Sunday, April 24, 2005

The new chinese education policy

Regarding government's new chinese education policy, I just have 3 words to say: "What the fcuk?!" Actually I've more than 3 words to say. Anwz, for those who haven't heard the news, the new policy is that in order to increase students' interest in chinese, they are placing more emphasis on reading and listening instead of writing. This means that the student can bring dictionary into exams and the spelling sections such as 填写汉字 will be taken away from PSLE. This automatically translate into students do not need to learn how to write chinese words.

After hearing this news, I can't help but marvelled at the stupidity of those people who set this policy. For a average student who underwent the traditional chinese education and memorising chinese words the hard way like me, to write a 200 to 300 words chinese essay, I need to check dictionary at least 10 times. I was wondering if these new generation can complete an essay of the same length without checking the dictionary at least a 100 times, if they don't start memorising words when they are young. Talking about generating interest, if I've to check the dictionary a 100 times to write an essay, I'll quickly lost any interest I've for chinese. Or are those policy makers going to abolish writing chinese essays in exam next?

The government keeps talking about the importance of chinese, yet by the way they are setting chinese education policies, they are treating chinese like shit. First the 华文B课程, then the abolishing of chinese as an university entering criteria, and now this.  The first 2 policies are still acceptable. But the recent one... they purposely lowering the chinese standard of whole Singapore just for a few who don't like chinese. This is totally absurb.

Actually this is none of my business, if they want the new generation to die, let them die lor. Who cares? Maybe it's even advantageous to me, since I know chinese and they don't. However I really think PAP need smarter people or else Singapore will be in deep trouble. 

PS. 佩玲,PAP全靠你了!



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