Saturday, May 30, 2009


An instructor told me when I am in US:


"It is always a good experience to live abroad for a while. Not only can you see new things in new country, you also see new things when you go back to your old country."


I am back. He is correct.


I see many things now with cynicism. Many things are so stupid. Hall allocation. Swine flu alert levels. Case of NTU student suicide. Etc. People wasting energies on purposeless things. *Yawn*.


And because many things have become purposeless... time has lost its value to me. These days my working hours on weekdays have increased from 830 to 6 to 7 to 7. Plus I have to work on Saturadays. But the funny thing is, I don't feel a thing. No dulan, no complaints. OT OT lor. No big deal. Nothing else purposeful to do anyway.


When you take the Slack philosophy to the extreme, you will find that you won't mind Work anymore.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Btw, I have already concluded my search to the Purpose of Life, at least for now, after a good chat with Jiamin. The single most important thing in Life. The thing that, without which, you will find your life utterly meaningless. The Answer that everyone seeks, the Truth, and that is... *drum roll...*




The Meaning of Life of a person = the Object of Passion of the person. There is no universal "Meaning of Life".  There is no meaning to Life. I have search for it before I went US. I have search for it half a world away in US. I have even drove 5 hours to search for it in Chicago. It is not there. My 3 months in US is purposeless. I felt the angst of an existentialist during my last month in US, when I am all alone with a car and an apartment.


Only when Jiamin asked me, "how you feel when you are doing production?" Then it hit me. The reason why people can find meaning in life climbing Mt Everest.




The Meaning of Life is different for different people. Climbing Mt Everest. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. Doing Productions. "God". Etc. Anything can be one's meaning of life, if it is also an object of one's passion.


Don't know why I took so long to realised it. Currently, I have no passion. Everything is meaningless, purposeless. Everything is so stupid. But it doesn't matter anymore, cos I already know the Reason.


Life goes on until I find the object of my passion. Then, life still goes on.




  1. I still say its time you found yourself a gf...

  2. Jiahong, u will never understand.

  3. jf, jh is right, hahahaha

  4. Hehe...although it\'s a bit late but... welcome back to Singapore. Don\'t fret. You\'ll find your passion eventually. Passion always differ at different stages. What you may have passion in at this stage, you may not have it anymore in the next stage. So take your time to find your passion.

  5. LOL. jiefeng, if passion is your answer, girlfriend is also considered passion no? XDpassion is something that makes you feel alive.
