Sunday, August 28, 2005

Democracy don't work (sometimes)

I'm f*cking pissed off during the online discussion for our Technical Communication project last night. Here's what happened.


The idea of our project is inspired by the Plaza Singapura's carpark, which has an electronic display boards telling drivers which level which section of the carpark has empty lots. We apply this idea to the library, with empty tables instead of empty parking lots. Basically we just attached a small light sensor to each corner of all the tables in the library. If the sensors are covered with something, say, book or bag, it means that the quarter of the table is occupied. All these sensors are linked to a display board at the entrance of the library, telling the students which tables at which sections are empty, thus making it easy and convenient for the students to find empty tables.


I personally feel that although the idea may not be the BEST, it's good and simple enough. HOWEVER, when I proposed the idea two weeks ago, I met surprisingly strong opposition (In fact, all the rest of my group opposed it!).


Reason 1: "Just not good lah."




"Elaborate please."


Reason 2: "Not flexible leh."




"Can you further elaborate?"


Reason 3: "Even if they occupied the seat, they may not cover the sensor."


(I was trying to keep my calm.)


"Surely they can find something to cover the sensor. Things like bags, books, wallet etc. Even if they are naked, they can grab a book from the shelf and cover the sensor right?"


Reason 4: "They die die don't want to put how?"


(I was trying VERY hard to keep my calm.)


"We can put some posters to remind the students to cover the sensors. I'm sure NTU students won't deliberately sabotage their schoolmates."


Reason 5: "Hmmm... But I still think it's not good. Power failure how?"


(This paragraph has been censored by the management of MSN Spaces due to the vulgarity of the language. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.)



Anwz at that time I totally gave up. But after they considered all the other ideas that we brainstormed, somehow they decided to use back my idea, idea of a Simplist. This brought us to the meeting last night, where we were supposed to come out with a proposal. Problems soon arosed. It was 11pm.


"What if people put their bags over the sensors and leave, thus hogging the table?"


To this I suggested we state in the scope of our project that we won't be addressing this problem, since the objective of this project is just to help students find empty tables. Simple and elegant solution to a problem - just ignore it. My style perfectly.


"The project seems incomplete this way. Not very good. What about putting extra body sensors such as heat or motion sensors?"


We were already hard pressed with dealing with problems (such as pple who die die don’t cover sensors and power failures?) of the existing idea. Now someone came up with a solution that increases the complexity of our project twofold. Of course I objected strongly:


"How do we justify the cost of the additional sensors? Is the problem really that severe?"


"Yes, it's really severe during exam periods." (So what?!?)


Fine. I called for a vote. Who want the body sensor? Who don't? Being already irritated, seeing the following reply after waiting for 5 minutes didn't help:


"Sorry I didn't really catch what you all are saying."


Five minutes later another group member said the same thing. Now was already 12am and people were still bloody multitasking and wasting everyone’s time.


After all the explanation, all of us voted. Three against one, one (the girl who was supposed to write the report) remained somehow undecide, and again I lost. I think I am too stupid to understand what the hell they were thinking. Maybe they had something against me.


Well never mind. Then I suddenly thought that a BODY sensor can’t be that small. So I asked them whether they know how big is the body sensor. Suddenly people kept quiet. Then I realized that my group mates only know how to talk. They were absolutely incapable of action, ie. do research on the net and write a proposal of what they proposed. Then the guy who came out with the idea of body sensor came out with another brilliant idea –


Install camera at every table.


It was 1am, we were supposed to complete the proposal by this meeting and yet people still came out with such CREATIVE ideas. Why can’t people see the point of this project? This is a Technical Communication module and the project is meant to train our communication skills. This is not bloody FYP!!! Why the hell do we have to solve very single problem under the sun?! And why the bloody hell people come out with more and more complex ideas??! I guess I’ve to reconsider my opinion of NTU students won’t sabotage their schoolmates. They not only sabotage their schoolmates, they sabotage even themselves!!!


I gave up. If not for the fact that I've so many ECAs I would have volunteered to write the proposal myself, my way, and finished it within one hour.



In the end the girl who was tasked (by the guy who suggested installing cameras) to write the proposal decided to adopt my suggestion of limiting the scope of our project and write the proposal herself.

Btw, if any of you in my group read this, I apologize for being harsh, but I really hope that you can see my point. Next time please back up your suggestions with actions.

PPPS. I guessed I was not very polite or helpful that night either. I apologised. Perhaps I need some anger management too.



1 comment:

  1. hmm... i understand how you feel. Prob you want to try working with foreign students? they are sometimes more expressive and easy-going during discussion! =O)
