Sunday, October 28, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Random Thoughts

Emotional vs Logical


"Are you more emotional or more logical?" People have always asked this question. This made me thought that you can only either be logical or emotional, but not both. But recently, while I was bathing in the toilet, I suddenly realised: Hey! These two terms are not opposites! Why can't they coexist? Being emotional doesn't mean you can't be logical. You like apple doesn't mean you can't like orange. So now I finally know what I am now.


I am a emotionally logical person. (I am strongly emotional about being logical.) =)



Making Things Difficult


Why do someone like to make things difficult for others? Why would someone want to raise the unhappiness level in this world? I really don't understand. Army has tons of people like this. (That is why I hate army.) School has some people like this. I don't understand, but I accept it. Everywhere have people like this.


But recently, I meet another breed of people which I never (noticed I ) encounter before. They make things difficult for you because they claim that they want to train you to handle people who make things difficult for you in future. It is for your OWN GOOD.


This is a new one. You can't do anything about it. You can't protest. You can't resist. Why? Cos I'm the good guy. It is for you OWN GOOD. LL.




All they teach is this: Next time you want to make things difficult for others, say it is for their own good that you make things difficult for them.


(Hmmm... sounds like I very emo hor? But actually I am not la, cos that module over le. Hee! For friends who are encountering such people currently, jiayou!)





Recently I noticed a friend's very unhappy msn nick. Apparently she had some problems with her teammates and projects. (I guess maybe she met people who have the characteristic mentioned above.)


Buddhism philosophy has something to say about unhappiness. All unhappiness comes from unfulfilled expectations. Why do you feel unhappy when the person you meeting is late? Because you expect him to be on time. Why do you feel unhappy when you get a C for your exams? Because you expect to get B. Buddhism philosophy encourage us to have no expectations, so that you won't be unhappy. Of course you also won't feel the happiness that comes from fulfilled expectations. But at least you will enjoy the joy of being peaceful.


A long time ago I asked my buddhist friend, "But, it is impossible for us to have no expectations!"


Then he answered wisely, "Still it doesn't stop you from working towards it."



(Actually there are different types of expectations:


  • Expectations which results you can control - "I expect to get an A+ for my exam."; and
  • Expectations which results you can't control - "Oei friend! I want to get an A+ for our HRM project. I expect you to do your part of our HRM project to A+ standards ah. " (If my teammate expect that from me, he is going to be into a lot of unhappiness, cos I will tell him to wake up his idea. Luckily all my teammates only expected to pass... and it is over le. Haha!)

But that will be a discussion for another time.)



Hopefully I will reach Enlightenment  by the time i reach 80 (after I got my Lamborghini and a 5 storeys house). =P



Friday, October 26, 2007

Nice designs

Some nice designs I found while surfing the web. More pictures in Nice website. =)


'yamaha tesseract'


'mazda taiki'


models display outfits from fendi's spring and summer 2008 collection at the great wall of china,
which was transformed into a catwalk during a fashion show in beijing, china.


'death by cotton candy' 2006


'newton's breakfast' designed by david asher wilson


an unbelievable fully functional, pedal powered, wire frame lamborghini


the player allows you to use the MP3 player as you normally would, or alternatively you can open its sides and insert your favorite CD


stop war shadow grafitti


clothes peg used to transform chopsticks


'toast messenger' by sasha tseng from sashapure


Suddenly this song just sounded in my head...



Sung by If There Are Seasons' cast. Nice show. Think I will go watch again if they have a re-run.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Powerful people

David Copperfield's performance has been cancelled. Cannot see his performance le. Still need to go indoor stadium sistic get refund. Sianzzz.



Now to watch people with powers, I can only watch this guy:



Peter Petrelli! Woohoo! Haha!


Heroes is a show not to be missed. Every Monday at 10pm, Channel 5.



PS. Does anyone notice that David Copperfield looks abit like Nathan Petrelli?



Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dart 101

Ah, today, let me teach you all something about darts. A dart board looks like this: (der...)

