Saturday, April 30, 2005

My favourites...

Fav lyricist: Liang Wen Fu

Fav singer: Sammi Cheng

Fav colours: Blue, Yellow (Recent addition, because of my fav school) 

Fav brand of cards: Bicycle Rider Back  ($5 per deck!), Bee (also not bad)

Fav drink: Red Bull

Fav magazines: Discover, Graphis

Fav subject: Computing, Chinese Tradition

Fav numbers: 60, 27  (My fav classes in my fav sch)

Fav presents: Things that are beautiful, creative &/or stimulating intellectually (no puzzles pls)

Fav artist: M C Escher

Fav actors: Tony Leung, Andy Lau

Fav actresses: Maggie Cheung, Cecelia Cheung, Li Xin Jie (Recent addition) 

(These 4 are the most charismatic actors/actresses ever!)

Fav share: SMRT

Fav magicians: David Blaine, Daryl  (I like their style)

Fav animation: Naruto  (Must watch!), Initial D

Fav art film director: Wong Kar Wai

Fav popular film director: Lau Wai Keong (for his Infernal Affairs)

Fav games: Dungeon Keeper, Warcraft

Fav story book authors: Paulo Coelho (Alchemist), Jostein Gaarder (Best known for Sophie's World, but his best work is Solitare Mystery), J K Rowling (Harry Potter) 

EVERY book by them is GOOD! Read their books!

Fav science fiction authors: Authur C. Clake (Space Odyssey 2001), Issac Asimov (Robot series & Foundation series)

Fav fantasy authors: Joe Dever (Lone Wolf ~ who got Lone Wolf novel bk 1 & 2 ?), Raymond E Fiest (Magician)

Fav modern fiction authors: Michael Critchton (Jurrassic Park), Kelvin J Anderson

Fav nonsense story author: Douglas Adam (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ~ movie out soon!)  

Fav classic fiction author: George Orwell (1984)

Fav self help books: Magic of Thinking Big, Rich Dad Poor Dad 


Friday, April 29, 2005

Warrior of the light, assemble! (Part 4)

"A warrior trusts other people because, first and forewmost, he trusts himself."


"The warrior of light knows how to lose. He knows that no one wins all the time and he knows how to distinguish his successes from his failures."


"When somebody wants something, the whole Universe conspires in their favour. The Universe does not judge; it conspires in favour of what we want. That's why the warrior has the courage to look into dark places of his soul in order to ensure that he's not asking for the wrong things. And he's always very careful about what he thinks."


"A warrior of light has no regret, because regrets can kill. He humbles himself and undoes the wrong he has done."


The warrior of light concentrates on small miracles of daily life. He does all he can to maintain his good humour in moments of crisis. The world is, after all, doing its best to help him, even though everything around him seems to be saying the opposite."



$100 dollar note scam

In view of the rising number of con-men who use uninnovative, old-fashion methods such as magic stones & apples to cheat innocent old men/women, & in response to government's "BE CREATIVE!" slogan, I'd like to introduce one highly entertaining & interesting way of earning extra illegal bucks to those uninnovative, old-fashion con-men, and aspiring con-man/woman like you =) However, this scam does need quite a bit of knowledge of sleight of hand, so my advice to you is: give up. If you can still manage to put up with my crap so far, you deserve a pat on the back. =P

Btw, this method isn't used to cheat innocent old men/women, it's used to cheat innocent bartenders. First, you need to find a bar that's quite busy, but not that busy. Then the bar must have 2 bartenders who are standing quite far apart but sharing 1 cash register. Now, you can start to do your 'stuff'.

You do some magic tricks to attract the attention of some crowd and 1 of the bartenders at one end of the bar. Once you get the bartender's attention, fun starts. Now take out a $100 dollar note and ask him to sign on it using a pen or marker  (This step is important!). After he return the note to you, do some hocus pocus and 'vanish' the note right in front of his eyes!

(Haha there's only one device capable of doing this, see if you're smart enough to think of what's it. Feel free to tell me what you think.) 

