Saturday, August 5, 2006

Interesting Hoaxes

The Fat Squad


In 1986, Joe Bones found the Fat Squad. The staff of this organisation is deldicate to helping their client lose weight by standing guard beside them 24 hours a day. Should a client ever be tempted to snack, the fat squad member would be right there to prevent it. Joe Bones boasted, "Once you hire us you cannot fire us."


The Society For Indecency to Naked Animals (SINA)


G. Clifford Prout was a man with a mission, and that mission was to put the clothes on all the million of naked animals throughout the world. To realize his dream he found SINA (it was left unexplained why the society was "for indecency" not "against indecency").


Religion of Jedi Knights


As the 2001 census geared up in Britain, an e-mail began to spread declaring that if 10,000 people listed their religious affiliation on the census form as Jedi Knight, then the government would be forced to acknowledge 'Jediism' as an officially recognized faith.

The British government dismissed the suggestion as nonsense, but thousands of people decided to try it out anyway.

As the census got underway the Office of National Statistics found itself flooded with forms from people who solemnly declared themselves to be Jedi Knights. So many Jedi entries arrived that the ONS eventually gave the aberrant listing its own classification number: "896." The ONS claimed that it did this merely to assist with the filing of the forms, denying that it had officially recognized Jediism as a religion.



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