The Dart Board 

The board is mounted in such a way that the bulleye is 1.73m from the ground. The player will throw 3 darts/turn behind a line 2.37m from the dartboard. Now the different parts of the dart board:

The outer (larger) red-green-red-green ring is called the Double - if your dart ganna Double, you will score the score of that segment x2. The inner (smaller) red-green-red-green ring is called the Triple - if your dart hit that ring, you will score the score of that segment x3. All other parts of the segment is called Single - erm... self-explainatory. If you hit the black region (with number labels) outside the Double ring, you don't score anything. 

Lastly, the green circle in the center is called the Single Bullseye, worth 25 pts. The red circle in th center is called Double Bullseye, worth 25 x 2 = 50 pts.

Quiz: Which part of the board is worth the most points?

Ans: It is NOT the Double Bullseye! It is Triple 20! (The red small rectangle just above bulleye.) It's worth 60 pts and the good thing about it is, the area is bigger! Easier to fit 3 darts inside. (Can be done, but not by me. Ha!)


The Rules

The rules of a standard dart game is pretty simple.

Everyone start with 301 points (international competitions, as seen in the video, start with 501). The aim is to reduce your point to zero, before your opponent. Easy. But the hard part is that, you only start reducing points when you hit a Double, either the outer Double ring or the Double Bullseye, ie. to Check In. If you don't hit a double, you can keep shooting and shooting until the cow come home and your score will still stay at 301. (It is possible if you are really that suay.)

Since you Checked In with a Double, you need to Check Out with a Double too. That is to say, when your score reach 40, you can hit a Double 20 and you win the game. If you missed and hit 20, you are left with 20 and now, you need to check out with a Double 10. This goes on until your score become 2, then you need to check out with a Double 1. Your score can't go below 2. Let say your score is 2 and you hit a 1 (or a Triple 20, whatever), you burst, your turn ends and your score revert back to the score before your turn, which is 2.

Tip: Most players avoid checking out with Double 1. If their score reach 2, they will try to burst themselves using their remaining darts and revert back to the score before the turn. Double 1 is damn hard to hit, and I mean it.

Quiz: What is the maximum number of darts needed to win a 301 game?

50 + 50 (Double Bullseye checking in and out) + 57 (Triple 19 to eliminate odd num) + 60 + 60 + 24 = 301 

There is prettier method:

5 x 50 (Double Bullseye) + 51 (Triple 17) = 301

At least 6 darts (2 turns) is needed.  

Why play darts?

It trains your focus, concentration and discipline. I've been reading books, my favorite author Paulo Coelho and some enlightened monks have been meditaing through a sport called Zen Archery...

"The archer ceases to be conscious of himself as the one who is engaged in hitting the bull's-eye which confronts him. This state of unconscious is realized only when, completely empty and rid of the self, he becomes one with the perfecting of his technical skill, though there is in it something of a quite different order which cannot be attained by any progressive study of the art..."

Having no forest in my backyard (erm... I don't have any backyard also) and no money to buy bow and arrows, I've decided that Zen Dart-chery will be the next best alternative. You need to really concentrate and be at peace in order for your darts to land where you want it to be. It is a good exercise to sharpen your mind.

And of course, it is fun!


Ok time's up. I will end my Darts Lecture for today. Hopefully after today you all will take up darts. A dart board is only around $20. A decent set of darts also around $10+ only. You can easily hang the board behind the door of your room.

Class dismissed!


P.S. Btw, did I mention a curious security guard knocked on my door and asked me what am I doing when I was playing darts with my roommate at 2am? Haha!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Froggy Tale

Got this interesting old tale from Shirong, who for some strange reason suddenly felt creative and pened this down on her blog =P :




Once upon a time, there was a frog who lived at the bottom of a well. Life was gd by its froggie standards. After all it nv got out of the well b4, the well was the world to it. There was no reason for it to dislike the well; it has the occasional fly to eat and a damp dark place to call home.

As the frog got older, it explored the well further and came to the opening of the well and saw the clear blue sky. “It’s beautiful! Now my world has just gotten better. It now has a blue sky!”

One day a bird came and rested on the opening of the well. And it started talking to the frog. The frog was quick to tell the bird how gd life is at the bottom of the well, "you should come down and see really, there’s even a beautiful blue round sky!"


