Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Science, Art, Engineering

Science is like Fire. Constantly expanding the technology frontier, cutting edges, making breakthroughs. Reseach and the burning urge for new knowledge. Scientists advance the World. 


Art is like Air. Ever up there. Elusive. You can't see it, but you need it. Art cleanses your soul, quenches your thirst for beauty. Artists make the World more interesting.


Engineering is like Earth. Down below your feet, providing the foundation, the infrastructure, the basic needs. Engineers are down to earth, but they keep the World running.


~ Some thoughts from a colleague


P.S. I guess he left out Business.


Business is like water. Water = wealth. Wealth = money. Money is business. Without money is like without water. Can die! Businessmen and accountants are the lubricant of the World.



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I quite admire some of the engineers in my office. They possess God-like mastery over machines. I guess to them, writing codes is like creating art master pieces.    


I wonder when can I be like them?


Or is it better to be a Jack-of-All-Trades?


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My colleagues and I agreed that ADM girls generally look more chio than girls from other faculties, partly due to the fact that they have good dress sense.


One of my colleagues raised a question:


Will ADM gals prefer ADM guys who are just as hip, or down to earth engineers, like us?


Disclaimer: This question doesn't apply to me. I am an engineer in training, an artist in spirit, a scientist at heart. But out of curiosity, I would like to know the answer. Hahahaha! 


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There are three major genres that are defined by how they affect the audience emotionally, namely: Comedy, Tragedy and Horror. Think about the different combinations for those three. Tragi-Comedies, Horror-Comedies and Horror-Tragedies.  


Why only Tragi-Comedies are successful? What about Horror-Comedies and Horror-Tragedies?


I never seen any Horror related plays in plays. Why? Is it possible to scare people in plays? Actually horror is a very powerful emotion. Combined with a good story you will get a very powerful film/play.


Just some ponderings when some colleagues and friends recommended that the movie 4-bia is very nice.




  1. i tink u can consult sing yin or jasmine for the answer of whether adm gals like adm guys or engineering guys but i tink the answer lies in the characteristic of the guys no matter where they come

  2. I guess so too... but no harm asking... you never know! Hahaha! I noe there are at least 2 adm gals reading my blog. See if and wad they say ba! =P

  3. Anyway, do you know it\'s difficult to be a GOOD jack of all trades? To be able to make the fullest out of the some many things. Jack of all trades have one advantage which is to combine all the different trades into something unseen and all encompassing. And the act of putting them together into one is not easy. That can eventually be one of the strengths a \'jack of all trades\' can work towards.hahahahaha. i have NO dress sense can. anyway, you all have only seen those who walked out of labs. hahah. SCI girls also dress quite hip leh. It depends. It\'s really the character and ESPECIALLY interest i guess... coz most of us have very specific taste in stuffs. (don\'t think men counted la. i mean as in visuals, music etc) I\'ve heard of a few friends who can\'t seem to discuss interest with their engineering boyfriends.. not to generalise but the response they get is like \'i don\'t know this kind of things one, don\'t ask me\' and \'this music nice meh?\' \'i don\'t understand what you\'re saying\'.. and it\'s very sad when you have the drive, and some good ideas but they don\'t get what you are saying? lol. somemore 90% of our life is this. later no common topic how.. hahahaha. somemore we all siao siao one.. (to different extent) LOL. as long can fulfill the above in general, engineers, businessman, artist, designers, also can ba.. (though i have one who said before her ex cannot match her loud and different dress sense. ._.)(Disclaimers: I do not speak for the general ADM population. HA.)Wait for minghui to reply! Heh.horror. difficult for horror to work. must be really horrifying. maybe in more of a gory realistic sense -making people feel sick as oppose to those supernatural ones. i doubt supernatural ones will work as horrifying in plays. =x

  4. oops! how to delete the extra ah?._.

  5. Deleted. =)
    A \'GOOD\' Jack-of-All-Trades sounds good in theory... Maybe it can work in a creative field. But I am not sure if it works in this highly specialised engineering field. Well, food for thought. Who knows anyway??
    (But i like the idea of a GOOD Jack-of-All-Trades, or, do u mean, a MASTER Jack-of-All-Trades?? OMG, it contradicts the idea of a Jack-of-All-Trades! Singying, you have created a paradox! Hahaha!)
    Wad I summarised from wad Singying said is that:
    Engineers, if you want to have an ADM gf, you have to be more artistic!!! (Or at least, ACT artistic.)
    Right, SY?? Haha! =P
    Hmmm... how can one make horrifying plays that is truly horrifying??? *Ponder ponder*
    Theatre are much more real life and closer to the audience than film... Hey! What abt \'ghosts\' in the midst of audience!? Good idea? =P

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