Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Over The Hedge

If you looking for a good laugh, watch Over The Hedge!!! 5 stars! Highly recommended! =)



Friday, May 19, 2006

This week

Recently I discovered a very very very horrible fact -


I can't button up my pants anymore!!!


Arghhh... I highly suspect this is the result of me sitting an average 16 hours a day in front of books and computer for the past two years (the other 8 hours I'm sleeping). And this is bad. So I decided that some extreme measures are needed... I've decided to tag along my neighbours for basketball and soccer session the next time they go... both sports I haven't played for years until last monday, which I would say is fun and tiring.


Did a little part time this week, and its the most interesting job I ever did. Basically you are supposed to use a little eduacational software which teaches complex systems (the ideas behind chaos theory) and give them feedback. The first time I'm paid for studying! And they are very interesting subjects woh - eg. how ants search for food, how traffic jams are formed without accident whatsoever, the fluctuating relationship between predator and prey, dynamic actions vs event actions, decentralisd vs centralised control, feedack, self organization etc etc...


So, does a traffic jam move forwards or backwards?


The answer is backwards. The explanation 说来话长, so I won't write here le.


Then went for a little walk after dinner last night until 12am. Looking for all the dark places in NTU. Frankly speaking, we discovered quite a few good spots, hehehe...


What else did I do last week? Hmmm... went to watch an art house film L'enfant (The Child) at cathay picture house. Lian He Zao Bao gave a whooping 4 stars to this movie. All I can say is, none of you reading this blog, I emphazise, none of you here will like this movie, unless you like the MOST art house of the art house films. Haha the movie is not bad lah. To me, no movies are bad. There are only three kinds of movie: Highly interesting, mediocre and highly uninteresting. And sometimes, strangely, watching movies at the very extreme end of the spectrum can be quite interesting also.


But this is not something you would want to do everyday of course. =)


Lastly, besides all the above, the rest of the time I spent doing data entry for my project, play DOTA, play Heroes 5, write mystery walk, play DOTA, play Heroes 5 etc etc...


Canoeing one whole day this sunday. It is going to be another xiong day again... Hopefully I can button up my pants after sunday. =P



Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Quoridor, Dungeons and Dragons board game, DOTA, Ghost in the Shell, Swimming, Mystery Walk writing, Retail Therapy, Movies (MI3, 小孩不笨), Coffee Bean, Stephen King, DIP project, etc etc...    



No time to feng yan feng yu at all...



Tuesday, May 2, 2006

JJ outing

Had an outing with my 姐妹 (minus 姐) 们 yesterday - dim sum buffet plus Settlers. Hmm everytime go out with them very stress one, they will judge whether you are gentleman or not. Liddat I want to jiak jua oso cannot... sianz... Luckily from their blogs can see that I passed with flying colors, hehe =P (Thanks for the good comments!)


Then there's this topic that will be brought up without fail every single time by my 'caring' sisters - "when will we get a dao sao?" Imagine I heard the same question for 6 years since we (have the misfortune to)  know each other liao. Argh! Cannot take it le! Next time I will 乾坤大挪移 the topic to... 小妹 ! (Now your 大姐 and 三姐 pang4 seh1 you, you cannot use the 'da ge must get attached 1st then sisters then can get attached ' defense le =P)  *evil laugh* Watch out man!


But all in all we had lots of fun and laughter during our short gathering, except maybe when the conversation goes something like this:


Sis: When your exams end?

Me: Friday.

Sis: Mine Saturday, 迟你一天 =)

Me: (Hehe NUS still got pple later then me? Sure anot?) Mine this coming friday leh.

Sis: Oh! Mine is last Saturday. =)

Me: ......  



And this happened not once but twice lor... Haiz... I think I betta go study le...


PS. Come to think of it, lucky they din let us play Snakes and Ladders =P