Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Drivers I dislike

I always get very bad tempered when I drive. Cos I always encounter drivers whom I dislike alot. Basically they are divided into 2 types:



A) They drive at below 80 km/h on the Center Lane (lane 2) on a Three-Lane 90km/h Speed Limit Expressway, maintain a 100-cars-length safety distance, and are in front of me (need not be directly in front).


B) They drive at below 90 km/h on the Overtaking Lane (lane 1) on a Three-Lane 90km/h Speed Limit Expressway, maintain a 100-cars-length safety distance, and are in front of me (need not be directly in front).



Type A drivers, for goodness sake, don't think you are safer just because you drive slooowwww. Not only you are slowing down the entire traffic, actually it is also very dangerous when you drive slow in the middle of the road.


You may be rammed by irritated drivers behind you.



Type B drivers, please try to understand what is the meaning of 'Overtaking' as in 'Overtaking Lane'. If you don't, please check dictionary. Don't try to occupy moral high ground by forcibly making all the drivers behind you drive at below speed limit.


You may be rammed by irritated drivers behind you, too.



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