While he's still in shock of what you've done, quickly pass the $100 dollar note to your confederate, secretly of course. Now your friend will walk over to the other end of the bar & order a $5 dollar drink from the other bartender, paying with the $100 note (with the signature face down). This bartender will keep the $100 note in the cash register & give your friend his $95 change and his drink, who will then walk away (made his escape!).

In the meanwhile, you wait patiently for the bartender to calm down and ask the inevitable question, "Where did it go??!" There you smile and point at his cash register. Imagine the shock he feels when he find his signed dollar note inside his cash register!

After he return you your $100 dollar note, you can count your earnings with your friend - the $100 still intact, the $95 change, and a $5 drink for you & your friend's hardwork. Imagine the 3rd shock the poor bartender feels that night when he close shop and count the money in his cash register! =P

Disclaimer: If anyone get caught using this method, pls don't blame me. I did ask you to give up, remember?


Adapted from Mysterious Stranger by David Blaine



Warrior of the light, assemble! (Part 3)

"A warrior of light always keep his heart free of any feelings of hatred. He accepts that his opponents are there to test his valour, his persestence, his ability to make decisions. They force him to fight for his dreams."


"The warrior hears someone say: ' I need to understand everything before I can make a decision. I want to have the freedom to change my mind." The warrior is free. But he knows that an open oven bakes no bread."


"The warrior of light behave like a child. He remain in touch with God through his innocence and joy, without ever losing sight of his mission."


"The Latin root of the word 'responsibility' reveals its true meaning: the capacity to respond, to react. A responsible warrior is not someone who takes the weight of the world on his shoulders, but someone who has learn to deal with the challenges of the moment."


"The warrior of light never falls into the trap of that word 'freedom'.A warrior of light is always committed. He's the slave of his dream and free to act."



Warriors of the light, assemble! (Part 2)

"A warrior of light carefully studies the position he intends to conquer. However, if he waits for the ideal moment, he'll never set off; he requires a touch of madness to take the next step. The warrior uses that touch of madness. For - in both love and war - it's impossible to foresee everything."


"A warrior of light sometimes thinks: 'If I do not do something, it'll not be done.' It's not quite like that: he must act, but he must allow room for the Universe to act too."


"The warrior of light sometimes behaves like water, flowing around the obstacles he encounter. He accepts without complaint the stones along the path that hinder his way. Therein lies the strength of water: the strongest sword of in the world cannot scar its surface. The waters of a river adapt themselves to whatever route proves possible, but the river never forgets its one objective: the sea. And after a certain point, its power is absolute."


"A warrior of light who trusts too much in his intelligence will end up underestimating the power of his opponent. It's important not to forget that sometimes strength is more important than strategy."


"A warrior is never in a hurry. He never picks fruit while it's still green."



Warriors of the light, assemble! (Part 1)

This article has nothing to do with Warcraft III btw, for those who know what I mean. Anwz, what I've here are some quotes which I found to be quite meaningful from the book Manual of the Warrior of the Light, by Paulo Coelho. Pls have a look:


"The warrior of light pay attention to small things because they can severely hamper him. 'The devil is in the detail,' says one of the Tradition's old proverbs."


"A warrior of light is never predictable. He does not spend his days trying to play the role that others have chosen for him."


"For the warrior there's no such thing as an impossible love. He's not intimidated by silence, indifference or rejection. He knows that, behind the mask of ice that people wear, there beats a heart of fire." 


"A warrior of light often finds himself faced by the same problems and situation, and he grows depressed. Then the warrior realises that these repeated experiences have but one aim: to teach him what he does not want to learn."


"In order to have faith in his own path, he does not need to prove that someone else's path is wrong."



