Friday, June 29, 2007


Spent 3 days 2 nights in Ubin this week, 1 night and 1 day more than planned (I was persuaded/forced). Getting more slack in an already very slack life... so much so that even a slack person like me can't stand the slackness of such a slack vacation. Hmmm I still can't enter the zen-like peacefulness of doing nothing for long. Guess I'm still an action person. (haha like real! =P)


Did nothing much in Ubin. Cycled and trekked and explored the entire island in 3 days. Talk cock, play games, watched tv, jacuzzi-ed and catch up with 3 of my old JC friends at the chalet. A relaxing trip.


Anw now is a good time to go Ubin, cos it is durian and rambutan season! If you are lucky you might still kapo a few fruits before the locals kapo all of them away. Enjoyed a few free durians there. Song! =P


And btw, if you are going Ubin, be sure to find and see the Guan1 Yin1 Stone. It is along the road between the jetty and Marina Country Club Chalets. It is a huge natural formation of rocks that looks very much like Guan Yin and she overlooks the quarry lake. Legends (an old man who lived across the road told us) says that the 'statue'  suddenly appeared one day and 2 trekkers discovered it first. He said that once, many pple died in the quarry lake and their ghosts wandered around Ubin. However after Guan Yin appeared to save their spirits, haunting incidents were not heard anymore. And from then on, no one else has died in the lake. 


Well, I don't know whether it's true or not. But the rock formation looks really like Guan Yin and if you noticed, it is of a different colour (white) from the surrounding rocks (grey). And it is really huge (it's across the lake from where we saw it), I guess nobody could have carved it. No matter whether it is man made or natural, it is worth a look if you go Ubin. =)


Something that is off topic. A friend told me of an interesting Haiku while we were at Ubin. A Haiku is an ancient 3-lined poem from Japan whose syllables follow the pattern 5-7-5. Here is the one he told:



Haiku is simple;

It does not mean anything.









Monday, June 25, 2007



My long-awaited holiday started 2 weeks ago, life have never been more enriching and interesting.


(This is going to be one hell of a super long duper entry. Sorry for the user unfriendliness.)


Right after the end of my attachment on Friday, my dad brought the whole family for a weekend stay in Melaka, together with my aunt's family, in a holiday condo by the seaside. Nothing remarkable in Melaka actually, just walked around its town's 2 shopping mall and pasar malam. It is a nice retreat though.


Bought a nice little book in Melaka called The Monk Who Sold His Farrari, by Robin S. Sharma. I will talk a little about it here. It is a story about a very successful lawyer who have every material thing he wanted in life. However, one day, he had a heart attack the middle of a pack courtroom and almost died. Upon recovering, he sold all his material possessions and went off to India. During his travels, he met a group of sages who taught him the secrets of happiness and fulfillment. After he finished his learning, he proceed back home to teach his protege in law, the author, the secrets. Here are some quotes from the book:


"The secrets of happiness is simple: find out what you truely love and direct all your energies towards doing it. Once you do it, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace."


"Never forget the importance of living with unbridled exhilaration. Never neglect to see the exquisite beauty in all living things. Today, and this very moment, is a gift. Stay focused on your purpose. The Universe will take care of everything else."


"The Universe favors the brave. When you resolve to lift your life to its highest level, the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnificent treasures."



It really feels different when you are reading while facing the great blue sky and magnificent sea from a twenty storey high condo. Only finish the book a few days ago.




Back to the topic. Monday, after sending a friend off to Taiwan in the morning, I went Kushinbo @ Suntec to eat buffet together with my fellow IA mates. We ate from 12pm to 3pm. The food is really very very good. The $20++ is well spent. Satisfied. Recommended: Kushinbo Lunch.


Then I got a temp job on Tuesday: counting pple in vehicles going out of Biopolis. Working hours 7am to 10am, 5pm to 8pm. Pay is good, $10/hr, though it is kinda boring when you are doing it alone. In fact, it is VERY boring when you are doing it alone. It is frustrating staying in the same spot for 3 hours doing a very mundane job. However it is a very good exercise i guess. After the 2 hours in the morning I shifted from the roadside to a small green hill overlooking the street. Sitting in a lotus position, I tried to empty my frustration and boredom from my mind through 'meditation' to achieve a peaceful Zen-like state. As the wise man in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari said, it is important to keep negative thoughts away from your mind and meditation is one of the exercises to do that.


