Friday, June 10, 2005

10th of June 2005

Yesterday was a truely enjoyable day. Watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with 2 old friends Youjie and Chioboo. Hitchhiker is a very interesting show, quite 另类 , also quite 无厘头, basically I enjoyed watching it. Strongly recommended. 15/4 stars.

'Chatted through the night' after the movie at Starbucks until 11 pm, also very enjoyable. (Pardon me for my limited vocab =) However, I felt very strongly that deciding to chat at Starbucks until 11pm was a very wrong move... 1 hr after I tried to sleep at 1230.

According to my psychology textbook, caffaine is a stimulant which present in coffee and chocolate, both of which happen to present in my ice blended mocha. Anwz, knowing that I was suffering from insomnia, I woke up and finished reading my novel: Ubik by Philips. K. Dick. This book is terribly exciting and mind provoking. The author is a genius! The story is as mind provoking as the Matrix and Sophie's World. And just as exciting (as the Matrix I mean)! And it's written in 1969, way before Sophie's World and the Matrix.

Recently read another book by Dan Brown (author of Da Vinci's Code) called Angels and Demons. Also very exciting, a very good book to read, but compared to Ubik, it pales. Coz Dan Brown's books are just typical detective stories with lots of arts and symbols inside. I quite like Dan Brown though, because his books are easy to read and you get into story fast, unlike books by Philips K Dick. Reading his books is like looking at 3D drawings. You have to stare very hard at the drawing for quite sometime before you get the picture. The picture is usually mavellous, but it can be quite fustrating at times.

Btw if you don't known who's Philips K Dick, he's famous for his Minority Report and Blade Runner.

Ok, where was I? Yup, exciting and thought provoking. Since the novel is so damn exciting and thought provoking, naturally I still couldn't sleep after I finished the book. Damned. As I was lying on the bed I was thinking, since Philips K Dick, the Wachowski brothers and Jostein Gaader can come out with such interesting stories, why can't I?? Hence Goh Lan Yu was borned while I was half asleep and half awake...

Haha I've finished the 1st part of the short story, so full of shit... although I think that the story is so rubbish that no one will read it, but I've my fun doing something creative. Indulge me if you're feeling very bored and full of free time by reading my story and give comments. It's free of charge anwz. =P



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