Thursday, September 1, 2005


Just ate a Swenson Ice Cream Cake in hall for no particular reason.


This entry is not about the ice cream cake. It is about the dry ice  in the cake box.


Dry ice always mesmerise me. It's really fasinating to watch them bubbling in hot water and produce tons of smoke. And it reminds me of the our hall production in DBS Repertory Theatre when I was year one. The play's title is 简单快乐, and it's about a wise old man going around selling 'Happiness' for one cent. Strangely, many people didn't buy it though. Some dismissed him as senile. Some didn't have the exact one cent that he wanted.


One scene that I remembered most is when the old man slowly took a handful of smoke from the box of 'Happiness' and pass it to the loving couple, telling them:


"快乐,握得住,握不住,就掌握在自己手里 。"


The play ends with the old man saying:


"什么不是快乐 ?"


And it sets us thinking...


What is Happiness in the first place? It's nothing more than smoke. It's in every single small little thing. Like eating a Swenson Ice Cream Cake together with friends for no reason. Like finishing a very difficult Circuits tutorial. Like surprisingly got friend buying back pizza to treat us. Like hearing the news of a friend who didn't have enough points to stay suddenly got a room in hall. Like being able to breath in fresh air. Like suddenly got an opportunity to play with dry ice. Blah blah blah. 


What is not happiness? =)



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