I almost succeed before the time's up. Almost. Haha!


Anw went to watch Ocean 13 (nice show) with a hall senior to pass time until 4.30pm, then back to work again. The evening shift is much more bearable. Switched place with a junior and had a heart to heart talk with the hall senior at the side of a little used street at the back of Biopolis. Turned out that he likes a girl and don't know whether to tell her or not... same problem I encountered about a month ago. I believed that it is not the crime to love somebody, why do you need to hide it? So I encouraged him to tell her straight. I feel that if everyone can declare their love openly without any fear, ie, father to son, daughter to mother, brother to sister, friends to friends, senior to junior, stranger to stranger, the world will be a much better place! Haha! A quote from Manual of the Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho:  


"For the warrior there is no such thing as an impossible love. He is not intimidated by silence, indifference or rejection. He knows that, behind the mask of ice that people wear. there beats a heart of fire... A warrior never gives in to fear when he is searching for what he needs. Without love, he is nothing."


I got rejected about a month ago. T_T  But strangely I felt light-hearted because I've finally ease my burden. The world is still beautiful. (Though most probably I'll stay single my entire life cause no one likes me. Sad. Haha! =)




Wednesday I watched Wong Kar Wai's Dream with my favorite theatre khaki SY. It is an abstract show about a woman dreaming of the famous director Wong Kar Wai making a film of her. In her dream's film, she dreamt of herself (hmm) becoming a horrible lonely old woman who had the same routine of going to work, go home, watching tv, sleep, going to work over and over and over everyday. In fact, there is 2 version of her, one present and one future (the old woman), each being "each other's worst nightmare", and unsure of who is dreaming of who.


In retrospect, watching the show is like... Dreaming. It is as if we are living in one big dream. I guess the director is trying to tell us to















Ironically, when we stepped out of the theatre, our minds are so muddled and confused after watching such an abstract dream-like show that I guess it is equally possible that the director is trying to tell us that life is but a stupid dream. Lets just go back to sleep. =)


The one thing I like a lot about this show is that there is collection of quotes from Wong Kar Wai's films in its programme booklet. Share with you guys this one from Chungking Express, uttered by Jin Cheng Wu:


"Somehow everything comes with an expiry date. Swordfish expires. Meat sauce expires. Is there anything in the world which doesn't?" 


I wonder if friendships have an expiry date? How many of your friendships had expired, or expiring soon?




(To be continued…)





Thursday... blogged about it in the last entry. Kinda a free day. Started my exercise regime, finally, after 2 years. A good friend of mine has always been a very positive influence on me. She tells you your bad points straight in the face. Who in the world will tell you you have bad dress sense after only knowing you for less than a month? Of course she didn't tell me I've bad dress sense, she only tell me to buy more clothes, which basically meant the same thing... ermm... haha! Anw she also encouraged me to exercise and join Christianity. It is kinda hard to find a true friend who tells you your faults these days. (Or is it I have too little faults for my friends to tell? =)


Have been running 5 times for the past 2 weeks. Only very short distance, around 2km or less. But it makes me feels alive... cos it makes me feels like dying every time. Anw, I am going to shrink my spare tire!!!


Also I have started preparing for my Final Year Project. Btw for those who don't know, my project is to convert speech to sign language 3D animation for hearing impaired children.  I'm learning how to create animations using animation software such as Poser and 3ds Max. It's quite fun, but now I'm troubled about how an input can called out an output of 3D animation. Hmmm... programming... anyone can point me in the right direction?


Yup, I've also decided to listen to my cousin's advice to update myself daily with the latest news by making Channel News Asia's website my homepage and scan for headlines for a minute or two every time I on my comp. Though I've no great interest in news, I'm going out into the society in a year and I guess I can't be too ignorant of the current affairs anymore. Another minor improvement for me. =)




Friday I met up with 2 friends. One of them worked in Mediacorp's News Division for her internship, which makes her very knowledgeable about how artistes make up to look good in front of the camera. She said my face's most flattering angle is 45 degree. Next time don't be surprised if you see me kept facing away when taking photos. =P Watched Fantastic Four with them. An enjoyable show which don't engage you intellectually.




Monday is the start of my Special Sem's Elective, which takes place every Mon and Wed from 6.30pm to 10pm. The name of the module is Eco-Architecture in an Urban Environment. It is about different ways to build sustainable or even self-renewable buildings in Singapore. Quite interesting. Came across this very Tao-like statement which I like alot in the lecture:


"Change is the only constant."


