Monday, July 7, 2008

Comics, Animaes and Games.

Currently reading... YU-GI-OH!


Currently playing... YU-GI-OH too!


It may seems childish, but when a story contains elements of 'Card Game', 'Technology', 'Magic' and a very smart main character... with dark side somemore... I will become a sucker for it. Finally found something for my PSP to do, and also some excitement in my otherwise uneventful life. Haha!



I am an addict for intellectual stimulations... *sniff sniff* What is next after Yu-Gi-Oh? Hmmm... Pokemon?? I love cute animals too. Haha! Going to exchange my PSP for DS soon!



Btw if you love intellectual stimulation... and a story containing elements of 'What Future is Like' (realistically), 'Action', 'Solution to World Peace', 'Prediction', 'Philosophy', 'Cool Graphics', watch Gundam 00! Very strongly recommended! It captured the essence of the classic story, The Foundation by Issac Asimov; applied it to modern fuel shortage and polical problems; then adapted it to classic Gundam's 'STOP ALL WARS' theme; and lastly give it the coolest graphics I have ever seen in animation series. One of the few futuristic intellectual animations with depth besides Ghost in the Shell.


Gundam 00. 



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