Sunday, January 7, 2007

Update 2

Hmmmm, you are still with me? Well this shows that you are a true friend who is truly concerned with my life, or you are a true friend who is truly bo liao. Anw, no matter what, you can see that I AM truly bo liao.


OK, continue my MAJOR update, this time mostly in chorological (dis)order. During the week right after my exams, I've been administering exams to other people, i.e. I've been an invigilator for an outside exam. The job is kinda exciting as you can watch other pple suffering the same suffering you suffered for the past few suffocating weeks. But the excitement quickly died off when you have to travel from Boon Lay to Expo Hall ONE(!) everyday for 8 days.    


Most notable during these 8 days is the stupid aunty (1st timer invigilator) who enjoyed pointing out the faults of everybody. Even I 5th timer lao jiao also ganna fault, and it is not one time but a few times! What "put the answer paper properly la" and "cannot sit at empty candidate's desk la". Wah liew eh, as long as the paper is there, who cares if it's put upside down??? (And I didn't put upside down lor, I just didn't take the pains to align the papers carefully so that they are parallel to the sides of the table. Liddat also tio gan. WTF.) Cannot sit at the candidate's desk??? First, I must state that we are allowed to sit. Maybe she was concerned that I might give unwanted pressure other candidates nearby. But, the nearest candidate 360 degree around me is FIVE DAMNNED DESKS AWAY!!!!


Aunty, for goodness sake, don't let me see you again, ever.


Other than that, it has been quite fun: made a few new friends and a few hundred more bucks.


In the meanwhile, I had been busy with production stuff. I've been tasked with (re)writing the ending of the production script. Other than that, meeting and coordinating the tech crews with the directors. Other than that, give some advice here and there, help out here and there. Other than that, nothing le. Haha! Slackest Inner Circle staff around. Anw, I had been helping out the Sound Crew to source for sound effects and music. Quite fun. Get to hear some rarely heard beautiful music. Enjoy. I love production!


Then is the Interhall Contract Bridge Competition. Our captain was very nice, and never gave us any pressure.  He told us that it is just a game, just enjoy lor. However, whenever you made a mistake, he screws you left right upside down like nobody's business. (Tangning, relax la. =P) Anwz, we got 7th, 2 positions below what we got under my leadership last year. Not I good lah, is just that the overall standard increased alot this year. But still... HAHA!


Then there are books. National Library Board is very kind nowadays; it let us borrow 8 books instead of 4. But BEWARE, it is a TRAP!!! The borrowing duration is still the same! Nowadays, who the hell can read 8 books in 3 weeks?! It's trying to make you over borrow, return them overdue, and they make $$$! Lao3 gan1!


Anwz, the books I read for the past few weeks are some books on script writing, Cell by Stephen King, State of Fear by Michael Critchton, Matrix and Universe X (Marvel) comics (they call it graphic novel),and I've just finished The Philosopher at the End of the Universe by Mark Rowlands. If you want me to recommend I would recommend the last book. It tries to explain philosophy concepts using examples from movies such as Matrix, Star Wars, LOTR, Terminator, Minority Report etc etc. (All my favorite movies.) And it is quite a gem I stumbled upon 'cause its categorization is not at the usual 100.00 for Philosophy, but 791.43 for Movies. I'll summarize something from the book for you guys to think about.


The Problem of Freewill: Are we really free? Free as in do we really have the freedom to decide what we want to do, eg eat, sleep, walk, talk etc etc. Tom Cruise in Minority Report said that we are, but the philosophers state that we aren’t.


Why? Because everything we decide to do has a cause, and every cause has a cause. Eg. I decides to eat. Why? I'm hungry, Why? I long time never eat. Why? I've no money. Why? My parents didn't give. Why? Blah blah blah times infinity until BIG BANG! and the universe is borne. Therefore it is inevitable that I decide to eat and since it is inevitable, my decision is not free. This is call Determinism.


There are counter arguments and counter-counter arguments for the above topic (and in the end, it is concluded that we have no freedom). If you are interested, you can read the book or argue with me.


(You see, I really have no choice but to torture u peps with this philosophical mumbo jumbo. Don't blame me!)



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