Sunday, July 2, 2006

A short summary of what I did this week

Played some games - DOTA and Unreal Tourament.


Watch My Sassy Girl, a movie I downloaded long long time ago. Very nice and touching story! 4 stars.


Planning and finding cast for mystery walk. Rehearsing the cast. Orientate them.


Shopping for props and makeup at Bras Basah and Bugis Village.


Watched Superman Returns. Is the director trying to compare Superman and God? I rate it 3.5 stars. Stories ain't terribly exciting when the heroes inside are almost godlike.


Arranged to meet an old friend to watch 千里走单骑 by 张艺谋 this tuesday. Finally found someone who appreciate one of my favourite directors. 


Played basketball.


Doing handicraft - making crosses (props) from wood. Cut wood until hand pain.


Yesterday is our hall FOC mock camp for senior. Did a tech run for mystery walk. Cast turn-up rate only around 50+%, but I am thankful for those who turned up. From the comments of those who went through the walk, I would say I am quite happy with the progress. At least 50+% of the stations are good and ready.


Watch a bit of World Cup when we come back. England vs Portugal first half. Boring dao siao. 0-0 until penalty. Watch until I want to sleep. zzz...


Today - ate dim sum with my dad at Suntec. Rented 3 vcds: Election 黑社会 2, Daisy 爱无间, Typhoon 台风. Watched 2. Election is not bad, but somehow I feel very sleepy towards the end of the show. The 2nd one Daisy is better. It captures my attention throughout the show. The girl damn suay, meet 2 guys, all bring bad luck. But the story is quite touching. I am starting to think films starring 全智贤 will be good. 3.5 and 4 stars respectively.


Next week's highlights will be: More rehearsals, moving to new room (housewarming anyone?), meeting up with friends, Pirates of the Caribbean maybe?


Hopefully next week won't be too bored.



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