Thursday, April 28, 2005

6 theories to analyse a film

1) Film Theory

--> Montage, composition, movement, visuality, lightings, spaces, settings, editting, sound effects

--> Genres, themes & conventions

--> Director's perspective


2) Literacy Theory

Aristotelian Narrative Structure -->

  1. Introduction
  2. Exposition
  3. Development
  4. Conflict
  5. Climax
  6. Resolution


3) Art Theory

M.M. Bakhtin's Bakhtinian Dialectics

--> Novelistic (many voices) vs Epic (single narration)

--> Heteroglossia (text that's novelistic)

--> Dialogic, canivalesque (many voices, like a market place, eg. House of 72 Tenents)


Henri Focillon's Theory of Evolution of Style

  1. Experimental
  2. Classical
  3. Baroque
  4. Mannerist

Post Modernism ( Jean-Francois Lyotard's Defination) 

--> conflicting, incoherent infomation/fragments which fits together on one interface (eg. KungFu Hustle)

--> hybridiztion


Stephen Chow's Humour Techniques 无厘头

  1. Exaggeration
  2. Subversion (unexpected)
  3. Quotation (decontextualized text - quote from previous HK movies, advertisements, eg. Goddess of Mercy in 食神)


4) Feminist Theory (resisting patriachal system)

Liberal Feminism

--> man = woman (eg. communist/maoist movies)

Cultural Feminism

--> man != woman (eg. The Goddess, Xiu Xiu, Ju Dou --> show oppression of women - raise awareness)

Mannerist Feminism

--> Do away with gender classification, pple have right to do what they want

--> Gender is a social construct, design and implemented by organisation rather than merely "true"

Queer Theory

--> Make use of Mannerist ideologies to resist oppression to homosexuals, bisexuals, lebian & transexuals (eg. Formula 17)


5) Cultural Theory

--> Chinese diasporic culture (transnational chinese, eg. Return of Dragon, Comrades, Almost a Love Story 甜蜜蜜) 

--> Transnational films  

--> Purality of chinese culture (differences within the Chinese, eg.  甜蜜蜜)

--> Youth culture (why young people like to watch Infernal Affairs, Young & Dangerous?)

--> Binary (1 & 0) culture (good & bad, male & female, nothing in between - we laugh when we see effeminate male character) 

--> Sociopolitcal (effects of government & society, eg. Cut - censorship, Best Bet - gov policies on gambling)

--> Multiculturalism (Singapore films)


6) Psychoanalytical Theory

--> Oedipus complex - unconcious sexual desire of a child for parent of opp sex (eg. Days of Being Wild 阿飞正传)

--> Subconcious desire to indulge in love/sex (Vive L'amour 爱情万岁)


PS. This's my self-compiled notes of my film module - for my future reference



Sunday, April 24, 2005

The new chinese education policy

Regarding government's new chinese education policy, I just have 3 words to say: "What the fcuk?!" Actually I've more than 3 words to say. Anwz, for those who haven't heard the news, the new policy is that in order to increase students' interest in chinese, they are placing more emphasis on reading and listening instead of writing. This means that the student can bring dictionary into exams and the spelling sections such as 填写汉字 will be taken away from PSLE. This automatically translate into students do not need to learn how to write chinese words.

After hearing this news, I can't help but marvelled at the stupidity of those people who set this policy. For a average student who underwent the traditional chinese education and memorising chinese words the hard way like me, to write a 200 to 300 words chinese essay, I need to check dictionary at least 10 times. I was wondering if these new generation can complete an essay of the same length without checking the dictionary at least a 100 times, if they don't start memorising words when they are young. Talking about generating interest, if I've to check the dictionary a 100 times to write an essay, I'll quickly lost any interest I've for chinese. Or are those policy makers going to abolish writing chinese essays in exam next?

The government keeps talking about the importance of chinese, yet by the way they are setting chinese education policies, they are treating chinese like shit. First the 华文B课程, then the abolishing of chinese as an university entering criteria, and now this.  The first 2 policies are still acceptable. But the recent one... they purposely lowering the chinese standard of whole Singapore just for a few who don't like chinese. This is totally absurb.

