Thursday, April 14, 2005

Random ramblings of a lunatic...

Just a moment of your exceptionally valuable time, if you are interested that is.

Disclaimer: This is not a personal diary, so there is nothing here that cannot be read by anyone of you who wants to read it. Everything written here can be read by everyone. In fact, everything written here is meant to be read by anyone who have so much free time that they want to read my entries, as they are just random strands of thoughts that I feel like plucking out of my mind and putting in this virtual world. For any of you who (are interested enough to) think you can find my inner most secrets here, you are going to be disappointed because this is not a personal diary, so there is nothing here that cannot be read by anyone of you who wants to read it. However, for friends who (are interested enough to) like to know more abt me, you do get to get a glimpse into my inner psyche though (which is not very stable at the moment, as you all can see, due to a very difficult maths tutorial question)... Don't worry abt intruding my privavy, coz everything written here can be read by everyone. In fact, everything written here is meant to be read by anyone who have so much free time that they want to read my entries, as they are just random strands of thoughts that I feel like plucking out of my mind and putting in this virtual world... Hmmm... I noticed I'm repeating myself... I believe everyone here are smart enough to get my point so I'm not going to insult your intelligence by repeating a third time...

I noticed another thing: writing long entries is very simple because you can just copy n paste.

Thus come to the end of my first entry. I dunno if there's any way provided for you to comment on the entries. If there's, feel free to comment, because I would like to know who have been reading my entries.

Btw, if you are still with me so far, you have too much free time.



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