with my LEP classmates. My classmates also talked like them in JC...


In the evening, while I was shopping in NTUC, the radio station broadcasted the song Together in Electric Dreams...


I almost forgot the dance steps.


Foward together, back together, left together, right together...



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