Saturday, May 30, 2009


An instructor told me when I am in US:


"It is always a good experience to live abroad for a while. Not only can you see new things in new country, you also see new things when you go back to your old country."


I am back. He is correct.


I see many things now with cynicism. Many things are so stupid. Hall allocation. Swine flu alert levels. Case of NTU student suicide. Etc. People wasting energies on purposeless things. *Yawn*.


And because many things have become purposeless... time has lost its value to me. These days my working hours on weekdays have increased from 830 to 6 to 7 to 7. Plus I have to work on Saturadays. But the funny thing is, I don't feel a thing. No dulan, no complaints. OT OT lor. No big deal. Nothing else purposeful to do anyway.


When you take the Slack philosophy to the extreme, you will find that you won't mind Work anymore.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Btw, I have already concluded my search to the Purpose of Life, at least for now, after a good chat with Jiamin. The single most important thing in Life. The thing that, without which, you will find your life utterly meaningless. The Answer that everyone seeks, the Truth, and that is... *drum roll...*




The Meaning of Life of a person = the Object of Passion of the person. There is no universal "Meaning of Life".  There is no meaning to Life. I have search for it before I went US. I have search for it half a world away in US. I have even drove 5 hours to search for it in Chicago. It is not there. My 3 months in US is purposeless. I felt the angst of an existentialist during my last month in US, when I am all alone with a car and an apartment.


Only when Jiamin asked me, "how you feel when you are doing production?" Then it hit me. The reason why people can find meaning in life climbing Mt Everest.




The Meaning of Life is different for different people. Climbing Mt Everest. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. Doing Productions. "God". Etc. Anything can be one's meaning of life, if it is also an object of one's passion.


Don't know why I took so long to realised it. Currently, I have no passion. Everything is meaningless, purposeless. Everything is so stupid. But it doesn't matter anymore, cos I already know the Reason.


Life goes on until I find the object of my passion. Then, life still goes on.



Friday, May 22, 2009

Hall Allocation

I find the whole thing really absurd. The student body completely rejects "3 person per room" scheme. The student body complains cannot get enough room. Of course, SAO spending so much effort coming up with a stupid plan that allocate rooms by distance from home rather than by merit doesn't help solve the problem. In fact, it has nothing to do with the Problem. And what is the Problem??


There is NOT ENOUGH rooms for all the students who want a room!


How do you solve a Demand-Supply problem? Simply increase supply or/and reduce demand!


Of course, one doesn't build new halls overnight. And raising price of rooms to decrease demand is inhumane. So actually the best solution is the "3 person per room scheme"!


I don't know why the student body protest so vehemently against it. I am also surprised that SAO gave the scheme up so easily. (Authority usually never listens to mass.) Actually what the scheme needs is just a little modification to make it work.


The reason why the student body protest so vehemently against it is simply because they are used to double or single rooms. So to work around it, simply allocates triple rooms to the freshies, who ain't used to the comfort of a double room! This works two-ways: First, more supply is created, leaving more rooms for the seniors. Second, it reduces demands, as less freshies may want to squeeze in a triple room.


The second adjustment to the scheme is simply to make the triple rooms cheaper per pax! Even if the price per pax in triple rooms is reduced by half of that in double rooms, the hall still collects 50% more fees for each double room that is converted to triple room. I am sure some less well-off seniors may even volunteerily opt for triple rooms if the price to stay in hall is reduced.


So in conclusion, just a word to say to NTU authorities and student leaders: Instead of focusing your energies on the allocation plans, think of something that will actually SOLVE the Problem. What is the point of trying different ways to allocate rooms if you don't have enough rooms to allocate in the first place?? Or should I say, if you have enough rooms to allocate in the first place, you don't have to think so hard about allocating rooms?


P.S. That reminds me of the shuttle bus waiting problem. Every year the bus routes changes. For f**k?!? It just makes me laugh. Haha!



Thursday, May 14, 2009


Just a little observation before I start: Why these days most of my fellow blogger friends stop blogging anymore? Is it because that I stopped blogging? Hahaha!


Anw I think I wrote before that I can't blog on my laptop cos for some reason my Window Vista don't allow me to login to msn space. If I want to blog, I can only blog from my workplace. But of course, it is not right to blog during work, and so I didn't blog. With everything accounted for, let me start blogging proper:


(Don't ask me why am I blogging now. If I have a choice, I won't be. In fact, I won't even be at my workplace.)


So, what the hell have I been doing these days?


Ever since my colleague went back to Singapore a month ago, I have been left on my own in a foreign country half a world away from home. But on the up side, my company had left me a car and an apartment with 2 bedrooms. (One of the bedrooms has became my wardrobe.) And so, with the car, I had been travelling around the city, and even to another city, when I am not working.


However, after a while, I found out that my cash isn't unlimited. So I opt for a cheaper form of entertainment, watching movies. One difference between Singapore and US movie theatre is that US movie theatres is free seating. So in order to get a good seat, you need to reach early. The other difference is that US movie theatres feature even longer advertisements than Golden Village theatres. This works strangely well together with the first difference.


Anwz these are the movies I watch in US:



Fast and Furious


Monster VS Aliens

Hannah Montana



Star Trek


So far, Knowing and Star Trek are the best of them all, while Fast and Furious and Monster VS Alien are the worst.


Other than that, I also watched some movies on my laptop:


Life After People (history channel documentry)

The Day the Earth Stood Still


Slumdog Millionaire

Battle Royale

Battle Royale II


I felt that Slumdog Millionaire is overrated. Overall it's good but it is just too... artificial. Knowing, Life After People, The Day the Earth Stood Still, watching these 3 shows together really made me think for quite a while... about human species as a whole... what is its purpose, is there a purpose, or just a random accident?


One special mention is Battle Royale, which is one of the BEST bloody shows I had ever watched. How human nature is magnified when facing death. Actually I thought nothing of its story at first. If not out of curiosity why my cousin wants me to order it specially from Amazon, I would never had watched it. Very highly recommended.


Ok, time's up.


Next movies I am going to watch: Momento, 12 Monkeys, Donnie Darko, 1408, Godfather. Ah, and Angels and Demons.