Sunday, September 25, 2005


Language is an abomination, especially grammatical correct language. It put a structure to normally messy unstructured thoughts. The essence of the thought is lost when put into words.


Therefore I usually try to express what I'm thinking in as few words as possible. Who cares when MS Word says my sentences are fragmented? (Ok ok, I admit my english is lousy!)


This makes me think of something I learnt when I was in primary school - Haiku , one of the oldest literary forms. It's traditional japanese poetry, with only a total of 17 syllables (5-7-5), making it short and sweet. It's supposedly written when the poet experienced a moment of enlightenment (or satori  for the Zen inspired). Here's a masterpiece written by one of the masters:



I'm damn f*cking bored.

Trying to write a Haiku.

People's head - three lines.


                                                                                ~ IW








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  1. ___()""()_______()""()______(\'o\',))_____("(\'o\',)_____(,)(")(")_____(")(")(,)__welcome to my blog
