Friday, May 22, 2009

Hall Allocation

I find the whole thing really absurd. The student body completely rejects "3 person per room" scheme. The student body complains cannot get enough room. Of course, SAO spending so much effort coming up with a stupid plan that allocate rooms by distance from home rather than by merit doesn't help solve the problem. In fact, it has nothing to do with the Problem. And what is the Problem??


There is NOT ENOUGH rooms for all the students who want a room!


How do you solve a Demand-Supply problem? Simply increase supply or/and reduce demand!


Of course, one doesn't build new halls overnight. And raising price of rooms to decrease demand is inhumane. So actually the best solution is the "3 person per room scheme"!


I don't know why the student body protest so vehemently against it. I am also surprised that SAO gave the scheme up so easily. (Authority usually never listens to mass.) Actually what the scheme needs is just a little modification to make it work.


The reason why the student body protest so vehemently against it is simply because they are used to double or single rooms. So to work around it, simply allocates triple rooms to the freshies, who ain't used to the comfort of a double room! This works two-ways: First, more supply is created, leaving more rooms for the seniors. Second, it reduces demands, as less freshies may want to squeeze in a triple room.


The second adjustment to the scheme is simply to make the triple rooms cheaper per pax! Even if the price per pax in triple rooms is reduced by half of that in double rooms, the hall still collects 50% more fees for each double room that is converted to triple room. I am sure some less well-off seniors may even volunteerily opt for triple rooms if the price to stay in hall is reduced.


So in conclusion, just a word to say to NTU authorities and student leaders: Instead of focusing your energies on the allocation plans, think of something that will actually SOLVE the Problem. What is the point of trying different ways to allocate rooms if you don't have enough rooms to allocate in the first place?? Or should I say, if you have enough rooms to allocate in the first place, you don't have to think so hard about allocating rooms?


P.S. That reminds me of the shuttle bus waiting problem. Every year the bus routes changes. For f**k?!? It just makes me laugh. Haha!




  1. I\'m not speaking for others but the thing about triple sharing.1. It\'s obviously a plan for them to get more money from students. The cost of rooms is ridiculous. The price for single and double goes up and triple room is just tad bit cheaper?2. They actually by pass the student body and went straight into doing this triple room thing. The school\'s next move is already to execute it whether the students want it or not. The thing that really disturbs me is the way they planned the whole thing. I\'m not a freshie so i\'m not disturbed by it. The thing is they have the brains to come out with triple sharing but they don\'t have brains to make the HAS system a fairer system. It\'s obviously the money that is driving them. I cannot imagine why they refuse to even think and accept student\'s suggestions on consideration for 2 different activity or re-evaluating the whole distance thing.(HAS did meet up with the clubs to discuss this matter. But then they did not even heed their suggestions at all. If i\'m not wrong all they did by now is to decrease the number of points giving to those random interest clubs in NTU because there\'s too many people holding main comm positions but doing nothing about it. Then the next thing they did was to come up with triple sharing without even saying anything and the next thing we know is that it\'s going to be carried out in these halls and the cost of rooms is going to increase? It\'s really the way they deal with the issue. it is not that triple sharing is not a wise choice. It\'s really the way they are handling the problem.)Like i said i do not speak for the others. But being part of the student club last year and the year before makes me more than pissed off about this whole thing. They just don\'t listen, is idiotic, not helping and i\'m so sure triple room got approved by the big shots because of money. They actually managed to keep the whole thing underground and by the time they announced it, the project is already fully planned and waiting to be carried out. I think if they have handled it more wisely, i\'m sure the students won\'t react like that. They might be able to give out suggestions to improve it instead of reject it outright (IF they even listen to suggestions that is)Anyway, one of the issues now is that there\'s so many foreigners who get 9 points for distance by default so they can don\'t need to do anything much and still get a room. If there\'s triple room it would be for freshies and those foreigners who doesn\'t do much for commitment.And it\'s not about the allocation of rooms in that sense.. But a more fairer way of allocation.I won\'t touch about the unfairness between Acad Clubs and Hall JCRC.. That\'s another thing all together.

  2. wait for another engineering uni in changi to solve this problem, haha

  3. Singying, obviously raising prices is their way of discouraging too many student from staying in hall... if you are SAO you will also do that. It is the inevitable effect of a free market economy - it is all abt maximizing profit. It is despicable, but welcome to the real world. These days, schools run like cooperations.Hmmm since the triple room is for freshies and foreigners, most Singapore students should still be happy abt it, since it increases their chance of getting a double/single room, isn\'t it? I mean, without triple room, a local student like us will have even less chanceto get a room.Neh... Singying, you can forget abt a fair system. Think about how to beat the system! Chinese\'s favourite word 关系, you know, 关系! Right Jiangfeng? Haha! How you think pple like Vincent get a room last time??Actually Sembawang is not that far la. I worked in NTU for half a year, so I know. Just need some getting used to. Hall is not a necessity. But I am not an ADMer, wad i noe? Haha! I believe you can get a room de la... you did enuf for hall, I guess. Don\'t worry. =)

  4. When demands goes up, supply remains the same, price goes up. Capitalism. Oh ya, something extra. They stopped the constructions of the graduate hall near 54 for about a year? Now it\'s just a waste land, covered up, with random workers staying in there. They are concerned about maximizing profits but they aren\'t too worried about the money being drained away for holding the construction? The thing about money. Sometimes i really wonder where all the money goes to. =_=(Well, at least there\'s peace and quiet. >_>)LOL! No 关系 already. I also don\'t like to rely on 关系. lol. though it is the most convenient ways. I think one of the good things in terms of \'fairness\' is that they actually sent out the rec list names and state the conditions for one to be considered into rec list. But of course looking at the list, you can see a few names of people who is obviously 靠关系 one? Like go for exchange, come back, still can get room one. lol. at least not like last time. Transparency! <-not good for those who wants to 靠关系 though. lol.Hahaha, i travel to school so often this holiday. I think it\'s not a necessity, probably the convenience. Anyway, i won\'t be taking that many modules next semester, just printer and workshop that will pose a problem. But i get tired easily from traveling =_= i think i just need to get used to it!I\'m just very disturbed by the whole situation i guess.. About the Up there, about JCRCs, how much one should commit during year 3s just to get a hall for the graduating year. And one of the most disturbing is why the unfair treatment to acad con clubs (school clubs) compared to JCRC? I don\'t think we do less work leh. Just because they are HALL JCRC? So all the block managers also get a room when school club president don\'t even get a hall? *shrugs*Hahaha, ADMer and other schools is the same. I think no diff. Except that we cannot really read stuffs on train. Other than that i think we are no different. Contrary to what many people say.Psst. i didn\'t do that much for hall this year. Hahahaha. Nvm la. take train and bus!