Actually this is none of my business, if they want the new generation to die, let them die lor. Who cares? Maybe it's even advantageous to me, since I know chinese and they don't. However I really think PAP need smarter people or else Singapore will be in deep trouble. 

PS. 佩玲,PAP全靠你了!



Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Dog house!

Friends! Click on the dog house, look at it, closely, and marvel at its construction! And try to guess how he did it! Anyone wants to give a try in explaining?


Sunday, April 17, 2005

Art works by M C Escher

I've uploaded some drawings by one of my favourite artists at the photo album section. Go take a look.  Here are some of them, enjoy! Btw, this guy wanted to be an architect, but failed his exams. If he passed them his creation would (probably) be less interesting. =)


Me Me Me and Me (Part 3 of 3)

You're inspired by Being a Trailblazer. Were you the kind of kid who was always starting up lemonade stands or selling candy bars door-to-door? Even if you weren't an early entrepreneur you definitely like doing things your own way. And why shouldn't you? There's a huge rush when taking (somewhat calculated) risks and heading into uncharted territory — whether that means starting your own business, or just heading to some underdeveloped mystical and magical vacation spot.

With your creativity, vision, and loads of leadership skills, you're a natural at knowing how to get everyone — your friends, your family, or your co-workers — on board with your plans. Of course, that probably also has to do with that positive vibe you're projecting. So keep moving to your own beat. With a pulse as strong as yours, others are sure to follow.




Your best quality shines through in how Independent you are. The fact that you're an independent person who is usually able to handle things in a self-sufficient manner really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a smart person who is more able to understand complex concepts than many other people are. You are a hopeful and optimistic person who tends to look on the bright side of life, too.

In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities.

We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 2 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.




Your subconscious mind is most preoccupied with issues around your health. On a conscious level, you might already be aware that something is troubling you, or eating up a lot of time when it comes to your health. But it's also possible that thoughts and feelings about taking care of yourself have been preoccupying your subconscious mind — leaving you with nothing more than a general sense that things just don't feel 100% right in your life though you can't quite figure out why.

You may feel preoccupied with your health, or you may worry that your health could fail you. Perhaps you're afraid of falling ill or just seem to talk about health and wellness all the time.

Whichever feelings hold true, your test results indicate that right now, your subconscious mind is working overtime to resolve the issues confronting you in this area of your life — even if you don't feel aware of it.



Me Me Me and Me (Part 2 of 3)

Freud would say your strongest unconscious conflict stems from events that happened when you were an Adolescent. He would also conclude that relative to others, your personality today is moderately affected by the events of your childhood. It appears that your biggest unconscious conflict that still afflicts you stems from what Freud defined as the genital stage of development that occurred when you were older than 13. Freud would say that this conflict can manifest in your personality by making you more prone to seek a partner similar to your opposite-sex parent. However, you have a relatively less conflicted sense of gender identity than most people do. This normally happens when parents successfully avoid all the major pitfalls most parents make in earlier years and the child uses their resiliency to manage any early conflicts.

Freud defined five psychosexual developmental stages that everyone goes through on their way from infancy to adolescence. And each of those stages is associated with adult personality traits. At each stage, we all had to overcome certain "conflicts" or hurdles as we learned new skills and developed relationships with others. No one gets through all five stages without having trouble with at least one of them. And it's this unresolved "trouble" that Freud encouraged people to travel back to, recognize, and overcome.




Your imagination is fueled by a subconscious desire for Intimacy. The stories in the deepest recesses of your imagination suggest that close connections and intimate relationships are of great importance to you. They may also indicate that you have a fear of being alone.

Your subconscious feeds your imagination. It is where your deepest thoughts and feelings are housed and it has great power over how you experience and interpret the world.




Your values help make you a Loyal Rebel. Your number one priority appears to be honoring the relationships you have with other people. Whether this comes in the form of "protecting your own" even when they've done wrong, or telling the truth to friends in good times and bad, you can be counted on to be there for the others in your life. However, those who don't know you may not get the benefit of such special treatment. In fact, when it comes to dealing with authority figures, you may consider yourself to be something of a rebel. As a result, types like you can sometimes question laws that keep you from something you feel is rightfully yours because you might feel you've earned it.

