Friday, January 11, 2013

How to have good luck?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Do you feel down on your luck recently? Do you feel stagnant with your life, doing the same things day in day out, stuck? Are you looking for a breakthrough, but can't think of any ideas?

I felt the same way recently. Then I read a book, and I have a sudden realization - an epiphany! The way to have good luck and breakthrough is simply to


Do things that you don't normally do. Talk to new people. Read random books. Tweak your thinking.

The new condition doesn't have to be radically different. Don't wait until you think of something brilliant. Just a small little change will do. Any change will do. Start creating new conditions now!

Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? Who knows? Maybe those little new conditions lead you down a new path which will bring tremendous luck in the future!

Good luck!


Good Luck: Creating the Conditions for Success in Life and Business

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