"Round sky??" the bird thought. Then it occurred to the bird that the sky did appear round to the frog at the bottom of the well, after all that was all it could see from there. However the frog was not convinced that the sky was not round. Their conversation later became what was like the argument in the earlier times where Columbus had to convince pple that the earth was round, not flat.

The frog laughed at the bird for its ignorance. Frustrated, the bird flew away.




For some strange reason, I also suddenly feel creative, so I decide to continue her story, and it goes like this:




So, the bird flew and flew, and for a very long time, it just couldn't release the anger bottled up within it from its argument with the frog. 'What a stupid frog!' it thought. 'KNN sibei dulan!' 


Feeling fustrated with nowhere to vent its anger, it just continue to fly... until it chanced upon a man sitting in the middle of Sahara desert wearing a strange bulky white suit and helmet - an astronaut! (What the hell is an astronaut is doing in the middle of Sahara desert is something we will never know.) The bird, who was very happy to see another sentient creature to whom it could vent its fustration, proceeded to tell the astronaut what happened.


"Just now I met this stupid frog, it told me the blue sky is round! This frog damn stupid right!?" asked the frog.


"Oh, of course the sky is not round. But, little bird, I must tell you something. If you go high enough, the sky actually has no colour btw. That means, it is black." replied the astronaut.


"Oh! I see! Ok, cya!" And the bird flew away, murmuring: "Siao eh, wtf he toking sia?!" And the Ah Beng bird who spoke lots of coarse language will not be seen in the story again, hopefully.


After the bird left, the astronaut went into his space shuttle and blasted off into outer space. He travelled for years in outer space until one day, he saw this gigantic being radiating holy light in front of his space shuttle. Other than size, other aspect of this alien being was strangely similar to a human being. The astronaut stopped his space shuttle, stepped out (floating), and asked,


"Who are you?"


"I AM THE CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE," replied the giant being.


The astronaut was awestruck. Trying to start a conversation, he said,


"I see... haha... eh... You know, before I saw you, the last conversation I had was with a bird."




"Yup. It told me the sky is blue, but I told it otherwise. The sky is actually black if you go high enough! Haha! Interesting right?"




"If you say so. You are the Creator wad. Ok, I make a move first. Cya!"


"BYE!" After waving goodbye to the astronaut, the Creator said to himself, "HAHA! YOU ARE ALL MORONS! STUPID! COCK! I AM THE SMARTEST!!!" (At this point, the Ah Beng bird, which was actually a male flying chicken, sneezed. "AH-CHOO! ... Tmd! Someone must be talking bad things behind me. Fcuk!" And then it continued its flight towards its homeland, Singapore.)  


Then something strange happened. In the black empty void of the outer space, the Creator heard something he had never heard before... "tap tap tap tap...tap tap..."


It sounded like some bo liao blogger typing on a keyboard......



And all this while, oblivious to what is happening, the frog was either happily swimming in his well (using breast stroke), or happily sunbathing and enjoying his blue round sky. It is a well world indeed.






What is the moral of story? 



Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Mystery of the "Tok... Tok... Tok..." Sound

It was 2+am in the middle of the night. A middle-aged lady security guard was walking her rounds around the various blocks in Hall 11 as usual. Although the corridor was brightly lit up, it was very quiet as most of the residents are asleep. She could even hear the sound of her footsteps.


In the midst of her rounds, she heard a series of strange sounds:


"Tok... Tok... Tok..."  Around 10 second later, the same series of strange sounds. "Tok... Tok... Tok..."


Curious, she walked towards the source of the strange noise. It was a room, and the noise is the sound of something hitting against the door. Without further thoughts, she knocked on the door. A young man opened the door to greet her. She asked,


"Why are you knocking on the door in the middle of the night? It is very noisy leh. I can hear you from far away."


The young man replied disgruntedly, "Sorry aunty, disturbed you ah?"


Trying to find out what was happening inside the room, the lady security guard continued to probe, "Why you knocking on the door? Very noisy leh."


However, the young man ignored her question and said,"Ok ok." Then he closed the door. It was obvious that he was trying to hide something.


