Monday, June 25, 2007



Saturday is a xiong day. I watched 2 theatrical dramas and listened to 1 talk in one day! The 2 shows are Beijing Ren, scripted by Cao Yu and directed by Li Liu Yi, and Mabou Mines' Dollhouse directed by Lee Breuer. (News report) The talk is one given by Lee Breuer on theatre and is very thought provoking.


"Everyone has an idea in their mind on what the show is going to be, everyone has a script in their head… the bad guys are going to die, the good guy is going to win, the couple will be together etc etc…  You think you are paying money to see my show? No! You are paying money to see YOUR show!"


"What is important in theatre is surprise… When you are driving you can drive with half of your mind shut down. However when a dog suddenly runs across the road you become very alert, because you are surprised. An activity which only uses thousands of brain neurons suddenly requires millions of neurons. That is what I want! I want my audience to watch my shows with millions and tens of millions of neurons!"


Yup, as I said, life needs surprises once in a while. If not, you are not using your brain. =P


Beijing Ren shows the decadence of an once rich family (in Beijing) to total breakdown. The characters inside were all under the 'control' of money and society and were unable to pursue that they really wanted. They were wondering what is the meaning of living this way. All these are in stark contrast with mankind's ancestor (those cavemen), Peking Man or Beijing Ren, who lives simply, without guile and worries.


Actually the theme of Beijing Ren is also quite similar with that of Dollhouse, in which all characters are 'controlled' by a predominant male society like dolls/puppets, which in the end, leads to a tragedy. (Of course the director treat this old 1879 tragedic play the comedic way, which is another discussion for another day.)


Getting out of the stories, aren't we all also like puppet dancing to the strings of society and money?? Which of our action are really our own? Why do I want to study engineering? Why do you want to be nice to me, or your family, or your colleagues? Why can't I say or do what I want? WHY???


Can we live like our ancestors, the innocent and free Beijing Ren ?




Sunday, yesterday, I can't help myself and bought another book on impulse. As you see, the title of the book is very attractive (to me at least): How to Cheat at Everything, A Con Man Reveals the Secrets of the Esoteric Trade of Cheating, Scams, and Hustles by Simon Lovell. Attractive har? =P


I will share with you this little trick I found in the book which you can use to cheat your friends and family. =)


Shuffle a deck of cards. Tell your friend that the two of you will take turns turning over the card. The first one who turn over a picture cards loses. Suggest betting on it, as big as possible, since you can't lose!


Whenever you turn over a card peek at it before you turn it over. Don't hide this, in fact make it quite obvious. If it is not a picture card, turn it over.


Carry on with the game. If your friend turn over a picture, you win. But what if you peek a picture before they got one?


If you peek a picture card simply place it face down onto the pile and peek the next card – if this is a picture card place it face down on top of the first. Keep doing this until you reach and non picture card and turn it face up.


Your friend, disconcerted by this, will reach for other face down cards and flip them over. He can claim you cheat all he wants but you still win the bet.


You see, he turned them face up, not you!


Be prepared to run at this point!




Life is simply enjoyable. =)



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