How true! We mustn't forget to constantly improve and renew ourselves in this constantly changing environment. Do not get stuck in a routine. We need to think out of the box!  Be creative! Innovate!


A question from the lecturer: What is the difference between 'creative' and 'innovative'?


Answer: An innovation is a small improvement on an existing product. Creation is the making of a new product. The time needed to make an innovation is much much shorter than creating something new. The reason why Japan got back so quickly after WW2 is because it takes America's products (which takes years to develop) and make lots of small innovations on them. As results, Japan end out having superior products.


A little food for thought. =)



(To be continued…)





Tuesday was an interesting day. Met up with my JC classmate for a hike in MacRitchie to the Tree Top Walk. Actually the Tree Top Walk is just a short 100m wooden bridge suspended over the canopy of the forest, nothing much. But the hike itself was fun. We walked for 4 hours, from MacRitchie until Bt Timah Nature Reserve and came out of the forest at Dairy Farm. Tiring, but fun.


At one point of time, we were quite lost in the Reserve. It makes me thought of a passage from The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho. In the story, a foreign couple asked Athena (the 'witch') how to get to a tourist spot. She gave them very precise but totally wrong directions. After they left, she explained to her boyfriend:


"It doesn't matter. They'll get lost, and that's the best way to discover interesting places. Try to fill your life again with a little fantasy... Forget everything you've ever learned about the stars and they'll once more transformed into angels, or into children, or into whatever you want to believe at the moment. It won't make you more stupid - after all, it's only a game - but it could enrich your life."


We did get lost to one of the higher and more scenic spot in Bt Timah Hill, but we almost died after climbing hundreds of steep steps... And I think I will be very du lan if someone purposely give me the wrong directions. Haha!


Later we bathed in Hwachong (a nostalgic place =) and proceed to meet another old friend to go Mind's Cafe for some mental stimulation after physical exertion. Had a good guys' day out.


The day end off with us visiting a newly opened magic shop in Orchard. Always love visiting magic shops 'cos the shopkeeper will always perform a trick or two. And this time, surprisingly, an old friend / my shi fu from anther shop in Shaw Tower was manning this shop! Turns out that he has quit to become a full time hypnotist and is now doing part time there. Anw he showed us his new trick which blown us all away! It is quite rare to see a magic trick that impress me these days and it really feels good to see a good trick... the feeling of amazement... Life needs some surprises once in a while.


Actually I also know a trick or two with a deck of cards, feel free to ask me to show them. I love to amaze people too. Haha!




Friday evening I met a friend to visit Singapore Art Museum. One very interesting thing you can do while looking at the exhibits is to guess what are the exhibits' name. This is to see whether you are at the same frequency as the artists.


Sadly, I got none correct. =( Guess I'm not a very artistic person.


Before I met my friend, I bought a book while shopping at Raffles City. It is called The Meaning of the 21st Century by James Martin. The book's first paragraph is this:


"At the start of the 21st century, humankind finds itself on a non-sustainable course – a course that, unless it is changed, will lead to catastrophes of awesome consequences. At the same time, we are unlocking formidable new capabilities that could lead to much more exciting lives and glorious civilization. This could be humanity's last century, or it could be the century in which civilization sets sail towards a far more spectacular future. Decision that will lead to these wildly different conclusions have to be made soon."


Whatever I do makes no difference. So, heck la, I cannot be bothered.


(Are you thinking this way?)


Frankly speaking I think that way most of the time. But I think since I'm going to be an Engineer in future, I gotta stop thinking that way...




(To be continued…)




Saturday is a xiong day. I watched 2 theatrical dramas and listened to 1 talk in one day! The 2 shows are Beijing Ren, scripted by Cao Yu and directed by Li Liu Yi, and Mabou Mines' Dollhouse directed by Lee Breuer. (News report) The talk is one given by Lee Breuer on theatre and is very thought provoking.


"Everyone has an idea in their mind on what the show is going to be, everyone has a script in their head… the bad guys are going to die, the good guy is going to win, the couple will be together etc etc…  You think you are paying money to see my show? No! You are paying money to see YOUR show!"


