Monday, June 25, 2007



My long-awaited holiday started 2 weeks ago, life have never been more enriching and interesting.


(This is going to be one hell of a super long duper entry. Sorry for the user unfriendliness.)


Right after the end of my attachment on Friday, my dad brought the whole family for a weekend stay in Melaka, together with my aunt's family, in a holiday condo by the seaside. Nothing remarkable in Melaka actually, just walked around its town's 2 shopping mall and pasar malam. It is a nice retreat though.


Bought a nice little book in Melaka called The Monk Who Sold His Farrari, by Robin S. Sharma. I will talk a little about it here. It is a story about a very successful lawyer who have every material thing he wanted in life. However, one day, he had a heart attack the middle of a pack courtroom and almost died. Upon recovering, he sold all his material possessions and went off to India. During his travels, he met a group of sages who taught him the secrets of happiness and fulfillment. After he finished his learning, he proceed back home to teach his protege in law, the author, the secrets. Here are some quotes from the book:


"The secrets of happiness is simple: find out what you truely love and direct all your energies towards doing it. Once you do it, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace."


"Never forget the importance of living with unbridled exhilaration. Never neglect to see the exquisite beauty in all living things. Today, and this very moment, is a gift. Stay focused on your purpose. The Universe will take care of everything else."


"The Universe favors the brave. When you resolve to lift your life to its highest level, the strength of your soul will guide you to a magical place with magnificent treasures."



It really feels different when you are reading while facing the great blue sky and magnificent sea from a twenty storey high condo. Only finish the book a few days ago.




Back to the topic. Monday, after sending a friend off to Taiwan in the morning, I went Kushinbo @ Suntec to eat buffet together with my fellow IA mates. We ate from 12pm to 3pm. The food is really very very good. The $20++ is well spent. Satisfied. Recommended: Kushinbo Lunch.


Then I got a temp job on Tuesday: counting pple in vehicles going out of Biopolis. Working hours 7am to 10am, 5pm to 8pm. Pay is good, $10/hr, though it is kinda boring when you are doing it alone. In fact, it is VERY boring when you are doing it alone. It is frustrating staying in the same spot for 3 hours doing a very mundane job. However it is a very good exercise i guess. After the 2 hours in the morning I shifted from the roadside to a small green hill overlooking the street. Sitting in a lotus position, I tried to empty my frustration and boredom from my mind through 'meditation' to achieve a peaceful Zen-like state. As the wise man in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari said, it is important to keep negative thoughts away from your mind and meditation is one of the exercises to do that.


I almost succeed before the time's up. Almost. Haha!


Anw went to watch Ocean 13 (nice show) with a hall senior to pass time until 4.30pm, then back to work again. The evening shift is much more bearable. Switched place with a junior and had a heart to heart talk with the hall senior at the side of a little used street at the back of Biopolis. Turned out that he likes a girl and don't know whether to tell her or not... same problem I encountered about a month ago. I believed that it is not the crime to love somebody, why do you need to hide it? So I encouraged him to tell her straight. I feel that if everyone can declare their love openly without any fear, ie, father to son, daughter to mother, brother to sister, friends to friends, senior to junior, stranger to stranger, the world will be a much better place! Haha! A quote from Manual of the Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho:  


"For the warrior there is no such thing as an impossible love. He is not intimidated by silence, indifference or rejection. He knows that, behind the mask of ice that people wear. there beats a heart of fire... A warrior never gives in to fear when he is searching for what he needs. Without love, he is nothing."


I got rejected about a month ago. T_T  But strangely I felt light-hearted because I've finally ease my burden. The world is still beautiful. (Though most probably I'll stay single my entire life cause no one likes me. Sad. Haha! =)




Wednesday I watched Wong Kar Wai's Dream with my favorite theatre khaki SY. It is an abstract show about a woman dreaming of the famous director Wong Kar Wai making a film of her. In her dream's film, she dreamt of herself (hmm) becoming a horrible lonely old woman who had the same routine of going to work, go home, watching tv, sleep, going to work over and over and over everyday. In fact, there is 2 version of her, one present and one future (the old woman), each being "each other's worst nightmare", and unsure of who is dreaming of who.


In retrospect, watching the show is like... Dreaming. It is as if we are living in one big dream. I guess the director is trying to tell us to















Ironically, when we stepped out of the theatre, our minds are so muddled and confused after watching such an abstract dream-like show that I guess it is equally possible that the director is trying to tell us that life is but a stupid dream. Lets just go back to sleep. =)


The one thing I like a lot about this show is that there is collection of quotes from Wong Kar Wai's films in its programme booklet. Share with you guys this one from Chungking Express, uttered by Jin Cheng Wu:


"Somehow everything comes with an expiry date. Swordfish expires. Meat sauce expires. Is there anything in the world which doesn't?" 


I wonder if friendships have an expiry date? How many of your friendships had expired, or expiring soon?




(To be continued…)




  1. Jiefeng! You drank coffee is it?! LOL!
    Friendship expires.
    they are also renewable. *grins*
    [May it be in 5days, 5years, 50 years, after death, in heaven, in hell, or the next lifetime...=)]

  2. By the way, Sing Ying here.. lol.
