Sunday, January 13, 2013

How to be happy and attract great things?

"If you are reading this, you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all."

Do you feel down sometimes? Do you feel that negative things keep happening to you? Do you want to feel happier? Do you want more good things to happen to you?

The answer is the missing word from this ancient text:

"Whoever has _______ will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have _______, even what he has will be taken from him."   -Matthew 25:29

And the missing word is


There are so much to be grateful for and thankful about!

If you are alive, be grateful for the the air you breath, the water you drink, the food you eat, the bed you sleep etc! And you will enjoy life even more!

If you are healthy, be grateful for your eyes which let you see, ears which let you hear, nose which let you smell, tongue which let you taste, skin which you feel, hands which let you do things, legs which let you move, brain which let you think etc! And you will become more and more healthy!

If you have parents, a friend, a lover, a boss, a colleague , be grateful for their presence in your life, for every little things they do for you, for the love they shower you, for the things they give you, for the time they spent with you etc! And you will have better and better relationship with them!

If you have some wealth, be grateful for having it, and the things they can bring you! And you will have more and more wealth!

If not-so-good things happened to you, be grateful that they ain't worse, that they make you stronger, and for the lessons they teach you. And you will become a better and happier person!

And these are just a few examples! With so much to be grateful for, how not to be happy??

The key to happiness is to be constantly and genuinely grateful! Try this - For this week, write down 10 things to be grateful for every night. And then, see the magic that will happen to you!

Thank you for reading!

The Magic (The Secret)

Friday, January 11, 2013

How to have good luck?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Do you feel down on your luck recently? Do you feel stagnant with your life, doing the same things day in day out, stuck? Are you looking for a breakthrough, but can't think of any ideas?

I felt the same way recently. Then I read a book, and I have a sudden realization - an epiphany! The way to have good luck and breakthrough is simply to


Do things that you don't normally do. Talk to new people. Read random books. Tweak your thinking.

The new condition doesn't have to be radically different. Don't wait until you think of something brilliant. Just a small little change will do. Any change will do. Start creating new conditions now!

Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? Who knows? Maybe those little new conditions lead you down a new path which will bring tremendous luck in the future!

Good luck!


Good Luck: Creating the Conditions for Success in Life and Business

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Healthy Start

"Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health." - Dalai Lama


People say Health is Wealth and this cannot be more true. Without a healthy body little can be accomplished. What is success if upon hitting your goal you fail to enjoy it at your best? This blog page on health is a journey the author take along the way to success. This Healthy Page has 5 sub aspects : Sleep, Eating, Environment, Exercising, Emotion (SEEEE).

We spend a third of our life sleeping. Sleeping is a form of rest. Recuperation. Knowing the art of sleep relaxation will enable us to perform optimally the next day.

As the saying goes, "we are what we eat". Eating can affect our emotions and our heatlh hence it is important.

Although we cannot control the environment, we should be aware that environment affects a human's health.

A running water will not become stale. Exercising ensure we are renewed and charged up.

Traditional medicine has always emphasize emotions on affecting a human's health. It says that being angry can waste energy equivalent to running for 3 minutes. Managing emotions ensure I do not waste my energy inefficiently.

Friday, January 4, 2013


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."     ~Lao Zi


No it doesn't. A journey of a thousand miles begins as a thought - 'move'. Then you take your first step.

After your first step comes another thought - 'where?' Hence the title of this entry.

Where is your destination?

Here is mine:


- Exercise 3 times a week - jog, badminton etc
- Eat less carbo/sugar for every meal - avoid sweet stuff
- Reduce weight to <70 kg and fat% to <14%
- Achieve a <12 min timing for 2.4 km


- Read and learn about
Jan - Mar
1) Build wealth/personal finance
2) Stock investment strategies
3) Trading psychology
4) Networking

Mar - Jun
1) Real estate investing
2) Motivational / spiritual
3) World finance history

Jun - Dec
1) Book writing/publishing
2) Starting business
3) Restaurant management
4) Health / Diet

- Share what I have learnt on this blog
-> Write at least 1 entry every 2 weeks

- Follow current affairs
-> Read news everyday
-> Form opinions about the market and various events from details in news

- Spend more time with parents and girlfriend, be nicer to them
- Be more open to people, more social, make more friends and catch up with old friends
- Target: know 1 new person / contact 1 old friend every 2 weeks
- Help others more, spread positivity, motivate others -> be a force of good


- Accumulate S$1,000,000 worth of assets by 31 Dec 2017
- Increase monthly income to

$8,000 by Mar
$10,000 by Jun
$12,500 by Sep
$15,000 by Dec

- Plan to achieve this by
1) Helping my bosses make more money
2) Create a profitable trading system every quarter (including click trading)
3) Work longer hours

- Create at least 3 streams of income by

1) Develop a mid-term stock investment system with >20% annual returns based on
a) Fundamental
b) Seasonality
c) News events
Aim to complete this system by end of Jan

2) Write and publish a book in 3 years
3) Open a healthy food restaurant in 5 years
4) Invest in real estate (to be further studied)
5) Continue to brainstorm for ideas


- Spend at least 1 hour alone every week to "find my center" and / or do Nothing
- Be more Aware - of myself (emotions, health states), of people around me, and of the environment
- Do more joyful activity - exercise, write, discussions etc