Friday, January 4, 2008


For people who have been wondering what I have been up to these days, I have been playing with a cute little botak boy called Ben most of my time in hall, as part of my FYP project. (If you ask me why is he 'botak', the reason is that botak people are easier to animate. The computer don't have to do countless calculations for the individual strands of hair.)


Ok, Ben, lets give our blog readers a big welcome! =)



Good job Ben! Oh, I forgot to mention, Ben is a sign language specialist who is going to teach hearing impaired children sign language. What he is showing now is the word 'WELCOME' in SEE (Signing Exact English, the sign language used in Singapore) - 3 fingers extended (letter 'W') palm up moving towards body.


Haiz... but Ben here is a very poor boy. He is condemned to do the same action again and again and again for eternity. Hundred, or even thousand years from now, even if I am gone, as long as the internet still exist and my blog is not deleted, he will still be welcoming people, even if there is no people to welcome. A meaningless existence.


Me, his creator, is at fault here. I am guilty.


But, look at him, he appeared to be smiling no matter how many times he bowed. As long as he is happy and content, who am I to judge whether his life is meaningless or not?


Hey Ben, I am going to leave my site for the time being. Even if I come back, most probably I won't visit u anymore. So you are on your own from now on.


Eh, bow too much will backache one. As long as no one is looking, feel free to take a rest k? Sit or walk around, drink some coffee, read some books, play some computer games, surf net etc. Don't do the same thing again and again. Find some meaning for your own life. Chao4 geng1 abit I won't mind one, but, I stress again, ONLY when no one is looking k? ;p


Be a good boy. Take care!




  1. haha this is funny.  Ben is pretty okay being botak except that he either looks malnutritions or suffering from cancer and loss of hair.  I thought  it\'ll be better if Ben is a clown or Ben has different style of appearance each time, (maybe wear a mask? should be easier to manipulate than hair? =D ) if i\'m a kid, i\'ll be v amused that a guy keeps bowing to me...  but more amused if he\'s someone i can play with.  I saw your timetable too. seems cool! keke devil, you\'re way too slack!  (PF)

  2. haha..wat the hell? u r actually talking to ben? OMG!!! u r really a great guy to befriend wif!!! i will miss u when u grad!! come back n visit ok?