Yet, the lady security guard could not to do anything else. With her questions unanswered, she could only continue to make her rounds. Still, at the back of her mind, she simply couldn't help thinking what was happening behind that door. Why would anyone knock on the door in the middle of the night??? However, after a while, she resigned to the fact that some questions in the world can never be answered, some mysteries in the world can never be solved. And she went back to her mundane task of patrolling the Hall.


Little did the lady security guard know that, a while after she left, the strange errie sound began again...


"Tok... Tok... Tok..."



(This is not based on a true story. This is a true story. Can anyone solve the mystery?)



I Dont Want to Do a Thing

Yesterday when I was walking back hall from Can A,  a song suddenly pops up in my head. It goes something like this:


I just want to close my eyes

I just want to fall asleep

cos I hate you babe

and I dont want to do a thing...


(sing to the tune of Aerosmith's I Don't Want to Miss a Thing)


I dedicate this song to all my presentations, reports, and lastly, Michael Heng.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lust, Caution

I watched Lust, Caution by myself yesterday. Too lazy to jio friends watch movies these days. Not that I prefer to watch alone. Just that films have become a spur of the moment kind of thing for me. Anwz back to the topic: Lust, Caution.


The film is based on Zhang Ai Ling's novel, directed by Ang Lee. The story's setting is in 1940s' Shanghai, when Japan invaded China.  It's about a undergrad Wang Jiazhi (Tang Wei) who was willing to sacrifice everything she had, education, love, sanity, etc. to kill her country's traitor, Mr. Yee (Tony Leong, my idol).  It is a very powerful film... how a person could sacrifice everything for her country... how she could transform from a carefree school girl into the role of Mai tai tai, a spy in Mr. Yee's family. Yet despite the things she did, all the sacrifices she made, and the fact that she acted perfectly in the role of Mai tai tai, in the end, in her heart, she was still a simple school girl who craves for Love (objectified in this story as the diamond ring).



Btw I don't really recommend this film since it may be a bit arthouse to most people's liking, most people like me. Haha! (Most arthouse films got this common characteristic of being very 'slow' and 'draggy' because they portray in very minute details the characters' emotions and character. But in this case Lust, Caution is slow but not that slow la.) However, it is a very powerful film which can impact or touch you emotionally.


PS. Btw I forget to mention to mention another important cast, Kuang Yu Min (Wang Li Hong). He was Wang Jiazhi's senior in the drama society and the leader of the society.  It was him who planned the assassination of Mr. Yee. But instead of protecting the woman he loved, he dragged her in to help him in his foolish and selfish ideals. I look down on him. Pui!


PPS. Hmmm I don't know why this film / Wang Jiazhi resonate so much in me leh. Maybe is the students were as passionate in drama as I am? Or maybe I'm actually as lonely as and as empty inside as Wang Jiazhi... because I'm watching the film alone?? Haha! (Next time better jio me for movies.)



Saturday, October 6, 2007

I am a Black Monkey...

@_@ |||





You are Black Monkey, whose character is cheerful, amiable and simple.
You possess both smartness and gracefulness.
Your appearance is youthful, and no matter how old you get, you will always have a young heart.
You don't worry much about someone being late with appointment, or your subordinates making mistakes.
Nevertheless, you tend to be proud, so when you face troubles that hurt your dignity, you suffer a great shock.
You tend to be rather faddish.
Even if you are talking with someone you don't like, you can show smile on your face, and actually inside, you are being hard on your preferences.
You hate to lose.
You put in great effort not to get behind others.
You have a tendency to show yourself big, by saying that you know things, even if really, you don't.
In the atmosphere where you can relax, you show great natural sense of humor, and amiableness.
You have a huge dream, and will work hard to make that come true.
You will not get in a rush, and will follow your own pace.
You are good at handling numbers.
You can persuade other by using data, and therefore, you tend to have a bottom-line thinking even in private matters.
You are not good at reading deeper thoughts.
If you can overcome this weakness, you will have far greater chance of success.



Check this out! Can you dicipher what these words are? (Should be kinda common sense.)



Haha! The interesting part is that the word below is flipped over from the word above!



Wednesday, October 3, 2007