Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Quote from my previous entry:


"WHY IN HELL do I agree to join Production, which requires me to work like shit, burn my Sundays, yet still have to canvess (pay) $250, and sell 10 tickets? (This won't happen again.)"


Actually despite all my complaints, somehow or rather, I found that I've been joining productions throughout my school years since I first joined HuangCheng in JC. And the answer to the above question is...


... Everytime when I look back at the 3 productions I've joined, no matter what post I was in (J1 as Publicity Member, J2 as Publicity Leader, Uni Yr 1 as Props Member), I'll feel the deep sense of satisfaction of a job well done, even up til now.


And that's why I decided to help my cock roomie when he agreed to become the Props Master when he don't know anything about props. Props... Haha... I can still remember that when I first joined HuangCheng in JC, I first joined as Props... for ONE day, before I deflect to Publicity, after I found out how xiong Props is. To think now even though I know there's a shit hole in front of me, I still step right into the middle of it... not once, but twice! (Last year and this year =)


Now that we've found most of our props, it's not that stress anymore, and so it's ok now. And I was actually quite touched by some of the subcommers and producers and directors for actually helping us to find the stuff we need. 2 of the girls even carry empty boxes from as far as SRC back to hall to give us. This is the one thing you won't found in most other ECAs: a sense of commradeship - people helping each other to make the thing a success. If you guys (as in all my subcommers and producers and directors) are reading this, you have my most truely heartfelt thanks.


I hope that this year's hall production will be a success. And lastly, I got TEN tickets to sell (arghhh!), PLEASE BUY TICKETS FROM ME!




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