Saturday, August 26, 2006

Self-thought-up qian bian ti

Kinda bored lately, and mind has been wondering about while attending and doing tutorials, hence giving birth to crap like these:


白天要做的工作会给你什么感觉? (猜一个字)


Which word start with 'S' can kill?




The 2nd answer is S-word.


The 1st answer is 显 ..........




Btw, these qian bian ti are copyrighted.



Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Philosophic Ramblings

What are the 2 most essential inventions, inventions we cannot do without, that rob away the freedom we wanted so much and making us slaves to the society?
Clock. And. Handphone.
The concepts of time and communication have been the deepest-most roots that gave rise to the tree of our civilization, the super glue that stick us human beings together.


* * * * * * *


Time keep the society synchronised - what people do what at what moment, as a result, civilization was formed. 'what moment' = time. We have a bad word for people who are out-of-sync: LATE. We are being frowned at when we are late (unless we are 'punctually' late). Therefore, when the clock rings, we have to force our tired bodies to wake up no matter how much we hate ourselves (and others) for having to wake up.
We are chained by this thing that we can't see, touch or hear. Time.


* * * * * * *


There was once a time where none of us here has handphone. None. But it has changed since. Dramatically.


Ask yourself, deep down in your heart, how do you feel when your handphone ran out of batt?


"Yeah! No one can contact me le!"??? Most probably is the exact opposite, isn't it?


Ask yourself, deep down in your heart, how do you feel when one of your friends don't have a handphone (Endangered species, this bunch.)?


"Dun have dun have lor." ??? Wait til you want to contact him. Feel the deep frustration within you. (Beware of the dark side.)


Handphone -

The device that tell people do what at what time. Vice versa. And that is the bad part.

The handcuff you can't bear to take out.


* * * * * * *


Bonus question

This has absolutely no relations with the above crap. Except that it may be just another crap.


While I was shopping in Bugis Junction last Sunday, I saw a very interesting pen. Innocent looking, but when it writes, no words come out; the words are invisible, until you shine violet light on the words using the pen's cap.


Question: What can such an interesting pen be use for?


If you are thinking along the lines of writing secret messages (as it's advertised), forget about buying the pen. It is a waste of money.


However, if you are thinking along the lines of using before and during tests and exams...


*sly smile*


I bought one on the spot.



Jiefeng's World

A world where the spirit of a girl who died 9 years ago stands in the middle of a tug-of-war between the forces of Good and Evil. What had happened to her? More importantly, what will happened to YOU. You choose the path. You make the choice. In Jiefeng's world, how the story ends depends on YOU.


* * * * * * *


Recently, as I walked slowly browsing through rows and rows of  boxes DVD movies on the shelf of a movie rental store, I get a feeling that, inside these boxes are exciting and exotic man-made worlds that we will never have a chance to experience in real life. And they are strangely beakoning you to step inside them, into the worlds that the directors, script writers have painsakingly crafted. As soon as you put the DVD into the player and switched on the television, you are transported out of the real world and into the minds of other people - into the world they had imagined.


* * * * * * *


That night, my job was to accompany one of the actoress at the top of a very dark and spacious rooftop. We were talking cock until the freshies approached. I hid, and she transformed. It was the last scene. The spirit of the poor girl at a crossroad: salvation, or eternal damnation, at the decision of the freshies.


At that moment in time, the line between reality and fantasy blurred. The world I was in was only as big as the NTU's Innovation Center and South Spine, where all the characters were doing as they did in my imagination. The freshies were inside my mind, interacting with the people I thought up, deciding their fates even. 


At that moment in time, I'm inside my mind too, eavedropping on and curious about what the characters inside my mind were doing.


At that moment in time - Satisfaction.



 NTU Hall 11 Mystery Walk




Saturday, August 5, 2006

Interesting Hoaxes

The Fat Squad


In 1986, Joe Bones found the Fat Squad. The staff of this organisation is deldicate to helping their client lose weight by standing guard beside them 24 hours a day. Should a client ever be tempted to snack, the fat squad member would be right there to prevent it. Joe Bones boasted, "Once you hire us you cannot fire us."


The Society For Indecency to Naked Animals (SINA)


G. Clifford Prout was a man with a mission, and that mission was to put the clothes on all the million of naked animals throughout the world. To realize his dream he found SINA (it was left unexplained why the society was "for indecency" not "against indecency").


Religion of Jedi Knights


As the 2001 census geared up in Britain, an e-mail began to spread declaring that if 10,000 people listed their religious affiliation on the census form as Jedi Knight, then the government would be forced to acknowledge 'Jediism' as an officially recognized faith.

The British government dismissed the suggestion as nonsense, but thousands of people decided to try it out anyway.

As the census got underway the Office of National Statistics found itself flooded with forms from people who solemnly declared themselves to be Jedi Knights. So many Jedi entries arrived that the ONS eventually gave the aberrant listing its own classification number: "896." The ONS claimed that it did this merely to assist with the filing of the forms, denying that it had officially recognized Jediism as a religion.