Saturday, July 15, 2006

What is Happiness?

Happiness is meeting up with friends, especially those you haven't met for a very long time. Happiness is making something you carefully planned becoming a reality. Happiness is watching a very good movie. Happiness is playing DOTA, and win. Happiness is sipping mocha frappe in a quiet environment. Happiness is walking around the school campus in the middle of the night. Happiness is tasting delicious food. Happiness is seeing people rehearse for the script you wrote. Happiness is having a good chat. Happiness is doing all these with your friends. Happiness is no need to study for exams. Happiness is being free to do what you want. Happiness going out with family. Happiness is doing something you like. Happiness is working, when you enjoy every minute of it. Happiness is having no sickness, because sickness is the no. 1 cause of unhappiness. Happiness is having a good book to read. Happiness is having no worries. Happiness is watching animaes. Happiness is being so happy that you can think about what happiness is. Happiness is...


Try to be happy ok? =)



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