Thursday, July 6, 2006

Gong Qi Jun

Watched a few of 宫崎骏 's animaes recently - 哈尔的移动之城, 龙猫, 天空之城, 飞天红猪侠, 神隐少女. They are not terriblily exciting, some people even say it is boring. But strangely his animae has a unique kind of appeal that is different from all other animaes. Most of the stories doesn't make any sense (A living cat bus? A pig/human riding fighter plane? Flying castle? A girl trapped in a strange realm?), but stirs your imaginations, and you will wonder what the author is trying to tell you. Then, the scenes are beautiful, the music are smoothing. While you are watching it you will feel very relaxed - it is like in a art gallery and a concert at the same time, and the pictures are moving.




Ahhh... watching relaxing movies in the relaxing holidays. This is life. 


享受人生. =)




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