Thursday, October 18, 2007

Froggy Tale

Got this interesting old tale from Shirong, who for some strange reason suddenly felt creative and pened this down on her blog =P :




Once upon a time, there was a frog who lived at the bottom of a well. Life was gd by its froggie standards. After all it nv got out of the well b4, the well was the world to it. There was no reason for it to dislike the well; it has the occasional fly to eat and a damp dark place to call home.

As the frog got older, it explored the well further and came to the opening of the well and saw the clear blue sky. “It’s beautiful! Now my world has just gotten better. It now has a blue sky!”

One day a bird came and rested on the opening of the well. And it started talking to the frog. The frog was quick to tell the bird how gd life is at the bottom of the well, "you should come down and see really, there’s even a beautiful blue round sky!"


"Round sky??" the bird thought. Then it occurred to the bird that the sky did appear round to the frog at the bottom of the well, after all that was all it could see from there. However the frog was not convinced that the sky was not round. Their conversation later became what was like the argument in the earlier times where Columbus had to convince pple that the earth was round, not flat.

The frog laughed at the bird for its ignorance. Frustrated, the bird flew away.




For some strange reason, I also suddenly feel creative, so I decide to continue her story, and it goes like this:




So, the bird flew and flew, and for a very long time, it just couldn't release the anger bottled up within it from its argument with the frog. 'What a stupid frog!' it thought. 'KNN sibei dulan!' 


Feeling fustrated with nowhere to vent its anger, it just continue to fly... until it chanced upon a man sitting in the middle of Sahara desert wearing a strange bulky white suit and helmet - an astronaut! (What the hell is an astronaut is doing in the middle of Sahara desert is something we will never know.) The bird, who was very happy to see another sentient creature to whom it could vent its fustration, proceeded to tell the astronaut what happened.


"Just now I met this stupid frog, it told me the blue sky is round! This frog damn stupid right!?" asked the frog.


"Oh, of course the sky is not round. But, little bird, I must tell you something. If you go high enough, the sky actually has no colour btw. That means, it is black." replied the astronaut.


"Oh! I see! Ok, cya!" And the bird flew away, murmuring: "Siao eh, wtf he toking sia?!" And the Ah Beng bird who spoke lots of coarse language will not be seen in the story again, hopefully.


After the bird left, the astronaut went into his space shuttle and blasted off into outer space. He travelled for years in outer space until one day, he saw this gigantic being radiating holy light in front of his space shuttle. Other than size, other aspect of this alien being was strangely similar to a human being. The astronaut stopped his space shuttle, stepped out (floating), and asked,


"Who are you?"


"I AM THE CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE," replied the giant being.


The astronaut was awestruck. Trying to start a conversation, he said,


"I see... haha... eh... You know, before I saw you, the last conversation I had was with a bird."




"Yup. It told me the sky is blue, but I told it otherwise. The sky is actually black if you go high enough! Haha! Interesting right?"




"If you say so. You are the Creator wad. Ok, I make a move first. Cya!"


"BYE!" After waving goodbye to the astronaut, the Creator said to himself, "HAHA! YOU ARE ALL MORONS! STUPID! COCK! I AM THE SMARTEST!!!" (At this point, the Ah Beng bird, which was actually a male flying chicken, sneezed. "AH-CHOO! ... Tmd! Someone must be talking bad things behind me. Fcuk!" And then it continued its flight towards its homeland, Singapore.)  


Then something strange happened. In the black empty void of the outer space, the Creator heard something he had never heard before... "tap tap tap tap...tap tap..."


It sounded like some bo liao blogger typing on a keyboard......



And all this while, oblivious to what is happening, the frog was either happily swimming in his well (using breast stroke), or happily sunbathing and enjoying his blue round sky. It is a well world indeed.






What is the moral of story? 



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