"What is important in theatre is surprise… When you are driving you can drive with half of your mind shut down. However when a dog suddenly runs across the road you become very alert, because you are surprised. An activity which only uses thousands of brain neurons suddenly requires millions of neurons. That is what I want! I want my audience to watch my shows with millions and tens of millions of neurons!"


Yup, as I said, life needs surprises once in a while. If not, you are not using your brain. =P


Beijing Ren shows the decadence of an once rich family (in Beijing) to total breakdown. The characters inside were all under the 'control' of money and society and were unable to pursue that they really wanted. They were wondering what is the meaning of living this way. All these are in stark contrast with mankind's ancestor (those cavemen), Peking Man or Beijing Ren, who lives simply, without guile and worries.


Actually the theme of Beijing Ren is also quite similar with that of Dollhouse, in which all characters are 'controlled' by a predominant male society like dolls/puppets, which in the end, leads to a tragedy. (Of course the director treat this old 1879 tragedic play the comedic way, which is another discussion for another day.)


Getting out of the stories, aren't we all also like puppet dancing to the strings of society and money?? Which of our action are really our own? Why do I want to study engineering? Why do you want to be nice to me, or your family, or your colleagues? Why can't I say or do what I want? WHY???


Can we live like our ancestors, the innocent and free Beijing Ren ?




Sunday, yesterday, I can't help myself and bought another book on impulse. As you see, the title of the book is very attractive (to me at least): How to Cheat at Everything, A Con Man Reveals the Secrets of the Esoteric Trade of Cheating, Scams, and Hustles by Simon Lovell. Attractive har? =P


I will share with you this little trick I found in the book which you can use to cheat your friends and family. =)


Shuffle a deck of cards. Tell your friend that the two of you will take turns turning over the card. The first one who turn over a picture cards loses. Suggest betting on it, as big as possible, since you can't lose!


Whenever you turn over a card peek at it before you turn it over. Don't hide this, in fact make it quite obvious. If it is not a picture card, turn it over.


Carry on with the game. If your friend turn over a picture, you win. But what if you peek a picture before they got one?


If you peek a picture card simply place it face down onto the pile and peek the next card – if this is a picture card place it face down on top of the first. Keep doing this until you reach and non picture card and turn it face up.


Your friend, disconcerted by this, will reach for other face down cards and flip them over. He can claim you cheat all he wants but you still win the bet.


You see, he turned them face up, not you!


Be prepared to run at this point!




Life is simply enjoyable. =)



Friday, June 15, 2007

An inspiration story (in inverted commas)


"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. "


"Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life."


"When you want something with all your heart, that's when you are closest to the Soul of the World. It's always a positive force."


Quotes from The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, my favourite story book.





Yesterday, I travelled to Yishun to a very rare shop in Singapore, again. The shop is a good 15 mins walk from the MRT station. I found the very rare shop on a friend's instruction the day before, and bought a software needed for my FYP which I wanted to learn during this holiday. However, to my dismay, when I reached home and tested the software, it doesn't work on my comp. It is a 64bit software while my comp is a 32bit system. I need to get the 32bit version of the software.


So there I was, walking back to the shop from the MRT station, wanting to exchange the CD, with great reluctance. The red afternoon sun was burning hot, and I was sweating like hell. Still, I was determined to get the software. But, when I reached there...


The shop was closed.


I was hot and sweating and dejected. I walked past the bus stop on my way back and on a strange whim, boarded the first bus that comes which seems to go in the direction of the MRT station. Since the top front of the TIBS bus showed "YISHUN INTERCHANGE", I am quite confident that I made the right decision.


I was wrong.


The bus turned away from the direction of the MRT and looped until God knows where for 20-30 mins. One word comes into my mind: 'Sianzzz...', followed by a string of other words as the journey got longer and longer, which I shan't write here, but you get the idea.


In the end, just when I was wondering how long more the bus is going to loop, I had came back to the original place where I boarded the bus, and through the window I saw the shop was open again! So I got off the bus and exchanged the CD gratefully.


By then, the sun isn't so hot anymore, so I walked happily back to the MRT station. And by the time I reached the station, rain came pouring down to cool the land. And I breathed in a breathful of cool fresh air.


A good day for me, yesterday. =)




Moral of the story 1:


When in doubt, just get on any bus you want. Eventually you will still reach your destination, even if you have to walk to get there. =P



Moral of the story 2:


Do whatever you want to do when it is sunny. It will rain in the end, and by that time, it is too late.