Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lust, Caution

I watched Lust, Caution by myself yesterday. Too lazy to jio friends watch movies these days. Not that I prefer to watch alone. Just that films have become a spur of the moment kind of thing for me. Anwz back to the topic: Lust, Caution.


The film is based on Zhang Ai Ling's novel, directed by Ang Lee. The story's setting is in 1940s' Shanghai, when Japan invaded China.  It's about a undergrad Wang Jiazhi (Tang Wei) who was willing to sacrifice everything she had, education, love, sanity, etc. to kill her country's traitor, Mr. Yee (Tony Leong, my idol).  It is a very powerful film... how a person could sacrifice everything for her country... how she could transform from a carefree school girl into the role of Mai tai tai, a spy in Mr. Yee's family. Yet despite the things she did, all the sacrifices she made, and the fact that she acted perfectly in the role of Mai tai tai, in the end, in her heart, she was still a simple school girl who craves for Love (objectified in this story as the diamond ring).



Btw I don't really recommend this film since it may be a bit arthouse to most people's liking, most people like me. Haha! (Most arthouse films got this common characteristic of being very 'slow' and 'draggy' because they portray in very minute details the characters' emotions and character. But in this case Lust, Caution is slow but not that slow la.) However, it is a very powerful film which can impact or touch you emotionally.


PS. Btw I forget to mention to mention another important cast, Kuang Yu Min (Wang Li Hong). He was Wang Jiazhi's senior in the drama society and the leader of the society.  It was him who planned the assassination of Mr. Yee. But instead of protecting the woman he loved, he dragged her in to help him in his foolish and selfish ideals. I look down on him. Pui!


PPS. Hmmm I don't know why this film / Wang Jiazhi resonate so much in me leh. Maybe is the students were as passionate in drama as I am? Or maybe I'm actually as lonely as and as empty inside as Wang Jiazhi... because I'm watching the film alone?? Haha! (Next time better jio me for movies.)



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