Sunday, January 1, 2006

Happy New Year!

Actually I've been feeling quite emotionless (hmmm... feel emotionless??) these days. New year? New year new year lor, what's there to be excited about?? Maybe I finally attained the state of Buddism's 'emptiness'. Anwz, if there is anything I want to wish for in year 2006...


  1. Get more As to decorate my Bs in the upcoming sems, and no Cs please.

  2. Me, my family and my friends stay healthy and happy. 

Has been thinking of my HC friends recently - classmates, seniors, juniors, angels, mortals, cca friends etc, esp those I haven't seen in a long long while... wondering how have they been. I guess I'm too lazy to call them up or to organise an outing or something. Hopefully we'll have a chance to meet during CNY eve. Anwz hereby I sincerely wish them to have a Happy New Year. Take care friends. =)



1 comment:

  1. what an oxymoron! =O) keke devil, do take care k? find more excitement in life! It\'s not good to "feel" emotionless for too long!