Who are you compatible with?

The values types you're most likely to click with — whether in business relationships or in love — are those types that most closely resemble your own set of values. As a result, people with the same type are usually the most compatible. But besides being with another Loyal Rebel, the two types that you most closely match with are Forgiving Humanitarian and Privacy Guardian.




Thursday, April 14, 2005

Me Me Me and Me ( Part 1 of 3)

You are a born leader with a take-charge attitude. Unlike many people who believe problems will simply go away if you give them enough time, you're one to tackle the obstacles in your path head-on.

Part of being proactive means you can aggressively anticipate the future and work to shape it according to your desires. You don't wait for things to happen; you make things happen, which is why you also tend to find yourself in a position of responsibility.

Also, because of your quick mind and ability to strategize, you can keep yourself two steps ahead of everyone else when it comes to executing plans or anticipating future actions. These characteristics help you rise to positions of authority where others can more fully appreciate your drive and direction.




You are highly organized and have strong project management skills. You prefer to work independently and then pass your ideas or tasks on to others. When others lose sight of the big picture, you help them to stay focused to see what's important and weed out unnecessary details. This skill set will help you succeed in nearly any workplace.

The reason employers and recruiters might be on the lookout for you is that only about 3-4% of the U.S. population shares the unique characteristics of your personality type. Research shows that businesses succeed when employers create a good balance of personality types in the office. And since only 3-4% of the U.S. population shares your type, that means employers are looking for you...




Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates.




You're a Movie Star! You're a bright ray of sunshine and secretly wonders why you're not famous yet. Chances are you don't get annoyed with people very easily, and you can handle stressful situations with grace. As if all that weren't enough, you're friendly, charming, and great with people.

You like making your work environment cozy and hospitable and you spend a lot of time on your appearance. You never shy away from asserting your ideas and opinions, and encourage others to do the same.






Somebody once said - "Writings are prostitutes." They fight to gain your attentions. Look at all the books in the bookshops. Look at all the blogs on the net. Writers want people to read their writings. Writers scream to be heard.

But my writing are not prostitutes. I dont want to degrade myself. I dont want anyone to read my writings.

Do I?



A piece of art

What exactly is a piece of art? Is this a piece of art?


//Exercise 9


float index[100]={0}, MA[100]={0}, bar_width, bar_height, height_scale, index_max;
int N, M;

int main(int argc, char**argv)
 void userinput(int*, int*); //asking for user input
 void calculateMA(int, int, float[], float[]); //calculate moving average
 void printMA(int, int, float[], float[]); //
 float compare_index(float[], int); // find the index with max value (to calculate height scale)
 void graph(void); //draw axis, title, legend and bar chart
 glutInit(&argc, argv);
 glutInitWindowPosition(10, 50);
 glutInitWindowSize(700, 350);
 glutCreateWindow("Moving Average for a 15-Day Series");

 userinput(&N, &M);
 calculateMA(N, M, index, MA);
 printMA(N, M, index, MA);
 index_max = compare_index(index, N);

 bar_width = 0.8/N;
 height_scale = 1.6/index_max;
 return 0;

//---------------------------------graph function----------------------------------------------------------
void graph(void)
 void MA_lines(int, int, float, float, float[]); //draw moving average lines and dots
 int i, j;
 float red, green, blue, x;
 char title[40] = {"Moving Averages for a N days series"};
 char MAvg[3][30]= {{"3-day moving average"},{"4-day moving average"},{"5-day moving average"}}; //Take note

 glClearColor(1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0);

 //write title
 glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

 glRasterPos2f(-0.8, 0.85);
 for (i=0; i<40; i++)
  glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24, title[i]);

 //draw axis
  glVertex2f(-0.8, 0.8);
  glVertex2f(-0.8, -0.8);
  glVertex2f(0.8, -0.8);

