Friday, June 23, 2006

Ramble ramble - In search of God

There is one line from the horoscope personality analysis in the last entry: Aquarians 'seek truth above all things'. I can't help but think of the discussion with my christian colleague today about the existence of God today. Frankly speaking, I'm a free-thinker, I've nothing against the existance of God. However, evidence and logic point (quite strongly, I would say) towards the non-existance of God (see here), so for the time being, I would remain a free-thinker.


Actually there is this argument by my colleague and a very good friend that may best prove that God exist, and that is the Healing Crusade, which shows that some pastors can actually heal seriously-ill people miraculously. If God doesn't exist, how did these miracles happened? Of course I don't have any good answers to this question. I do have a not so good answer though: the paster is a mutant with healing powers? (kidding =P) But being the 'seeker of truth' (aka skeptic) that I am, I won't believe in God unless I get cancer and is healed personally in the Healing Crusade.


Errr... But God, if You exist and being extremely benevolent, surely You won't let me ganna cancer to make me believe in You right? =P Afterall, it is You who give us the freedom to choose whether to believe in You or not, isn't it? And if I don't belive in You, it is not due to the lack of trying, really. If I'm not trying, there won't even be this entry! 


But the problem is: if You do not give me cancer (and heal me), I won't believe in You!


I think after I posted this entry, I'll be suffering like shit either in life or in hell if God exist. =(


Wait. I've a strange thought: From the above paragraph, the high probablilty that I'll suffer in life sooner or later (as most people will) proves that there is a high probability that God exist!!! And if I am going to suffer sooner or later, isn't it better to believe in God now?


(Hmmm... another question came into my mind: is suffering the main reason why people believe in God?)


But then, if God = suffering, how can I believe in Him??



P.S. This is just a random rambling of a 峰子,which was inspired by a conversation he had with his colleague this afternoon. I hope that my christian friends won't take offense in the things I wrote. I really meant no offense to anyone. Meanwhile I will welcome any attempts to convert me to christianity; philosophic discussion is always fun. 


P.P.S. The colleague told me that we are just like ants crawling on God's hand. Just like ants crawling on our hands don't know what we are thinking, we don't know that God is thinking. At that time I think she sounds quite 有道理. But in retrospect when I reached home, I found that I do know what I am thinking when ants are crawling on my hand...  The thoughts ain't too comforting for the ants =( 


Fiona, if you are reading this, what you gonna to say? =P



I imagine she will say,


"Go to hell ." =)



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