Sunday, April 17, 2005

Me Me Me and Me (Part 2 of 3)

Freud would say your strongest unconscious conflict stems from events that happened when you were an Adolescent. He would also conclude that relative to others, your personality today is moderately affected by the events of your childhood. It appears that your biggest unconscious conflict that still afflicts you stems from what Freud defined as the genital stage of development that occurred when you were older than 13. Freud would say that this conflict can manifest in your personality by making you more prone to seek a partner similar to your opposite-sex parent. However, you have a relatively less conflicted sense of gender identity than most people do. This normally happens when parents successfully avoid all the major pitfalls most parents make in earlier years and the child uses their resiliency to manage any early conflicts.

Freud defined five psychosexual developmental stages that everyone goes through on their way from infancy to adolescence. And each of those stages is associated with adult personality traits. At each stage, we all had to overcome certain "conflicts" or hurdles as we learned new skills and developed relationships with others. No one gets through all five stages without having trouble with at least one of them. And it's this unresolved "trouble" that Freud encouraged people to travel back to, recognize, and overcome.




Your imagination is fueled by a subconscious desire for Intimacy. The stories in the deepest recesses of your imagination suggest that close connections and intimate relationships are of great importance to you. They may also indicate that you have a fear of being alone.

Your subconscious feeds your imagination. It is where your deepest thoughts and feelings are housed and it has great power over how you experience and interpret the world.




Your values help make you a Loyal Rebel. Your number one priority appears to be honoring the relationships you have with other people. Whether this comes in the form of "protecting your own" even when they've done wrong, or telling the truth to friends in good times and bad, you can be counted on to be there for the others in your life. However, those who don't know you may not get the benefit of such special treatment. In fact, when it comes to dealing with authority figures, you may consider yourself to be something of a rebel. As a result, types like you can sometimes question laws that keep you from something you feel is rightfully yours because you might feel you've earned it.

Who are you compatible with?

The values types you're most likely to click with — whether in business relationships or in love — are those types that most closely resemble your own set of values. As a result, people with the same type are usually the most compatible. But besides being with another Loyal Rebel, the two types that you most closely match with are Forgiving Humanitarian and Privacy Guardian.




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