 //draw legend lines
 for (i=0, x=-0.9; i<3; i++,x=x+0.6)
  if (i == 0)
  { red=1.0; green=0.0; blue=0.0; }
  else if (i == 1)
  { red=0.0; green=1.0; blue=0.0; }
  else if (i == 2)
  { red=0.0; green=0.0; blue=1.0; }
  glColor3f(red, green, blue);
   glVertex2f(x, -0.9);
   glVertex2f(x+0.05, -0.9);

   glVertex2f(x+0.025, -0.9);

 //write legend words
 glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
 glRasterPos2f(x+0.1 , -0.9);
 for (j=0; j<30; j++)
  glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13, MAvg[i][j]);

 //draw barchart
 glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
 for(i=1, x=-0.8+bar_width; i<=N; i++,x=x+2*bar_width)
  glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
  glRectf(x,-0.79, x+bar_width, -0.8+height_scale*index[i]);

 //draw moving average lines
 for (i=1; i<=3; i++)
  if (i == 1)
  { red=1.0; green=0.0; blue=0.0; }
  else if (i == 2)
  { red=0.0; green=1.0; blue=0.0; }
  else if (i == 3)
  { red=0.0; green=0.0; blue=1.0; }

 MA_lines(N, i, bar_width, height_scale, MA);



//-------------------------------MA_lines function-----------------------------------

void MA_lines(int N, int M, float bar_width, float height_scale, float MA[] )
 int i;
 float x;
 //draw MA lines
 glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  for(i=M, x=-0.8+(2*M-0.5)*bar_width; i<=N; i++,x=x+2*bar_width)
 //draw MA points
  for(i=M, x=-0.8+(2*M-0.5)*bar_width; i<=N; i++,x=x+2*bar_width)

//--------------------------user input function---------------------------------------
void userinput(int *N, int*M)
   printf("Enter number of days of index supplied: ");
   scanf("%d", N);
   printf("Enter the number of days of moving average required: ");
   scanf("%d", M);
  } while (*N<*M);

//-------------------------calculate MA function----------------------------------------
void calculateMA(int N, int M, float a[], float b[])
 int i, j;

 for (i = 1; i<=N; i++)
  printf("Enter index of day %d: ", i);
  scanf("%f", &a[i]);
 for (i = M; i<=N; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < M; j ++)
   b[i] = b[i] + a[i-j];
  b[i] = b[i]/M;

//------------------------------printMA function---------------------------------------
void printMA(int N, int M, float a[], float b[])
 int i;
 printf("\n  Day     Index     %d-day MA\n", M);
 for (i = 1; i<=N; i++)
  printf("   %d   %8.1f      %6.1f\n", i, a[i], b[i]);

//---------------------------compare_index function--------------------------------------------
float compare_index(float index[], int N)
 int i, max_value = index[1];
 for (i=2; i<=N; i++)
  if (max_value < index[i])
  max_value = index[i];
 return max_value;


I spent days trying to work out how to solve this problem. I write every single word of this code myself. And in the end, I get the computer to draw a graph for me.

To me, this a piece of art.

PS. This piece of art got 缺陷美, because it is incomplete. There's room for improvement.

PPS. Programming is simple. To be good in programming, there is a secret: You just become one with the computer! You think like a computer, act like a computer, be a computer. I think this secret comes too late to some pple, but it applies to everything else - drving, cooking, maths whatever. Just use your imagination. =)

PPPS. If you think what I've written is jus crap, remember, you are in a forbbiden section of my world. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!


Egg first or chicken first?

During my life science lecture about cells suddenly this ancient paradox came into my mind: egg come first or chicken come first? Many of you will think it's a stupid question as it has no answer but actually it has been solved, and you'll know the answer if you know which book to read (I've forgotten the name of the book, it has been a long time ago). Here is the solution:

The answer to this question is based on the Theory of Evolution. The modern chicken must have evolved from something. Let's imagine the very very first chicken (that can be consider a chicken) has come from this particular bird, let's called it the Pre-chicken (but it cannot be consider a chicken). This Pre-chicken must had laid an egg out of which the very very first chicken come out from. Since a chicken came out of this egg, this egg is a chicken egg and therefore in conclusion, egg came before the chicken! (Solved)

Just some food for thought here. Is there anyone who disagree with the solution?


