Friday, January 25, 2008


Thanks Jiahong for organising the birthday surprise for me! Thanks Jiamin for the birthday card! Thanks Miaoting for buying the present and the cake! Thanks fellow 54ers for celebrating my birthday for me and contributing to my present! And lastly thanks everyone who remembered and messaged me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"! =P




You guys made me felt that I still have friends in this hostile world... I am not a loner! Hahaha!




P.S. Damn you Chanfan, already striking while taking photo (can see the hand moving!)... and whose hands are those on my shoulder and hand holding me down?!?



Beauty World



Went to watch Beauty World the Musical last Saturday with a bunch of JC friends. At the ticket price of $44, we sat at the 2nd last row of the huge Esplanade Theatre - Circle 3, four floors from the stage!!! It didn't help that we were completely surrounded by primary school kids, haha! 


Everything about Beauty World is good except for the plot and the ticket price. The main set is magnificant - 2 stories showing the inside of the glorious nightclub of Singapore 60s, with live ensemble on the second floor. Whenever it is not needed, it is hidden by lowering a veil. Then there are 2 extremely versatile platforms which can slide in and out of view (into the side of the stage) in front of the main set which can transform into different settings, be it home, tailor shop, backstage make up room, rooftop of Beauty World etc... Because of this design, the scene change is seamless. Plus the 'on the rooftop under the beautiful moonlight in a starry night' scene, with the perfect use of dry ice to create the on the clouds atmosphere... Dammmnnn zai.


Acting and singing-wise... Can't see a thing ah... but supposedly quite good la.


Alas, the plot... haiz... and the price, haiz... Frankly speaking, I would rather have less magnificant set for lower ticket price. 《天冷》's budget is only a small fraction of Beauty World and yet I enjoyed it much much much more!


I swear to God that I will not watch any local english play above $40 ever again, unless it is the BEST seat in the theatre.


Anw the morale of the story is: If the script is not good, at least impress your audience with your set, and keep it cheap... so that they will grumble less.



P.S. So far the only 剧团 that never disappoints me is 实践剧场 (except for 'Tosca', but well, it is 'pay as you want'...), founded by Guo Bao Kun. Their upcoming new show is 都是当兵惹的祸 The Soldier & his Virtuous Wife, directed by Huang Mei Lan. I remembered that last time when I was in Huang Cheng she used to talk to us about theatre theories and stuff, so I think should be quite zai ba. Haha!  Anyone interested?




Friday, January 18, 2008

Watching things grow

Take a look and guess what is this. =)




The correct answer is...


*drum roll*


2 rocks with green crystals growing on them on a piece of toilet paper!


(Now, who guessed "some strange vegetables" ?)


Anw I have been growing these green crystals 2-3 weeks ago since I came back from the science center. (Lots of interesting stuff in the science center shop!) Loved watching and making things grow, be it living like plants or people, or non-living like crystals, projects, Production.... from nothing to something beautiful...


... The satisfaction is there.


This year's Production I am not in the Inner Circle, so, I am more relaxed. And, watching the Production grows from outside... despite the various problems... 


I am satisfied.


For those who are inside... when the day comes and when it finally glows...


You will be satisfied too. =)



Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Horoscope Today

Read my horoscope from the horoscope bar at the side of my blog. It goes like this



January 20 - February 18


Live your creative fantasy today, dear Aquarius, but watch out for the reality police at the boarder. You may be experiencing a bit of conflict with a stubborn person or an area of your life that is not very well planned. Think things through before taking action, or you may find yourself lost in this world of daydreams without any escape hatch through which to come back through. Keep your mind set on the positive aspect of the situation and you will succeed.



Hmmm wonder what is going to happen during today's Full Run...



Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My timetable

This time table will most probably be the last school time table I will ever have (unless I bao 1 more sem), so I've have decided to immortalize it by putting it on my blog. Behold!





Exam Schedule still not bad... 2 days 1 paper. But 11 AU(s) still 5 days week... so many gaps between lectures somemore... WTH! However, do not despair! Since I never ever go lectures, this is my actual time table:





Ahhh... this looks so much better! Go school walk walk 3 days a week so that won't get so bored staying in hall all the time. Haha!



Friday, January 4, 2008

The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond

Came across this video while surfing the net... The name sounds interesting, so being curious, I watched the video. I dunno what magic compelled me to finish watching the entire 2+ mins of the video. All I know is that, after watching it, I was flabagasted (mouth open dunno wad to say).


This is ART.


Enjoy! =)






For people who have been wondering what I have been up to these days, I have been playing with a cute little botak boy called Ben most of my time in hall, as part of my FYP project. (If you ask me why is he 'botak', the reason is that botak people are easier to animate. The computer don't have to do countless calculations for the individual strands of hair.)


Ok, Ben, lets give our blog readers a big welcome! =)



Good job Ben! Oh, I forgot to mention, Ben is a sign language specialist who is going to teach hearing impaired children sign language. What he is showing now is the word 'WELCOME' in SEE (Signing Exact English, the sign language used in Singapore) - 3 fingers extended (letter 'W') palm up moving towards body.


Haiz... but Ben here is a very poor boy. He is condemned to do the same action again and again and again for eternity. Hundred, or even thousand years from now, even if I am gone, as long as the internet still exist and my blog is not deleted, he will still be welcoming people, even if there is no people to welcome. A meaningless existence.


Me, his creator, is at fault here. I am guilty.


But, look at him, he appeared to be smiling no matter how many times he bowed. As long as he is happy and content, who am I to judge whether his life is meaningless or not?


Hey Ben, I am going to leave my site for the time being. Even if I come back, most probably I won't visit u anymore. So you are on your own from now on.


Eh, bow too much will backache one. As long as no one is looking, feel free to take a rest k? Sit or walk around, drink some coffee, read some books, play some computer games, surf net etc. Don't do the same thing again and again. Find some meaning for your own life. Chao4 geng1 abit I won't mind one, but, I stress again, ONLY when no one is looking k? ;p


Be a good boy. Take care!



Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year Wish List

1. Bang (card game) expansion sets


2. 5 As for my final 4 modules (11 au) and FYP (10 au)


3. Second Upper


4. A good pay, fun, but slack job


5. Everyone, especially my family and me, to be healthy and happy


6. Production a success


7. World peace...