Thursday, January 1, 2009

1st entry in 2009

Time passes so fast, 2008 passed with a blink of an eye. (*blink blink* Shit. Now still 2009.) Looking back, 2008 is an important milestone year in my life, just as 1983, 1989, 1991, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2004.


Why are 'milestone years' so important?


Coz too often, you have to fill in those years into those stupid forms which asked the same questions over and over and over and over again.


Enough said. I seldom blog these days as I am extremely busy with something else (erm, see previous entry), hence, kinda lost the skill to blog/crap about the some of the most mundane and meaningless stuff in life.


You see, every so often, once I started working, the most meaningful goal that excites me these days is very often... a quest in some game, eg. kill the same type of monster over and over and over again until you get a rare drop. *Pause* Erm ok, not very meaningful. Haha!


For the pass 25 years I have been like water in a river rushing along day after day towards the ocean. Now I have finally reached the big wide ocean. Now what?


Suddenly a thought strikes me: there are people who are passionate about their job, and there are people who are enduring their job. When I was in hall production, I can differentiate between these people. Now... I can't. Instead, I can only see TGIFs everywhere. (Today is Friday! Heehee! )


Bosses can make the job more endurable for people. But how can they make people more passionate about their job? Food for thought.


Seems like I kept rambling about this meaningless life topic these days. Ah heck, 今朝有酒今朝醉,今天有game今天玩。Yeah!



**** Change topic ****




This year total Christmas presents received count: 3. One shirt, one t-shirt, and one set of mouse pad and wrist rest. Thanks friends! =)


This year total expected Christmas presents yet received count: 3 also. Haha!


Anwz for those who don't know, I will be leaving for United States (St Louis, Missouri) for 3.5 months training on 7 Feb. Only 5 more weeks from now. Also, for those who don't know, this month is also my birthday month. And FYI, Chinese New Year also falls in this month. So, for those who can't give me my Christmas present before I leave for the states, I will be demanding my Christmas Present + Birthday Present and New Year Ang Bao as interest when I come back.




**** Change topic ****


Just now talked to 4 JC classmates simultaneously on msn. Come to think of it, the relationships between my JC classmates is one huge complicated web. A is close to B. B is close to C. But A finds it awkward to talk to C. Etc etc. And normally this kind of complicated relationships are usually between different gender. For the guys in my class, our friendships go way back to secondary school, so we don't have such complications. Although there are classmates I don't usually talk to, I will still think of them from time to time.


After all, we spent the best 2 years of our lifes together. 


00S60. Wish you all a Happy New Year!




  1. Christmas Present + Birthday Present and New Year Ang Bao as interest? o_oGood stuffs are worth waiting for kay.. hahahaha. you\'re christmas present won\'t be done so soon wor.. I\'m trying to think of a logo and tag line for you. hahaha. do you have any tagline that you want for yourself? XD maybe not tagline tagline but a line? D: can meet before u fly? D: will try to get minghui to go out too!

  2. True true. I had received a birthday present half a year overdued before, which was quite a pleasant surprise. And it was a surprise because... you know... Haha! Tagline ah, something to do with life or philosophy or something deep or unexpected or surprising ba. Haha! Of course can meet before I fly. Ask me out ask me out!