Written on 19 Aug 2005, posted on Multiply




How do you feel about HwaChong merging with The Chinese High School?

"How do you feel about HwaChong merging with The Chinese High School?" This is the single most thought provoking question asked nowadays (except perhaps "what do you think of the name of the new school?"), and the most interesting answer I've heard is: "Ok wat, we're from the same family..." by a TCHS guy. The reply to that is more interesting: "Unfortunately, there's lots of grudge in the family..." by a RGS gal. (As for whom they are, people from 00S60 will sure know them 'cause the guy is from my class and the girl is from senior class, and they are Angel n Mortal. Can guess? =P)

Anwz from the above exchange we can know that most if not all Hwa Chongians who are not from TCHS are against merging. I don??t know about the rest of TCHS guys, but I'm also against merging. I think both schools have their own unique identities and by merging they lose both their identities. We graduates lost our identities also... imagine next time people ask us which schools were we from and we reply TCHS n HC, and they said, "Huh? Got such schools meh?" *Speechless*

Most importantly, we LOVE HwaChong, and our class, our bench, our college songs, our dances, our crest, but most of them won't be the same next year... sad... However, as Mr Chow said, "It??s for the good of both schools and education as a whole.", and since it's already a fact and it can't be changed, let us look on the bright side and hope for the best.

Btw, I really don??t know what the heck those people deciding the name are doing... HwaChong Institution, Hua Qiao Zhong Xue... I think it's really degrading to use the word "Institution" and "Zhong Xue", it's like HwaChong downgrade into a secondary school... and they used the word "Institution" some more... wah kaoz... Must they copy our "rival" school???

Actually I think our new school name is worst name there can be, until I saw a suggestion in the petition: "The Chinese Institution". If they really use it I'm going to jump off the building...

But then a name is only a name. No matter what has changed, the HwaChong spirit will never change, because it??s in the heart of every single Hwa Chongians.


Written on 8 Aug 2004, posted on Multiply


PS. There's such a big hoo haa last time, but look at what is happening now? Now everyone is used to it and no one say anything. Anwz what can we do? This proves the rule by Rosen Blatt - "It doesn't matter. What you think matter, doesn't."


PSS. Btw, I think his book is crap.



Random ramblings of a lunatic...

Just a moment of your exceptionally valuable time, if you are interested that is.

Disclaimer: This is not a personal diary, so there is nothing here that cannot be read by anyone of you who wants to read it. Everything written here can be read by everyone. In fact, everything written here is meant to be read by anyone who have so much free time that they want to read my entries, as they are just random strands of thoughts that I feel like plucking out of my mind and putting in this virtual world. For any of you who (are interested enough to) think you can find my inner most secrets here, you are going to be disappointed because this is not a personal diary, so there is nothing here that cannot be read by anyone of you who wants to read it. However, for friends who (are interested enough to) like to know more abt me, you do get to get a glimpse into my inner psyche though (which is not very stable at the moment, as you all can see, due to a very difficult maths tutorial question)... Don't worry abt intruding my privavy, coz everything written here can be read by everyone. In fact, everything written here is meant to be read by anyone who have so much free time that they want to read my entries, as they are just random strands of thoughts that I feel like plucking out of my mind and putting in this virtual world... Hmmm... I noticed I'm repeating myself... I believe everyone here are smart enough to get my point so I'm not going to insult your intelligence by repeating a third time...

I noticed another thing: writing long entries is very simple because you can just copy n paste.

Thus come to the end of my first entry. I dunno if there's any way provided for you to comment on the entries. If there's, feel free to comment, because I would like to know who have been reading my entries.

Btw, if you are still with me so far, you have too much free time.