Friday, September 9, 2005

Random thoughts of a lazy swimmer

It was a lazy sunny afternoon at Woodlands Swimming Pool. One lazy swimmer was breast stroking relaxingly through the crystal clear water, occupying the entire lane to himself. With nothing to do except moving his arms and legs, his thoughts started to wonder. Lets us zoom into his head and take a look at the electric signals that’s flashing through his brain’s pathways…



A relaxing day… feels so good to find an almost empty swimming pool… (no ‘scenery’ though)… what a good way to start the one week break…


Finished two laps… finally some exercise after seven weeks… had the weird feeling of muscles disintegrating for the past few weeks… integrating… maths… arghhh… I hate maths… have to brush up my maths during recess…


Sixth lap… swimming so relaxing… everyday can swim so good… no worries… blue water… clear sky… light waves at the bottom of the pool… the world is so magical… life is beautiful… I'm getting closer to Lao Tse's Way of Tao... Be one with nature...


How many laps have I swum… eight or ten? … posted a question to Ask a Philosopher two day ago – ‘What’s the meaning of life? Why on earth do we exist?’… Will I get an answer? Is there an answer? ... Could it be that our life has no meaning at all? … Why the hell are we slogging like hell? … Can’t we swim everyday? …


Fourteenth lap… the pool getting more crowded… I want to write something different for my blog… something that may be reader-unfriendly… but I don’t care… I’m going to write about me swimming… ‘Random thoughts of a lazy swimmer’ will be a nice title…


The nineteenth, second last lap… feels like stopping… not that I’m tired, but just feeling too lazy to continue… no, I must persevere… not that it’s very difficult, since I’m not that tired… why the hell is that bugger cutting into my lane… I know you swim very fast, but you can’t swim straight ah?! …


Last lap… OMG! The same mother fu*ker see me coming still swim towards me head on! Wah lao eh! …



… Finally the lazy swimmer reached the other side of the pool. He got out off water, bathed, and cycled happily back home.



Moral of the story: Do NOT swim zig-zag in the swimming pool!





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